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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. It's ****. But it doesn't matter. It'll be like other ****ty movies - get great reviews and make tons of money. *shrug* I've already read reviews that say it is vastly superior to the original in every way and almost eveyr positive review has trashed the original (in order to hype it). But, what do I know? I'm just a sexist pig who hates women. *goes back and watches premium woman hating films like Alien, Scream, and Hunger Games* On to more important topics... Tarzan - Entertaining for the most part. Starting it with already living his life in Britian ruins, to me, the whole point of the Tarzan mythology. It simply adds nothing and is one of those movies that will be forgotten as soon as it ends. 6/10 The BGF - Eh. Watchable. But, again? What is the point of it? 5/10
  2. http://filmingcops.com/woman-shot-in-the-head-executed-by-cop-because-she-might-be-smoking-marijuana/ Hope he isn't this white woman.
  3. "Volo!!!! Stop being racist, he was not Latino,yes he was neighborhood watch ...that case was the beginning of the perceived bias society and the courts had towards African Americans. It started here " The people being racist re the ones calling him white just to prove 'only whites canm be racist' when anyone with eyes can see he was not white. I guarantee you if some white guy had killed the neighbourhood watch guy he would have have been referred to as white. Also, the people who hate blacks the most ar eblacks since it black criminals who enjoy murdering innocent black children . That grandmother whose vid has been linked is 100% right.
  4. Yeah Huialry can win and every time a rape victim doesn't get justice she can laugh at them. She is REALLY good at that. And, Trayvon Martin.. am I getting my names wrong but does that case have nothing to do with police? Wasn't he the one killed by the Latino... oops white civilian/neighbourhood watch guy? Or am I getting the name wrong?
  5. Palin is a douchebag and her opinion is irrelevant but, sadly, she is right., BLM is a racist group intent on committing mass murder and then celebrating. 'Peaceful my ass'.
  6. Also, in Kanada, BLM decided to interrupt the Gay Pride Parade, and attack that. They bullied, shamed, and attacked them. Let's face it. BLM is a rsacist hatefilled organization. Internet geeks say a few mean things on the net and 'Gamergate' is blasted as a hate group. BLM peeps go on shooting sprees yet BLM is touted as heroic and honourable. LMAO
  7. A group that hates others based on race and then takes it upon to murder and celebrate the murder of said race. Yup. KKK indeed.
  8. BLM is a racist group. No different than KKK. But, instead of doing hangings they use target practice and executions. Now, if you see yourselfr as BLM but are not racist or anti cop you need to rethink what groups you belong to. :wink: Sound familiar, RIGHT!?!
  9. Hey, yous exist male pig, why not go back that man's man movie Alien! You knbow the one that stars a powerful male that is beloved by manly men everywhere!
  10. "The police killing unarmed and innocent blacks is ****ed up" The police kill unarmed and innocent whites (as well as other races) is ****ed up?. The issue is that people seem to only care when it happens to blacks. Hardly a peep when it is the innocent old white lady who gets murdered by the Delta squad shooting up the wrong house.... The issue with police is not racism. It's too much power and not enough accountability. BLM is a group of racists. Want proof? Latinos are considered victims of white oppression unless said altino kills a black person that that latino magically becomes a white racist. WTH!?! This black grandmother says everything that needs to be said about why BLM is a joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52eRAimHimc "Too many scared trigger-happy pussies unfit to be a cop." Agreed. Cops like thata re pieces of crap. And, defending bad cops does no service for the good ones.
  11. " I always though Khloe was the good looking one." Ya, gotta be kiddin' me. :puke: "GD how would you address this type of racism?" So you agree that the black Muslim Muhammed Ali was also a racist as he was VEHEMENTLY against 'race mixing'.
  12. Your mistake is believing I need you to believe. I don't need to prove anything to you. I'm here to state facts and opinions. I'm not here to win a court case.
  13. "Volo if you are going to say something as ludicrous as " 22 white children murdered because they have toys " then the onus is on you to produce links? Do you have credible links:?" I don'\t have to prove the truth. The truth is the truth whether you choose to ignore it or not.
  14. "So will Kim Kardashian be his running mate? You know, since twitter popularity is obviously important in the election." Let me guess. You want the pro rapist in the WH, right? I guess being pro rapist is important.
  15. While BLM goes around hating on whites it seems in one of the recent incidents they were protesting (which I think the police were in the wronmg for the most part in both).. the officer happened to be non white. Nobody has really pushed that outside of glibness. Also, no talk of the 22 WHITE children murdered because they have toys. <> WCLM
  16. Can this, at least, be labeled a 'hate' crime? I call it double hate crime. Anti white and anti police.
  17. Different but still extreme for the police to use. Bombs should be an army thing. If you need a bomb to kill one person... that makes me question your ability.
  18. Yeah, that is an issue with the police. Too often they come across as an army. Biggest issue with cops though isn't 'racism'; it is they forget the old motto 'to protect and serve'. As for this attack, evil. Shooting at random cops is NOT justice for scummy cops who abuse their power. This shooting is directly the result of Obama and BLM's racism and hatred. PERIOD.
  19. "you have to figure he's only got one or two good seasons left in him." People have been saying that about Wade for the past 4-5 seasons. LMAO
  20. CLE could only pay him around 4mil (barring big trades). No way would he in his right mind take that huge of a paycut. btw, People will attack Wade for this 'disloyalty' but this is 100% the fault of his former employers who treated him like trash, as second rate garabge, and for granted. They are the ones who have absolutely no loyalty and they paid for it. But, ehre comes Riley's excuses and blame game as they will try to make him be the bad guy. hey, Riley, enjoying the 2 finalis appearances for James with 1 championship while you have 0 championships and one missed playoff since he told you to take a hike? HAHAHAHA!
  21. "but her motives are honorable as is her dedication for public service. I support her candidacy. " Agreed. Nothing says 'honourable motive' than laughing and mocking a rape victim. HAHAHA! And, the demos are cryiung because their bullying and shaming attacks don't work. Once again, SJW Nazis are evil pieces of crap.
  22. S"orry I dont believe thats accurate ....can you provide some links?" L0L
  23. "No I wouldnt make it mandatory in your example as there are so few examples of that it would be unnecessary " Kiddin' right? IT happens ALL THE TIME.
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