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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "They didnt promise it or not promise it." Yes, they did. I know, because people asked the Big Cahoona directly if the story would be good. He said yes. That, last I checked, could be considered a 'promise'. You lose.
  2. "That was never what was promised. DS set out with the goal of doing away with the stats and complication of RPGS and being something that anyone could play and understand. Which is succeeded at." Wwrong. They promised that. Unless you are saying they promised poor combat and an awful story? Sure, they did say they were gonna 'simplify' things; but they never said they were gonna make a crappy story or easy combat. Simple, and easy are two vastly different things. R00fles!
  3. "Well the first one did exactly what it set out to do which is pretty rare." False. They promised a good RPG with a solid story and good combat. They didn't deliver. Anyone who thinks that somehow DS2 is gonna be much better or different are foolin' themslves. DS made money (though unlike the MW and NWN expansions; its expansion bombed). DS2 is gonna be crap. Not gonna touch it with a 200' pole except maybe when it becomes a $10 bargain bin piece of poo and even then.. "The graphics were good though." Yes, this is true. :cool:
  4. "Or in the case of Volourn, both sides can be equally immature. " Yeah; but I post more often here than I do at BIo so I taint Obsidian more. LOL
  5. "The US needs to quit poking it's nose in other countries and attend to it's own problems first." So, I guess you are one of those who don't think the US 9or other countries) should have given aid to the Tsunami struck countries, right? Afterall, we sure wouldn't want the US to 'poke its nose into others' business'. R00fles!
  6. "Anyway, if I'm one, I'm sure there are others, even though it doesn't seem like it." True. But, if they aren't vocal; their opinion means nothing. Anywyas, you can change the forums around to make them go faster by editing your preferences. It supposedly works wonders. You should e-mail a net monkey over there to see if they can find the problem for you and fix it. "maaaaany people don't like their forums. A lot of people are saying what your saying." How many is many? 5? 10? 25? 100 max? Seriously, don't exaggerate. Vocal people - the always vocal anti BIo crowd and a few usually reasonable people like yourself - are the ones complaining. Though; you probably have at least a semi legit exuse. For, myself, I'm not worried either way. I can udnerstand why Atari wnated it done this way (more exposure); but in some ways it sucks but it maks these baords feel more empty. BIO baords don't need more boards. They have lots already..
  7. Calimshan, and its main city Calimport is awesome. Imagine a city where over half the population are slaves. Though; I'd imagine PCs who like gnomes and halflings would not appreciate being considered less than nothing. Calimshan, if done proper, would probably make people think twice before accusing FR of being 'Happy Happy Land'. It really is a desloate place. R00fles!
  8. "am really trying to be constructive, but I can't restrain myself at this point and hold back the fact that I am extremely upset at this decision." Nothing wrong with voicing displeasure. It's when people get all soap operaish is when problems arise. "The people on here are generally helpful and welcoming when it comes to new people." And? This is true on *any* board including BIO's. Certainly doens't make this baord special. All one has to do is check in on the NWN toolset forums and see how 99% of the posts there are helpful, courteous, and legit. The same cna't be said here (even if you take out the scum posters like myself, Hades, and afew others - no offense intended Hades; just the truth ). Though; you are wrong. Often times when a new poster cpmes by the s0 called 'regular's junmp down their throat accusing them of being 3 year olds or BIo fnaboys. In fact, inmany ways, these baords are just as bad if not worse than the 'Codex in that manner. The reaction to this news - over a silly board move - illustrates some of the immaturity here. People should look at the Great Mkreku for an example of how to voice displeasure over the decision in a civil and mature manner. "Custom avatars make the boards less bland." People who use custom avatars show a weakness in creativity, and a desire to be more noticable so meh. "While strangely enough still loading a lot faster than the bioware boards." 7k members to 1 mil+. 'Nough said.
  9. Why are you the only one having this problem. BIO baords have their share of problems - ie. they *are* slow -; but in accessibility for eevryone but you seems to be doable...
  10. "Something dark and gritty, with elves." Add dwarves, and I agree.
  11. Yes, let's hope the next Obsidian game is fully an Obsidian game. If it's JE2 even i might scream. Or not.
  12. At least I'm useful for something. Just doin' my part. <_<
  13. Ahh.. I see. Good side stepping. I alreayd commented on the main issue on the thread. Aptly, per usual, people ignore my on topic comments and cocnentrate on my off topic stuff. I guess I need to be more 'controversal' when giving my opinion on on topic stuff. LOL
  14. "And as usual volourn turned out to be completely wrong." No. I thought they ahd the POTENTIAL to still be great. There's a huge difference, Roshie.
  15. "I just don't like monopolies, but you'll be hard pressed to find any comments made by me bashing them directly. I don't hate them and I have had much fun playing some of their games." You finally admit the truth and admit that EA makes good games. So, theya ren't as evil as you claimed befoe. Kewl. :cool:
  16. "Yes. Don't let your love for EA Sports blind you more than is usual in you. PES owns FIFA in every aspect, except for all the official garbage. And most of that can be edited so it's not important." Wrong. FIFA is superior in most years as some eyars it has adittedly been supbar. Don't let your anti EAism blind you more than is usual in you.
  17. I give examples; you give me mathematic talk. Are we discussing games or are we discussing numbers theory? Make up your mind,a dn we can continue if you want.
  18. "Pro evolution Soccer is definately better than any Fifa product." No. "All I was saying is that sales figures don't always equal popularity." True in some cases. But, in most cases they do help a lot since sells show who was willing to forke over cash to play a game.
  19. "Yes. And I'm a Bio fanboy. You're just wrong." How can you say BIS games are so 'dark" and "mature" when they have comedians like Morte and they have the PC raped by a mutant. R00fles! That is so mature. How exactly is IWD2 so deep when it's basically 'Demon & Devil Hates Each Other So They Use Mortals' in the most basic of ways. Remember, I like these games; but theya re mostc ertainly aren't the hieght of matureity or dark. Neither are BIO games for that matter. Of course, BIo's games have 'dark' and 'mature' stuff too. Or did you forget about the mother whose children were all slaughtered and you have to make the all losing choice (unless you are evil) of telling her her chidlren died or not in which either way the consequences are not good. This is in the OC. Not one BIS situation is 'darker' or 'more mature' than that, imo. Some may be on equal footing; but not more so.
  20. "Black Isle/Obsidian rpgs tend to be darker and more mature. Their games are more morally ambigious and require greater player introspective to fully enjoy. They tend to experiment more with their story structure." No. As for the actual issue, BIo would have done a good job with KOTOR2. I'm sure Obsidian can; and did. I have some thinsg I've ehard about KOTOR2 I dislike; but I'm sure I'll like it overall.
  21. "can get to Bio
  22. "Of course what those statistics don't show is how many people traded it in again at their local EBGames or whatever after they found out how unpolished and buggy it was." Irrelevant. Every game has its share of trade ins and what not. Unles youa re willing to research the numbers for every game; that isn't proof of anything.
  23. "Some people here claim that Bioware hasn't done anything faulty(in both gamecontent and performance), which isn't exactly the truth." Yeah; but I simply tend to ignore anyone who claims anything is perfect.. unless they're disucssing me.
  24. "Not only the backgrounds were better. The overall atmosphere in BG was better. The characters were more fun to play with. And the dialogue, gui, music, party control set BG before NWN (for me that is). If you like NWN more than BG that
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