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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I thought you might have a sample area or something ready to go" Well.. I *could* do that; but since the module is relatively short, every area pretty much has some major spoilers. There are several areas completely done.. " LOL, although a NWN2 demo would be even better." Ha. I read ya.
  2. You want a demo for a mod that will likely 2 hours to finish? LOL Finishing the mod is easy. In fact, it's 99% done story wise (as I only have the last major encounter to write for). It's everything else that needs finishing. Unless your referring to NWN2 demo... Then I'll shut up.... :ph34r: P.S. Those who helped QA it earlier, pretty much got the demo.. And, i'll be buggin' them again as soona s I can. No time line though. As much I bug Obsidian about their project management, my personal project management sucks big time too. :D
  3. Volourn


    Good games, guys! Sadly, I am once again,r eporter of badnews.. thsi time the target is SHARKS FANS as they are proven to be bigots: http://msn.foxsports.com/nhl/story/5607008
  4. "He doesn't mean mental age." Neither do I. :ph34r:
  5. I'm 1 years old so I'm sure that brings the average down.
  6. "I'd do the same if I wanted to enter any other country..." Or would you? :ph34r:
  7. Read it more carefully next time THEN come back.
  8. Not even close to being the same.
  9. Those who are enjoying Oblivion *puke* on it disagree.
  10. "So far the 360 has been all about hype and no delivery." Weird. Outside of the 360 *all* of these consoles have been all hype and no delivery as the other two aren't even out of yet! Besides, andy console that has ME1+2+3, and JE2 is all game. "
  11. "All I did was respond to Volo's incorrect assumption that it was the multiplayer that sold the game." This has *never* been my point.
  12. They'll give us the forums ... in a forum patch later after the release of the full forums....
  13. Not without the DMC! (not that I should say much since I'm done it yet, lol.,..... I'm as bad as Obsidian!... except I gots an exuse.. i'm not paid...)
  14. Argh. I didn;t notice? Is one of my QAers mad they haven't goten an update for mod to test so the sold me out to Obsidian!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Another reason to be "mad" at Obsidian for me! :D P.S. I'll have to rewatch it as I didn't notice the similarities.. LOL :ph34r:
  15. I'm trying; but Obsidian sure isn't making it easy!!!
  16. "Hades ALWAYS says that though " yes, yes he does. Which is why if I *ever* say it, you'll know I mean it. I am really disappointed; but I haven't given up yet in getting a fun product even with all the corner cutting going on due to what seems to be poor project management.
  17. "Though it's pretty obvious Volourn is unhappy with this." hey, Hades is the one who is NOT gonna buy the game now! LOL :D
  18. "Don't be a Wii" LOL Other than that meh. Still, the 'don't be a wii' is funny! :D "Volourn, I've already told you the analogy doesn't work. It was cute the first time in a "heh" sort of way, but now it's just getting repetetive." So are the posts that state the 'DMC doesn't matter b/c only a minority use it' depsite Obsidian's words and actions quite clearly stating it does *matter*. Until those types of posts stop, you'll have to deal with gnomes don't matter b/c few players use them!' analogies too!!!
  19. A lot. P.S. You don't need gnomes, halflings, the evil way, multiple ways to complete quests, or wizards to play the game right so they should be postponed to a patch or just outright canceled as well.
  20. Demos are just a way to show the game in the best light possible.. and, when they don't, it's given exuses of 'it's an early version'. LOLOLOLOLLIPOP Don't think so. After trying to play DS1, and from reviews (professional and boarders), I know enough about DS2 that it sucks just like it's predcessor... even if it's not as horrible it's still horrible...
  21. Let me put it this way: I'm not willing to pay money to find out. P.S. And, piracy is evil, so let's not go there. Thanks.
  22. So is the 'majority doesn't use x feature so it doesn't matter' exuse for defending poor project management. That's what I'm getting at. The more you blindly defend cuts of things that only a 'minority use' the more you are okaying shoddy development. Agaain, while a minority, it's still important... or else why would BIo continue to support it at all? And, if it's not important than why is Obsidian still working on it all? I mean why add soemthing that 'nobody' uses in a patch then, right? Such a waste of manpower... when they could just move on to the next neme. Once again, the object of your affection's only words and actions disproves your theory that the 'DMC doesn't matter'. The fact obsidian has gone all out with mas sposts on this issue gives more credence that the DMC (or lack of one) does matter. And, they know it. Must be worth something. Game over.
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