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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Um.. if it's anythimng like DS1; it's *nothing* like Diablo combat. It's more 'watch your characters kill your enemies while eating popcorn' and listening to porn music'...
  2. LOL No one talk about the rover vehicle? That looks very cool tod rive around with on planets... WOWSERS! And, while this interview covers a lot of familair ground from the billions of previews out there, we get the info from the actual bosses and not some wannabe reporter. So... if things 'change'.. people like Hades and Gromnir can use it as proof that they 'lied'. :D
  3. Volourn


    GO OILERS GO! http://ca.news.yahoo.com/cbc/s/13052006/3/...nton-melee.html
  4. *goes read the bookS of wisdom after slaughtering 100s of xvarts*
  5. M Y S T A R Y
  6. 2+ years is rushed? WHAT!?! It's not rushed; just poor time management at all. I know how that feels. :D
  7. "It's not the fact that doesn't make sense, it's the analogy. If we're talking about cutting completely it works, but if we're talking about cutting at release and patching it in at a later date, then it falls apart at the seems." Why not? They just call it a content patch, and pimp it as and now you can play NWN2 the evil way... just download it for free!!!
  8. Oh? You disputing BIO's claim that the majority of people only play games once and do so the good way only? You are so quick to accept their other asertions but that one? Hahahahaha!!
  9. "Actually female PC's are not in minority. It is a fact alot of gamers play female PC's because they wan't to look at "pretty pixels" in the time that the game takes " Yeah, I though tof that as I was espicially since I'm one of those perverts who enjoy playing with female PCs. :"> The point still stands with gnomes and other issues though. Yeah, A;anshu, like I said it, it was likley not forseen. remember, thouh, it hasn't been officially cancelled. They've said it's possible it will be... I hope they make it in.. I don't care if it's perfect... but, I want an official DM Client on the CDs I purchase...
  10. While it's true that the DMC isn't the MOST used or popular aspect of NWN; it surely has its share of supports. Are they a minority? Yes; but I'd say they're a sizeable minority - as evdienced by the rockus caused by the announcement of it's possible cancellation from the intiial release. Some (not me) have gone as far to claim (I'm not sure if I 100% believe them - looks at Hades); but still it shows that the DMC is not some minor thing that can be swept ounder the rug like it doesn't matter at all. When you have played SP and Mp modules, ahve you used uer made ones? if so, at least a good portion of those were likely tested with the DMC. I know that I test my module (lol, hopefully finished before NWN2 even comes out heh) with the DMC (as well as the player client depending on what I';m testing. On top of that NWN Connection, and PWs which have quite a number of users (even now, 4 years after elease those playing on line at any one time is 1k-6k; not too shabby). They both use the DMC extensively. On top of that, BIO's vision of NWN always had the DMC has a prime pimping point. Afterall, it was the major part of their claim that people could play D&D on their computer with an actual DM (as opposed to computer scripts faking it). Also, to note, Obsidian isn't claim that the DMC is unimportant. What happened here, and where my biggest beef, is this a simple case of poor project management. This is illustrated by them not doing much (if any) on it and then now 4 months before release it they say they will... "They did rebuild the graphics engine entirely. I suspect that when they started doing that, changes to the core engine were probably required (or occurred for a different reason), that the initial hopes of keeping the DM Client the same disappeared as it was no longer possible to just add it into the code base." Yeah, and even me being non techie expert, realizes that so why didn't they? Shouldn't they ahve known right form the start that the DMC would need some overhaul (at minimum) and plan for it instead of waiting for the release time to be right on them (4 months to go; but the issue semingly been there for a while now). P.S. As for the Vampire is useable as proof that the DMC is suelss to sell a product on.. I think it's more of an issue that Vampire was just horribly done as a product alla round (though In never tried it's Storyteller elemen so cna't really judge it). remember, NWN2 outsold either Bg game, and is almost neck and neck with KOTOR a multiplatform game with the KOTOR logo on it.
  11. "Were they set in the Forgotten Realms with custom characters?" POR2. And, it sold well for the first month or so. DDO is Eberron which is an official D&D world that has the races too. 'It probably has a a fair bit to do with a precedent set by the slew of D&D games that don't have a DM Client. In any case, it's not like the game doesn't have a DM. The DM is just the computer." NWN2 isn't a sequel to those games. And, the DMC is one of those things that makes NWN stand out comapred to other role-playing games. It's an (almost) unique selling point as it's the only franchise that offers it (except the silly Vampire game which went nowhere). Aye. The computer can act like a lesser DM; but it's nowhere near how the DMC works since the DMC is like having an actual DM. But, yeah, about DMs not being in the actual FR setting... Well, lol, you got me there. :D "I don't know enough about the DMC, but "part of the engine" might not be exactly the case." Well... being a 'part of the engine' may not be wholly accurate; but the DMCwas/is already there... they're just adding/improving it supposedly. "So is Dark Alliance, since you can only carry attacks one after the other!!!!" DA and NWN combat aren't even close to being similiar despite their use of the same rules. DA combat doesn't go by rounds.
  12. Oh snap! P.S. NWN is turn based (6 second rule) more or less! Oh snap! x2
  13. "Finally, things like Gnomes and whatnot, while unpopular, are a part of the D&D setting. They are probably also easier to add than a DM Client." true. But.. a) Other D&D games have cut these races amongst other things. b) The DMC is a part of the D&D setting as it works like a DM would which outside of actual players is the most important thing. c) The DMC was already part of the engine. This is where I beef is in, and why i say this is more a case of poor planning than vindictiveness or lying like others are accusing Obsidian of. Early in the develoment process, we were told that the DMC would remain the same as in NWN and no changes would be made as they had things that need chnages more (3.5 rules, graphic upgrade/rework, toolset retooling, making the new OC). And, now, 4 months before release, it's 'OMG! We need to work on the DMC but the due date is September so we screwed ourselves!'.. THAT'S why this is so annoying...
  14. Exactly. Just like I would likely have bought the game even without the OC... a decision I *never* would have made before NWN1 when I didn't give a woop about mper or toolsets or dmc and all that.
  15. "Actually Volo, I'm not sure the "minority" tongue-in-cheek comments are as similar to the DMC as we may be thinking. If we take the literal term of minority (less than 50%), I'd suspect every possible combination through the OC is technically a minority. " yeha; but some things really are a minority. 1. It's known that most players don't play games more than once. 2. Playes trend to gravitate towards the 'goody' or 'safe' option. 3. Gnomes, and halflinsg espicially aren't all that player. In fact, the majority of polls they are usually at 2%-3% (rarely 5%) combined. So, if were saying the DMC is unimportant because only a minority use/take advanatge of it than what does it say about the above. Afterall, according to BIO, MP-toolset-DMC is used by anywhere from 10%-30% of players; that's definitely much higher than gnomes and halflings being used to be sure. That's why the exuse that the DMC being used a minority so it's no big deal it's being cut is bogus (except for personal wants and desires) as I'm sure that any of the above things were cut a certain % of people here would complain yet they'd be in the minority.. I may not like the fact the DMC is cut; but Obsidian's reasons are much more reasonable than the silly posters' here. That's for sure. The DMC isn't cut because it is used only by a minority; but because they didn't plan for it properly. It's the same reason why the dning and the droid planet were cut in KOTOR2. Gah.
  16. Yeha, I figured it was a misquote most likely. I'm just making fun of them, and Grom because he takes ALL prviews (as long as they state soemthing negative like OC is 20 hours) as gospel. R00fles! Until I hear from Obsidian otherwise, the OC will have 3 joinable npcs in a party out of (at last check) 10 possible ones. "
  17. Me too. But, since only the minority of people use it doesn't matter. Just like they should cancel dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, halflings, bards, rangers,d ruids, axes, crossbows, playable female characters, evil optons since only aminority of players use those features as well. HAHAHAHAHAH! http://pc.ign.com/articles/708/708457p1.html Only 2 npcs!!!
  18. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/massef...utoplay=6151229 It's mostly talking; but some good stuff to be found with some video as well.. The little 'rover' vehicle looks cool. Also, ME 'Company Line': http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/massef...tml?sid=6150696 Just a list of hype and features... :ph34r:
  19. 10-100 hours depending on who you ask, and if they're willing to lie. LOL :D
  20. Before NWN, I barely knew what on line play was. LOL Now, it's cool. :cool: "They mentioned QA and stuff didn't used DM client for the making of NWN2 so it really is not that much needed or something." I don't care. I, and others, do use it to test. And, it is needed for those thousands of epople who play PWs and small DMed groups. Might be a minority; but it's a sizeable minorty. Of course the problem is many on line players (like me) also like SP so they got us by the ballz. Just like those whining about the length before, theywer egonna buy the game anyways even if it was 20 hours long. Right Eldar?
  21. That's a lot to live up to. Lilac Soul's Generator is awesome. if I ever get my mod (lololollipop) it'll be a big reason why. That said, nice video. Not much new; but some neato stuff like the included generator which I hadn't heard about 'til now...
  22. I liked KOTOR2 too depsite some problems with it. That's why despite my dissapointment with the likely cutting of the DMC, I still plan to buy NWN2 because I think the OC should be good.
  23. "It's not in Obsidian's interest to have their people lie, Spider." I don't think obsidian has lied. I just think they have had poor planning, and time management. That is not a good sign. "
  24. "OC is single-player only, it cant be played multi with a DM or not" Yes, you can. Mr. Sawyer stated that it's not ideal to play the OC in MP; but it's very possible. The DM (if there is one that actually will exist) can be used to. It wasn't 'ideal' to play NWN OC (any of them) in MP either; but it was possible. "If the DM Client is important to anyone, I advice that person to simply not buy the game until the client's been released." It's not clear cut for everyone. Not for me to be sure. 'Cause while I want the DMC, there's other parts of the game I really want like the OC for example. And, oh, the DMC is a non issue now. It's no longer (unless they somehow squeeze it into the release) apart of the game package now. It's likely been cut. Sure, it will likely be released in apatch; but it's nwoehe near the same thing. Obsidian has said in the past that they believed that all four parts wer eimportant; but anyone who buys that is wearing blinders. And, oh, cutting the DMC won't help sales no matter how much ones liek Grom. There's a reason why NWN has sold the Bg games, and is actually comeptiing with KOTOR as BIO's highest selling game despite KOTOR being strictly SP and having the SW logo on it (which is way more mass market than D&D is). I'll buy NWN2 on release day because even without the cut DMC, I think NWN2 might be worth it... surely more than a particular overrated game that was release not that long ago. :D
  25. It's E3 time which is why we're likely getting more info now. Besdies, the DM Client habaloo on the NWN2 baords woke up the Obsidians as they have been posting A LOT the last few days in comparison to beforehand (they were posting before but not this much).
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