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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Who says its a deadline? All they said is they *plan* to have it out then.. it can still be delayed furtehr and plans can change.. Outside of the fact, that people like me 'whining' about it let's them know that people do care about the DMC, I seriously doubt it had that much impact on their plans. More like the logistics of their development situation did. You make it sound like us Board Monkies are that important. We're not.
  2. Um... It didn't. if it did, it be in the package that's shipped to stores... Afterall, they were *always* planning to release it sometime.
  3. Probably not. I actually think that have a 'random generator' for them just like they do for the dungeons, enemies, and items. That's a lot of randomness.. which isn't my cup a tea.... WOWSERS! Still, a vampy henchwoman in tight leathers! WOWSERS! :ph34r: 9ok, ok, the tight leathers thing is my imagination; but what an imagination! )
  4. 1. No. Because, the DMC did exactly what I needed it to in NWN1 which is why (unlike others) I didn't complain earlier on when they said they weren't gonna do anything new with it. Others, as you can see in that thread, disagree. Some are going overboard with what they want. LOL
  5. "Having plans to add something and actually adding something is quite different." Absolutely. For all we know, they could be not working on NWN2 at all and just playing tiddlywinks... however, I'll give the benefit of the doubt here... that's just me though.
  6. He wants the community's ideas and wants to be posted and stickied 'cause it would be useful for them. But, yeah, they have no plans to add to the DMC. So.. what's he doing it for? Poos and gaggles? LOL :D And, also, if you looked, there's more than a few threads/dev posts including from Mr. U himself about this issue. What they are adding to it is a mystery; but they are adding to it.
  7. That's the way the cookie crumbles.. just like the DMC mess.. and horses... and, sewers... etc., etc. It's all part of game watching life! "I don't see anything in that thread from the devs about adding stuff to the DM Client." You obviously didn't read this then, and I quote: Anthony Davis, Obsidian Programmer wrote the following on Friday, 12 May, 2006 in the thread entitled DM Client Design ideas for OE on the BIO Boards NWN2 General Discussion: "I would like to see something like this stickied at the top or something. I would also like to see it HEAVILY moderated to keep it easy to read and to keep it on track. A centralized thread for DM Client wants and needs would just be very handy for us." Game over. P.S. It's obvious you aren't really paying attention and are just posting just for fun. This is embarrasingly easy... possibly easier than how easy it was for the devils to destroy my Rangers. It's embarassing!
  8. Actually, Alanshu they're already planning to add to the DMC. That's one of the reason for it's 'delay'... because they waited too long to start work on it, and realized, oops... we should upgrade the DMC. This thread for details: http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewt...480769&forum=95 Pay attention to dev comment(s).. "Yes, but will that carry over with the DMC." Dunno. But, why wouldn't it work with the DMC if it works with the rest of the game... taking into consideration the DMC isn't ending up to be just a rush job so they can say they did it...
  9. "Will NWN 2 have dual monitor support?" This was already confirmed... eons ago...
  10. "as the Developers would hold their IP copyright, rather than have to forfeit to Publishers" Eh. Develoepes who deal with publishers can still own their own IP. Afterall, BIO owns the JE, ME, and DA IPs. In fact, that's why they are able to make JE PC. So, this a flimsy exuse on why DD is so much better. Let me see now. Common misconceptions about why DD is so much better: 1. It gives the devs oppurtunity to own their own games. Irrelevant as this can happen even in a pub-dev relationship. 2. Games are cheaper. not really true, give or take. The only difference is that devs get a higher percentage of the money. Of course, this doesn't benefit us customers AT ALL since we lose out on actually owning said game since we're 100% reliant on the devs and the silly internet which can be unstable unlike owning a game where you buy it and its yours. Period. I, as a customer, am not here to support either publisher or dev 'greed' (nothingw rong with wnating to earn money so greed int his case isn't neccesaarily bad). I, as a customer, am here to support my selfishness in getting a game I *want* to buy with as much quality as one can... 'til thinsg change that means publishers win 'cause developers simply can't do that yet... with few exceptions..
  11. No one knows... no plans at this time... <> But, you'll order it on May 24, 2006 over the internet like you did the other PM. :D
  12. Keep them. I'm sure you'll need it at a later date.
  13. The outburst aside: More on companions: Monsieur Chris Priestly wrote: " They're mostly there as meat shields. And as for sort/type it'll depend on your levels. You'll be able to find "people" (like elven wizards, orc barbarians, human thieves, etc) or "creatures" (like minotaurs, vampires, mindflayers, etc)."
  14. Eldar: Alanshu: P.S. Eldar, I never said I was the most reasonable guy; but ti's more reasonable to 'go off like a 'madman' on facts given to us by the devs themselves than some 2nd string translation by a message board that makes a habit of twisting things to make them sound worst than they are. "
  15. "Don't tell Bioware this. " Bioware, like Obsidian, have no problem 'owning' up to their mistakes. To say otherwise is to spread falsehood. "I make no excuses for Obsidian. They know they messed up and they are working to solve their mistakes. That is more than some people." 100% agree. That is cool of you. :cool:
  16. I'm paraphrasing what they posted... unless you are saying they're posting lies?
  17. That's not proof. You are making ane ducated guess based on experience that may be right or wrong. My 'evdience' comes from Obsidian themselves. A clear cut way is to see what they stated about the cancelaltrion of rideable horses and the delay of the DMC. One was cut because they couldnt' get it working properly in the time alotted; the other delayed because of a poor decicion to not do *any* work on it until too late... Chances are they'r eplanning to do a lot of work on the DMC in the next 4 months in order to get it down by September 19... to make up for not doing much (if any) work for the first 2 years of development time. I'm sorry when Dev1 says early on: No work will be done on the DMC as the NWN1 version will be fine as is... and then... Dev2 says 4 months pre release: Oops. The DMC needs lot sof work done on it, and may be delayed til a patch.. Those are paraphrased; but it's obvious poor product management espciailly when they admitted they errored. It's not complicated. Some trying tod efend your fellow develoeprs when they admitted to their mistake. They're human, they made a mistake, deal with it. Devs aren't perfect. P.S. As can I, Hades. But, I cna't ignore the exuses some are giving.
  18. Proof please? Obsidian paints a different story when they write: 'The DMC will ship as it was in NWN1. No work will be done on it." .... then 4 months prior to release: "OMG! DMC needs work. It needs to ebc ompelted and will miss the shipd ate." That is clearly poor project management. It can't get much clearer than this. The horses thing was 'finding unexpected issues' though.
  19. I'm not worried about what other comapnies do or don't do though. At least not in the case of NWN2. The DMC was supposed to be part of the NWN2 package and has been since the start, and I think the sloshing of it just wasn't cool. Sure, I'll live with the fact that it's now just a download; but that doesn't mean I gots to like it or be silent about my dislike for it. It should have been in the game apckjage that we cna buy in stores. And, oh, just to elt you know this is different than the OC length mess. Afterall, you and Grom (espicially Grom) went hogwild based off some silly rumour from some language sniffing dog on the Codex. LOL I got the bad news from Obsidian themsleves. Plus, my posts really aren't directed at them on the issue anymore; but on those who gives exuses (like they need to) on Obsidian's behalf. Why? Obsidian has stated the situation,a nd what they itnend to do about it. That's cool. Game over. It's the constant 'DMC doens't matter', 'the majority doens't use it', and'at least you are getting it', 'a patch is as good as the actual game package (when it obviously isn't)', etc., etc., that gets me respond. if I didn't have to read that a million times a day, I'd likely stop posting about the issue completely. LOL
  20. LOL Either way it is not good. But, like I said above, befor ethis thread gets carried away with whining (by me and others) and silly exuses on behalf of Obsidian, it's not ideal; but at this point; it's the way it's got to be. So, one either sucks it up or doesn't buy the game. I'm NOT that upset... yet. :D It depends on how much more of the game gets 'canceled' or 'thrown away into a patch'... "The fact is, they're responding to our desires. " If this were true, it be in the package, even if 'gone gold' had to ebd elayed for a couple fo weeks. And, it's not my job to give develoeprs - any developer - 'a break'. They're big boys, and professionals. They can handle some criticism. It's one of the reasons why I like Obsidian. They're nowhere as whiny as the fanboys are who defend companies at all costs. :D
  21. "It's no different than downloading a patch." There is HUGE difference between having it in the package then having to download it like throwaway stuff like silly kobolds.
  22. Could have been better news.... but this will have to do as a last resort...
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