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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "The way he talked, his mannerisms, and his bumbling side kick VP." No.
  2. It's not dead until it's stop being used. It's still be using so it is not dead. Game over. Do you know the defintion of dead? <_<
  3. Eh? He was no george Bush Sr. wannabe. That doesn't even make sense.
  4. Behave Hades, or we'll throw our piles of cds at you.... and we'll laugh at your dozen of DVdS. ha! Besdies, why is this so personal for you? Is my CD game collection hurting YOu that much? You remind me of the Europeans who just had to 'educate' the Natives about 'real' civilization. LOLLERS :D
  5. The President was better. I'm sorry, but the whole,"I want to turn everyone a pile of goo becaue I'ma pile of goo" isn't exactly the best reason to ebcome a 'villain', imo. The President's distaste for those different or those 'not human' is a lot mor elogical. And, at least he didn't try to 'turn them back into humans, lol' with a fancy goo syrup. R00fles! P.S. The Master was good; but surely is overrated.
  6. Hades is wrong. FO2 > FO1 because it was cooler. Being raped by mutant > having love sick puppy try to have sex with you 24 hours a day
  7. Huh? You talkin' about the bleeding rules? It's a not a 'newbie' rule. It's a more sinceable rule than 'fight til 1hp at full strength; hit 0 and die'. The bleed rule makes death more meaningful when it courrs and it can occur quite easily.. The bleed rule is AWESOME. If youa re referring to the all character slive unless all die rule they're using, yeah, that's just a silly cop out which doesn't make sense with a party of 4 fully controllable characters... Hmmm...
  8. "Why? What would be the point? No one actually dies. You are simply knocked out. There is no death in DnD. NONE WHATSOEVER! " That's the OC. And, I've started a thread there to get it changed. Ha! Like that will work; but I gots to try...
  9. "0 Hit Points means dead." Huh? Doesn't that mean 'near death'... You forgot the bleeding rules.... even thoguh, they're technically optional; they are really popular. I don't know of any group who doesn't use them in pnp... I tend to think of bleeding as D&D's version of life support. LOL :D P.S. I wouldn't say clerics are worthless even with this silly rule; but it does suck...
  10. "but power over death should be something that only chosen few have." Um.. That's exactly the way it is. 9th level + clerics don't grow on trees. Not to mention that in pnp, it takes a heavy penalty along with it (1 level which can be costly), and expensive material component IIRC, and most npc clerics don't go freely casting for everyone. Also, IIRC, and this might be different in 3.5 (or even 3/0 as it's been awhile) you cna only be ressurected a maximum of whatever your constitition is before you are permenately wiped out. And, yeah, I hope they still have ressurection/raise dead spells in NWN2. I've asked this question on the NWN2 Boards...
  11. "Well, I think this "death" rule makes more sense in D&D game than in Kotors. I mean D&D already has that ridiculously overpowered resurrection spell." Actually, it makes less sense in D&D. D&D already has the bleed rule, it alreayd has ressurection, it alreayd has other ways toid eal with this. This is plain tripe. I hated respawn in NWN OC... and, this is just as bad but in a different way - espicially when in NWN2 you'll have 3 companions so you'll have others to heal you if you are bleeding or raise you if you did. And, no, the ressurection spell is not 'ridiculiusly overpowered'. Only someone who knows very little about D&D would suggest that nonsense. P.S.S. Hmm.. I wonder if they are using the bleeding rule in the OC...
  12. Troika = Dead = Game Over.
  13. "If the DMC is a big issue for you, I suggest agitating" Why would I keep 'agitating' them? The issue is dead as far as they are concerned. They've given an answer on how they'll do it. Heck, I'd have dropped the issue completely already if it wasn't for the people rushing to their unneeded defense. Heh.
  14. Yes, for the npcs, and it was lame there too. However, when the main npc died, it was game over.
  15. Aye, it makes sense in some cases where your head isn't being chopped off or whatever... but, otherwise, meh. Hopefully, Obsidian can come through with expansions, and post release support outside of just a couple of patches.
  16. "If the industry is habituating the consumer to accept an "unfinished" product, then we can't really blame NWN2 or Obsidian." Yes, we can. Just because something negative happened before doesn't mean it suddenly becomes right. That's just silly talk>
  17. "..that'll never get done. Hehehehe..." Surprises is what living is all about.
  18. To bug Earth Lovers tm, of course. :D And, just because everyone knows more > better.
  19. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Articles.Detail&id=29 Good Stuff: - Dual monitors in toolset (for Hades) - Interior Tilesets listed - Character Appearance stuff discussed - Toolset will rock Bad Stuff: - Silly "Death" rule in OC ala the silly KOTORs Nice article. Good read.
  20. "If this was a serious post... " Deadly seriously. I'm with Darque. I have a DVD drive... and, enver bother to use it. If given a chocie between DVD and CD, CD anytime. That said, I'm sure I'll be brainwashed eventually into using the DVD drive.
  21. "Just because you find something distastful doesn't mean it should be illegal." Huh? Read my post again.
  22. Eh. They're just as 'bad' as he is. Seesm to me, he paid them to have sex. That's called prostitution last i checked. Which should be legal, imo, but sadly it isn't so throw THEM ALL in prison.
  23. FO2 > FO1. Game over.
  24. DVD drives on computers are for wussies. I actually have one; but I don't use it. It's evil... at least until I bother to start using it. Only lazy people who cna't manage installing 6 CDs are so desperate for DVD to actually be normal. Or, nature lovers who love animals more than people as well.. These are usually the same people who are anti game manuals, and deseve to be ignored.
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