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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    "From Polanski's side - he left because his sweetheart plea bargain deal was going to be ignored by the judge according to him and he felt like the judge and the DA colluded to convince him to plead guilty so they could make an example of him." The judge didn't betray any deal. Judges don't negotiate plea bargains. That's between the two sides. It wouldn't be the first or last time that a judge did not accept a plea bargain deal. They don't need to rubber stamp them either. That said, some people have accused the judge in this case of playing games with the prosecution even thoguh that hans't really been proven. But, again, judges have abnsolutely no obligation to accept plea bargains. They normally do since it's cheaper and easier in the long run but is no guarantee.
  2. "Lol, I just read the judge residing over the Basille/ Coyotes deal ruled neither he nor the NHL should be allowed to buy the team." better read again. He did no such thing in regards to the NHL. Nice try, though. Oh, btw, Basille, apparantly gave up his pursuit. 'Bout time.
  3. Volourn


    "The law tells them not to. They shouldn't do it " "It is against the Law. The Law is the Law and no one is above the Law. If you disagree with the Law that does not give you the right to break the Law. In Iowa those 15 year old boys would be charged and placed on the sex offender list. Hell, sexting has gotten minors prison time and labeled as such. It is the Law." These comments are just as bad as comments defending Polanski's actions. btw, The alw isn't always right. In fact, it's very often wrong. But, hey, I guess slavery was fine and dandy when it was legal. And, I guess brothers and fathers murdering their sisters/daughters because they were alone with an unrelated male is a ok too because it's legal, right? Give me a break. Supporting illogical, and immoral laws is just plain old fashion silly.
  4. Nah. they'll be about the same as last season. It all depends on Luongo, anyways.
  5. "Also, the count of teams who have cut Garcia since he left Tampa is now at 2-- maybe he's just not that good anymore.) " You should look at the teams involved before saying silly stuff. Oakland is a joke, and Philly's overstuff with QBs espciially since Kolb is showing he cna play some NFL football. Heck, there's talk of Philly potentially trading a certain someone (likely won't happen). Garcia is a good QB, who has succeeded quite well. It's no coincidence that both teams that dumped him (TB & OAK) suck. Poor personnel decisions like this are a key reason why.
  6. Volourn


    One could justify anything; doesn't make it right. What Polanksi did was immoral,m and a crime. He raped a young girl via using drugs, alcohol, and abusing his position of power. He's also been convicted officially of having sex with a minor. There is no defending what he did unless you feel it's moreally okay to rape someone. And, the fact she may have had sex before the incident doesn't make it okay. He should fry. That said,m I don't think we should paint all situations where an adult sleeps with a teen the same. btw, to me, there is a HUGE difference between rape (which this was) and concensual sex (even if it's not cool). The age difference, and abuse of power is enoguh to make this wrong, and as a 44 year old he should have known that. I, also, btw, do NOT think an 18 year old should be considered a rapist for having consensual sex with a 15 year old. Period. Same with a 16 and 14 year old. Or even more ridiculous a 15 with a 15. NO LOGIC THERE.
  7. "It's important not to fall too far behind. If you get 8-10 games behind everyone you end up looking for the upsets every week just to gain ground on everyone." Yup. This is also why I tend to almost always vote for the 'favorites' even though I realize every week there will be upsets. *cough* WSH-DET *cough* There's a reason why they're favorites.
  8. Volourn


    "As for Romanski, what I heard is that this girl wanted to get laid and she had other men before Roman P. She also wanted the charges to be dropped all those years." Yeha, you heard that from the people who are pro Romanski. It was rape. He drugged her, got her drunk, and used his position of authority to sexually abuse her. She also told him no repeatedly. It is rape. And, the fact he ran and managed to 'hide' for 30ish years doesn't make the crime any less. To me, her age is almsot irreleavnt (just makes it sicker) because she said no, and he used to drugs to control her. And, as mentioned, she only wants the case to be dropped because she wants to move on NOT because she thinks he's innocent. He's guilty, and she knows it. As for moving on.. it should be pointed out, that if he had faced the music 30 years ago, they *all* would have been able to move on so tack that on to another of his immoral crimes. Also, he seems to have ZERO remorse for his heinous actions, still makes excuses, etc., etc. Guy is scum no matter how good a movie director he is (and that's actually debatable as well).
  9. 36-12. 'Nough said.
  10. Volourn


    Fry the bastard.
  11. Wow. I'm pleasantly surprised I went 12-4 again, and that includes the DET-WSH garbage. L0L
  12. I doubt IT. BIO has been that successful in their 10+ existence but NOT that successful. Heck, I'd be surprised if ALL their games to date have even made 100mil in total profit. L0L
  13. Proof or didn't happen. I don't believe such slander about anyone posting on random messages that ar edone just to make the poster feel good that he is slagging someone famous that they proclaim to know. I don't care about Dushku, nor do I think she's a 'great' actress. "actors, models, musicians and sports figures, to name but a few (and these morons actually think they are worth $20 Mil to "star" in a single movie or play football for a couple of years!)" Actually, they are worth it. If the companies who make hundreds of millions off this movies, and the customers are willing to pay then the people who who work hard should get paid as well. Let's not forget that working on a movie (or even a tv show) usually involved 6 days a week/16+ hours a day which is NOT a typical work. Not to mention the pressure of trying to do your job in the public eye where people continually try to beat you down and trash you. "Not that I have to prove anything to the likes of you, Volourn," Nor does she have to prove anything to YOU. " but I was there!" Dushku, 'untalented' as you claim to be, has actually entertained me in multiple projects including Dollhouse (underrated), Buffy, and Angel.
  14. Cutler is a great QB. Favre is awesome, and the crying because of the best QBs in the game today continues to prove it where it counts - on the field - is hilarious.
  15. So, that's it? All that hoopla, and he's already throwing in the towel because one team are scumbag morons? By alla ccounts he played great yet they throw him in the trash? It's obvious that the Flames only signed him to get some media attention and had absolutely no intention of keeping him on the roster. And, now, the little punk is quitting? Meh.
  16. Denver is dung. They got rid of a great coach and a great QB. Those are dumb, dumb, dumb moves.
  17. This is what you get when you dump a QB the calibre of Garcia. Just like the Raiders are learning this lesson, too.
  18. 'Not to mention, by releasing AFTER Mass Effect 2, they are putting themselves in a very rough spot, as that is AP's direct competitor in terms of gameplay comparisons." I don't really know if this is really true. BIO, and Obsidian's audience largely overlaps anyways. In fcat, I bet that 90% of people who buy Obsidian games also buy BIO games. So, these people ar elikely to buy both games even if they simultaneously release.
  19. I'm going to have a bad week this week.
  20. "Mass Effect Galaxy." ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  21. "The buzz around SWTOR seems to be more "ZOMG it's a Bioware MMO" than "ZOMG it's a Star Wars MMO"." let me guess. This buzz you get are from BIO fans, or people posting around BIO/Obsidian, and other similar sites? Not exactly a fair check. I wouldn't be surprised if at leats half the people who buy KOTOR OL would know who BIO is. "WoW became this behemoth without a mainstream recognizable brand-name (I dare say a lot of WoW players have never played any of the Warcraft RTS games)," But, they know Blizzard. I may be a fan of BIO, but they are no Blizzard. Sorry. "Hi, welcome to earth. If things cannot be overvalued, why do values inflate, bubble, then burst? like the housing market. WITHOUT the thing having been overvalued? oh wait. things CAN be overvalued. i get what you were trying to say, but you forgot about some things. like valuation, and how it can be done poorly by people and markets" Hi, welcome to Earth. Things are valued by what people are willing to buy them for. Period. Anything else ala gov't interverence, is simply artificial.
  22. "thus voiding the results of the regular season." No, it doesn't. It does anything but as the best teams still make it. I don't know how one can say it's silly to allow teams that win 90 games in as being wrong. Just because you lose the division by exactly one game because the division winne rhappen to beat a crappy opponent once more than you is what is silly. They should man up, and beat YOU manno a manno now in a cowardly way. Seriosuly, how could you say it be legit not to have a team like Boston in the playoffs? Gah. "best of seven for every series makes an already long season almost unbearable." Not for REAL hockey fans. Hockey could go for 12 months, and I'd be happy. Just like any real hockey fan. Are you a real hockey fan? Or a faker?
  23. "Bioware is overvalued as it stands-" Nah. Value is detemrine the price people are willing to buy something for. If someone is willing to buy BIO for $750mil then that is the value it is worth. That's the way real economics work not one's personal opinion - unless youa re making the purchase perosnally. If you value BIO at $1 than that it is its value. *shrug* As for the topic, MS is awesome. So is EA. Though wh EA would consider being bought out since they make money each year solely based Madden, they're fine as is. This would be a good purchase for MS, though. "I won't be surpised if some of the EA people wish it's Mass Effect Online instead of Star Wars." Then they'd be stupid. MEOL would not have the same built in audience that SW has therefore it would have to be developed cheaper therefore likely making it 'not as good'.
  24. "it made baseball "easy," " No it doesn't. It does everything but. That's like saying the NHL playoffs are 'easy' when they aren't. More teams in the playoffs just means more excitement for more teams, and fans. And, more entertaining games to watch. They're a boon to the sport. I know I wouldn't weep if baseball went to a 'sweet 16' format. Screw the 'traditionalists' who'd rather go back in ancient times which is extremely passe. As for the DH, I'm neutral towards it. I couldn't care one way or the other. I'm slightly in favor of pitchers batting though just for fun.
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