"It is true. Max out pistols, ignore AR, no point in getting into the "prestige" weapons. The only thing you need to do is shoot at bad guys and occasionally open up the ability wheel to cast Marksman or Lift (whether with Shephard or Liara)."
No, it isn't. The classes play differently. So what if pistols and guns are useful.
"It's a third person shooter in combat (even if it's a really ****ing bad one), not some turn based RPG."
It's not a shooter. It's a RT RPG. It's an Action RPG. And, it's a damn '****ing' good one.
"All right, the ones in there I've played are pretty bland crap, but I've heard good things about Planescape Torment. Don't know what your point is; HL2>Daikatana, doesn't make it good."
ME is awesome. Plain, and simple.
I just hope you don't plan to play/buy ME2 'cause there's no need to hear you crying about that game too.
P.S. ME 4 THA W!!!