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Everything posted by Volourn
Not a big deal. They content isn't forced on you. You either want it, and pay for it. Or you don't. *shrug* Mountain out of a molehill.
Never played Diablo 2. But, since it's because Diablo 1 BUT more, Diablo 2 is what i refer to as a fake Action RPG.
"I think Bioware deserve a bit blame on this one too. Without spoilers you don't know where to meet Wynne nor know the fact that healer makes all the difference. And there's only one NPC healer in game (or you could create PC healer). I'm not happy with this design choice. At least there should have been option for Morrigan to spec healing or perhaps even another healer PC. I find it really odd that they made only 2 mage NPCs, espcially when mages in this game include both healers and nukers. " Blame? Blame implies they did something wrong, and they did no such thing. Nor should they. handhold people. And, Morrigan can select a heal spell as well.
It's a BIO game. Plain, and simple. With the same strengths, weaknesses, and what not. Of course what those strengths and weaknesses are depend on your view of BIO as a whole. "so, what do people think of DA, compared with say ME or BG series? Is it one of the better Bio games, or rather disappointing?" It's about equal with ME. Better than BG1. Not quite as good overall as BG2. Yet. Though, I'm stuck playing the 360 version so I'm misisng out on the absolutely awesome iso view.
That's largely because you cna die in one hit in D&D rules while that won't happen in DA. Later on, I find DA a little more tricky. Just trying to fight 8 or so SPOILERS is enough tod rive me bonkers with all their stupid special abilities.
Well.. ME was neitehr a shooter or rpg so that's all good. ME was an Action RPG, and it is the best one ever. Period.
No, it oughtn't. I don't why people expect rogues to be as good at FIGHTING as FIGHTERS.
NHL 10, and DA, obviously.
"Where does Alistair urge you to seek help after the Battle of Ostigar? "We should seek out XX in YY, he's well-respected and can help us." " You listened to Alistair? The moron? That was your first, and deadliest mistake. L0LZ And, yes, I LOATHE overwelm ability. I have never survived when falling victim to it.
"Complaint: After first battle and [place where Morrigan takes you], Alistair urges you to go to [story location X], and it's a death trap. Moreover, it's a death trap that if you leave, will result in everyone there dying. I think BioWare fumbled with that one. If they're going to have a follow urge you to head to X, then X should be something person might reasonably survive or at least be able to leave and come back when stronger. " Game too tough for you? Go play tiddlywinks. P.S. More seriously, the game does a lot of fubar to make itself even tougher. ie. after fighting SPOILER you move on only to have to fight a bunch of SPOILERS.
"I'm not a console twitch gamer" Actually, resting after every battle is soemthing that is more likely to be done by a PC gamer than a console gamer. Afterall, how many BG fans were wussies who rested after every major or semi major battles? Quite a bunch.
"also think spell descriptions are a bit vague. Damage seems to be determined by Magic attribute, but how exactly? I wants numbers & mechanics. " For more detailed info, read the character stat/skill pages and then click on indivdual stats and stuff pressing x. Just as the screens suggest you do. You cna even learn exactly waht the different injury penalties are this way.
If you are having trouble with SPOILER, might as well leave that area now, as it only gets worse from there... (if youa re talking about the SPOILER I think you found in the SPOILER).
And, oh, it's not even an influence system. That's a misnomer. It's an approval/disapproval system. It's even referred to as such in the manual, and in the codex.
"I hope the influence mini-game won't go too far." It's not even a mini game. It's just normal interatcions like any BIO game. " I hate sucking up to henchmen with diametrically opposed viewpoints that constantly whine about PC's decisions." then don't suck up. Just pick the responses your character would, and deal with the consequences. C&C
"No. Games don't make people kill other people. But a person who has spent their entire childhood watching depictions of murder in various forms a few million times may become desensitised to violence." No. I've been around violent films/tvs shows/games my entire life, and sorry, but I'm anything but desentisized to real life violence. Nor do I go around committing real life violence either. Games do not cause people to commit violence or 'desensitise' them either. That's a plain, old fashion myth. I GUARANATEE you anybody who has committed violence, and where games have been 'blamed' for it have much more major, more obvious contributing factors to their violence. This reminds me of the nonsense in the 80s where D&D was blamed for for suicides and murders. What many people try to conviently ignore when blaming D&D, violent games/movies/tv shows are stuff like drugs, alcohol, horrible home life, abuse, etc., etc. Not to mention the fact that violence has been a part of the human condition WAY before video games were being played. And, oh, if you disagree with me, I WILL BEAT YOU UP.
Theft is theft and copyright infringement is theft. The spinning of it doesn't impress.
"It's not theft, it's copyright infringement." It's theft. At 'best', copyright ifnringement is a form of theft just as armed robbery, piracy (on the seas), and pickpocketing are all forms of theft. Taking something - be it an object, or idea - without the permission of the owner/creator is theft. Plain, and simple. This is undisputable fact no matter what spin you use or what 'fancy' coded word you try to beautify it with.
There is no exscuse for theft inr egards to soemthing one does need. Making excuse for 'pirates' is silly as there is no worthwhile. Claiming they 'made you do it' or 'you were forced to pirate' is plain, and simple garbage. Thieves should be punished. Period.
Thieves are scumbags. No excuses should be tolerated.
"Oh, so you are trolling me, but in case it isn't clear how so to anyone here: FO had turn based combat. " Why does that matter? It's isometric. It has guns that you 'shoot'. By, your way of defining things, that makes FO an isometric shooter. Or 3rd person shooter. Take your pick. "used the terrible non-pistol guns." Except the non pistols were awesome.