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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Ask again in late December. That's when durability matters (and when Favre flamed out last year). " *yawn* Even if Gb beats MIN it still wouldn't mean Favre is too old to play in the NFL. Or is Rogers too old to play because he lost last night? L0LZ And, Favre 'flamed' out because he was injured and the Jets were a joke the year before. He had horrible teammates who would rather trash and lay the blame on just one guy instead of looking at their own failures while Minny is all about the team. Favre led the Jets to a 9-7 record just missing the playoffs with a team that was HORRIBLE the season before, and made the Pro Bowl. Now so bad for an 'old geezer' who people claims isn't good enough for the NFL. Bottom line is that Favre is NOT too old to play in the league. Period. P.S. Rogers has as many losing seasons as Favre did after 1 season and Favre has played way more seasons. What a joke.
  2. "guy in the cave who decides to sit in an opposite direction and discovers that she's in a cave, because she now saw the opening." Woah. Deep.
  3. Acker is a good actress but she's not really that better than Duusku, imo. But, like you pointed out about Duusku and her time on Buffy/Angel.. it's a lot easier to mask an actor's 'weaknesses' when they have a relatively minor role (and, of course, Faith was actually a major charcetr on those shows. Duusku did a heck of a job with Faith. That's why she got this job. Every time someone whines about how Duusku is the 'worst actress ever' (not saying hat is your claim), I just have to look back in remember such scenes like when Faith is torturing Wesley along with the fallout from them, the time she was tricked by the fake watcher to attack Angel, when the Scoobies captured her and she broke down, her interaction with the mayor, etc., etc. On Dollhouse, just this past edpisode she was pretty phenomenal showing her character's desperation when she fled her husband, and the scariness of her when she confronted him holding the baby and a knife. That's tension that you could cut with a knife.
  4. Volourn


    Yeah. Kind of obvious ruling mo matter what side of the argumnet you are on. He's been running for 30 years, afterall. And, now he's likely to spend more time in prison than he probably ever would have if he had simply faced the music decades ago. What an absolute moron.
  5. GB is trash. Does anyone still really believe that Brett Favre is too old to play NFL football? Seriously, dudez, get off the crackpipe.
  6. "the younger Whedon also played around with the tv format itself like with Buffy in Once More With A Feeling. It's very unlikely that Dollhouse will have that near 4th-wall breaking moments." Which he did not do first. He 'borrowed' the idea from Xena who I wouldn't be surprised 'borrowed' it from elsewhere. Either way, OMWF = awesome!
  7. Volourn


    Micheal Bay > Polanski
  8. Stupid Dalten.
  9. Volourn


  10. Volourn


    "That should cue something akin to "Words have definitions" type response... " Absolutely. Rape has a certain meaning to it, and having statuary in front of it just demeans the world rape. Rape is rape. This idea of 'rape rape' is just another lame thing.
  11. "Chris Chelios was effective last year and he's pushing 47 now right?" Chelios is not Shanahan. "Rangers didn't impress me to much tonight." Rangers won't be the best team; but they'll be alright. They impressed the Ottawa Losers tonight. Philadelphia is gonna be a real tough team with Pronger and Emery.
  12. Volourn


    "no, it is not. consent cannot legally be given by a minor, period. since it is a legal standard you are arguing, you need to use legal definitions, volourn." You are ignorantly missing the point. I know what the legal terms mean. I'm not arguing that it means something else currently; but it shoulod. My argument is that said legal definition should be changed.
  13. "Character creation is similar to Mass Effect's. Not many options..." Not true. It likely has more options than the IE games barring IWD2 as they just had race, gender, class, stats, and weapon proficiencies. L0LZ Talk about deep. "It's odd that males can argue amongst themselves about what they do and do not like in games, but never seem to resort to gender-based insults of each other. If a woman enters the equasion, you can pretty much bet that some ya-hoo is going to pull out an insulting gender joke. Go figure." Says someone who is clearly being sexist by labling all males with the same brush. Hypocrisy. Go figure.
  14. Volourn


    Not semantics. It's an abuse of the word rape. Rape is about forced unwanted sex. 'Statuary rape' is about consensual sex. They aren't even in the same ballpark, and therefore should not be sharing the same descriptor. Period.
  15. Volourn


    "statutory rape is rape because children are not legally capable of giving consent due to their (implied) lack of maturity. hence, sex with a minor is sex without consent. this also applies to those that are mentally impaired, though i do not know if this applies to those incapable of giving consent for some other reason, e.g., being in a vegetative state." I could posisbly live with th term if it referred to young children, but not when it's used for teenagers. To me rape is about forced sex while 'statuary rape' is illegal CONSENSUAL sex with a minor. Nowhere near the same as rape. "though i do not know if this applies to those incapable of giving consent for some other reason, e.g., being in a vegetative state." Wouldn't this be just plain, old fashion rape?
  16. Volourn


    "Statutory Rape" I hae this phrase. It demeans the the word rape. I really wish they'd come up for another term when someone has sex with a minor. It's not rape. Doesn't make it right, but it's not rape.
  17. Volourn


    "Can you be sentenced for something you aren't charged with?" He was charged with rape. He pleaded guilty to lesser charges like manyc riminals do as the prosecution always tries to find ways to avoid long dragged out cases. It was rape. There is tons of evidence including Polanski's own admissions. He used drugs, alcohol, and an abuse of authority and continued to rape her even after she repeatedly said no. It's rape no matter how much you try to spin it to try to paint the victim as a ****. The fact she had sex before this incident doesn't equate to him being guilty. It's silly to claim that just ebcause someone has ahd sex it's no longer rape. I guess it is impossible to 'rape' a mother since all mothers (well... almost) have had sex before. That's beyond sex. It was rape. It was rape. It. was. rape. IT WAS RAPE
  18. Pretty good episode where she did a pretty good job acting. Kudos to her for a fine performance. P.S. Wrong Turn was a bad movie. No doubt about it, and I couldn't finish it.
  19. Wow. Giving up after one game, guys. Come on.
  20. Volourn


    "Oh and I explained why he should walk off in my opinion:" - he is old: I guess the US shouldn't puruse Bin Laden because he's oldddddddddddddddddddd........ - he never did that again: Proof? There's definiotely been evidence that he's done that sort of thing afterwards including pictures with him being a little too cozy with young girls. I have very little doubt he *has* done it again. - putting him in jail wont achieve much, you will have to pay for him(if you pay taxes and are America that is): It will show that just because you are famous, you won't get away with raping teenage girls - he should pay lots of money for some organization that helps people who were abused sexually instead of going in jail and doing nothing.: No. He should do no such thing. Money doesn't fix the problem. - and the case is really old: Irreleavnt. The fact he ran, and managed to escape justice for 30 eyars don't change the fact he broke the law, and did something immoral. Again, you are suggesting all charges should be dropped if the CONVICTED confict manages to hide. btw, This is akin to a criminal escaping prison and fleeing. I guess the law should stop pursusing him. - It should also be pointed out that a grand jury made the judgement that there was enough evidence to take him to trial over the rape charges. THAT'S when he did his plea bargain. So, there WAS evidence. He likely pleaded because he knew there was a good chance he'd be found guilty of the worst crimes. Bottom line is this scumbag raped a a young girl by using drugs, alcohol, and an extreme abuse of position of authority. Disgusting. Also, immoral, and illegal. The guy got away with it mostl;y too, and that wans't good enough for him so he fled like a coward. The hilarious thing if he had just faced his punishment (a couple of months at most), this would be long over. The thing is he's facing a longer inprisonment just waiting to see what will happen now then if he just went to prison then. Even now, he's probably just going to end ip with probation and an absolute maximum of 2 years. The guy is an idiot. But, most importantly, a rapist. P.S. Believing a biased documentary made by his friends is 100% fact is a very scary thing to do.
  21. Volourn


    "What's so funny about that? You think say a 25, 30 or 50 year old adult male having sex with a girl under the legal age is okay if it's consensual? It's called statutory rape. " If it's concensual, it's not rape. I don't care for this redefintion of the term rape. Statuary rape is a lame term invented by cowards. Consensual sex is not rape. Period. btw, This does NOT mean I approve of 50 year olds sexing up 15 year old. And, what does gender have to do with it? Are you sexist like most of the world?
  22. Shanahan is an old geezer. He should retire.
  23. Volourn


    "Whether consensual or not, it's still rape." L0LZ
  24. Back in your day games like ET were hyped HUGE. R00fles!
  25. Detroit at Chicago - CHI Cincinnati at Cleveland - CIN Seattle at Indianapolis - INDY NY Giants at Kansas City - NYG Baltimore at New England - NE Tampa Bay at Washington - WSH Tennessee at Jacksonville - TEN Oakland at Houston - HOU NY Jets at New Orleans - NO Buffalo at Miami - BUF St. Louis at San Francisco - SF Dallas at Denver - DAL San Diego at Pittsburgh - PIT Green Bay at Minnesota - MIN
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