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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. BAH. I'm about to give up. *puke*
  2. Except me.
  3. You wouldn't happen to be referring to the SPOILER, would you? No, he's super easy comapred to what come snext. I nearly cried, and became a wuss and even thought about lowering the difficulty becuase of the fights after SPOILER.
  4. PIT at DEN: PIT p.s. Kelverin baboozled me. L0LZ
  5. "I've got to level 7 in Dragon Age and encountered one trap" Weird. I've seen tons. Inventory problems? The game gaives you 70 spots. That's more than enough. NEWSSFLASH: Those of you fighting werewoves, and thimnking those are hard... you ain't seen nothin' yet. Wait til later in that area. R00fles!
  6. "like to story as a whole... the Klingons... er.. 'dwarves' is a bit annoying and so transparent what they based them on *cough*todaysagooddaytodie*cough* but as a whole I like most of the world they designed. Sorry to hear you don't like the voice acting/story. " L0LZ If anything, klingons are the rip off. As for people complaining about the 'AI tatics'. *shrug* This game is supposed to be like BG2 suppsoedly so why use them at all? Just shut off the IA, and control all 4 npcs as it should be. DA combat , and character is deeper, more tatical, and more complex than BG series could ever hope to be.
  7. Yes. Make sure you have some helaing pots, and at least one big damage dealer. Try your best to get a knockdown/freeze on the creature. If a characetr is about to die, retreat with it. Most importantly, micromanage your characters if you want them to do stuff other than basic attacks. btw, If you ar ehaving trouble with it, what come snext is MUCH harder. It took me 3 tries to beat him (b/c first two times I was lazy and just went in 'guns blazing'). What come snext, is EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
  8. "Don't even bother arguing with Vologic. It's probably safer to just put him on your ignore list, but I like to be entertained from time to time!" YAY! A troll post! "Bah defining art is difficult" Games aren't art.
  9. "instead palm off this cheap crappy DLC bull**** to us for a price that's entirely not worth playing." Then don't buy oir play it. Problem solved. As for this 'immersion' stuff, that is a horrible argument because immersion is one of those things that is random and is totally meaningless to argue since everybody has a different sense of what 'immersion' is.
  10. "if you have it ameliorating an 'artificial' limitation (ie inventory space)" L0L There is too much inventory space. Any game that allows you to carry dozesn of armour is not limited. Anyways, best way to let publishers know you don't like this stuff is not to buy it. Whining has little effect. And,w hining about an EA BIO game doing this on the Obsidian board means even less because it has no effect on EA. So, try to say that's why people are 'up in arms' is silly. People complain about styff because that's what the internet is for. P.S. I, too, find it slightly annoying that it's advertised in game but it's very minor - espciially comapred to other things in the game much worthy. It's also very eaisly ignorable and it hurts nobody.
  11. More seriously, Gamestop needs a life. And, DA is good.
  12. Washington at Atlanta: AT Arizona at Chicago: CHI Baltimore at Cincinnati: BAL Houston at Indianapolis: INDY Miami at New England: NE Green Bay at Tampa Bay: GB KC Chiefs at Jacksonville: JX Carolina at New Orleans: NO Detroit at Seattle: SEA Tennessee at SF 49ers: TEN San Diego at NY Giants: NYG Dallas at Philadelphia: PHI
  13. I hope you hate it. Just because I'm cruel. <>
  14. "I just think smells bit too much like a scam." How is it a scam? You pay x dollas, and you get y in return. You know this up front. It's not a scam. A scam is more on the line sof you pay x for y, but get z instead (or nothing at all). THAT'S a scam. My moral outrage over the moral outrage iis starting to morally outrage me. Urgh!...
  15. It's a new game. A new game that many Obsidian forumites were looking forward to - to praise or bash - so not surprisnjg tons of threads about it. I plan to make one eventually to that will inbclude TONS OF SPOILERS because I'me vil that way. But, I'm also GOOD so I'll warn people first. L0L
  16. Eaiser way to fix the AI is just play the game by controlling all 4 characetrs...
  17. "Sheesh if you got nothing just stfu or back out," Seriosuly, take a chill pill. And, oh, make me little one. Rogues are not the equal at FIGHTING as FIGHTERS are NOR should they be. But, they ar euseful as a secondary character in fights. Nor, does it matter if your PC is a rogue or an npc is a rogue. It works under the same rules. p.s. I think ME's dialogue system is really underrated by the masses. It's nto even close to being dumbed down. It does basically the exactly same as DA's dailogue does but it doesn't come out as word barf. AND, btw, that's exactly what a lot of DA dialogue comes across as. Word barf and diarehha.
  18. I just don't get gamers. Okay, i do. They lvoe to complain. For years, people complained that BIO games were 'too easy'; now the complaint is it's 'too hard'. DA combat knows exactly what it wants to be. It's real time with pause. Exactly like NWN and BG. The only real difference that is instead of a round being 6 seconds, it goes more by cooldowns and the like. DA combat can be challenging at times, but that's a GOOD thing. I kinda agree about the graphics, though. They're alright, but nothing special. JE, and ME both absolutely crush it. " I know David Gadier loves his foreshadowing in his writting but he really needs to use another writting hook to tell his stories. He had the same issue with BG2 in fact. " Are you sure Gaider was the lead writer of BG2? Or any other BIO game. People seem to blame him for all of BIO's writing. ""Is it really harder than BG2, think about that for a moment. " In some ways, yes. I really wish I could play the PC version of DA as I bet it's easier than the console version thanks to the iso view. I REALLY WANT ISO VIEW.
  19. I don't know why this is a 'moral' issue. It isn't. It's basically about a company trying to sell a product, and customers simply deciding if they wnat to spend the money on it or not. Yet, people are making it out to be some moral dilemma. Just ebcause theya re selling it doesn't mean you have to buy it. As for it being 'in game'... big deal. It's their game. They can make it as they want to, and if they feel like marketing a product so be it. For me, I saw the guy in camp, I talekd to him, and I moved on. And, chose not to buy it. Not a big deal. Not a moral issue either. *shrug*
  20. Cry all you want. Bottom line is rogues are sueful in this game nor are theyw eek. It's a party based, and it shouldn't (and doesn't) matter if the PC is a rogue or an NPC is the rogue. Crying about me doesn't change the fact that rogues have a lot of useful abilities and can help both in *and* out of combat. It's funny that you claim rogues suck yet others elsewhere are claiming that they are awesome. Also, there are things to complain about DA this isn't one of them. I cna list 10 things just off the top of my head that I dislike about DA. *shrug* So, go cry in sour milk with your swearing over nothing becuase someone has a different opinion than you. "The utility and other aspects don't come near to making up the combat deficiency that is the case I am making that you decided to ignore. I assume you must be playing a rogue and your points in lock pick, coersion and pick pocket talents must be compensating the lack of ability to win critical combats" Again, it doesn't matter if I'm a rougue. I have a rogue in my party. She's useful. It does NOT matter in this party based game if the PC or an NPC is the rogue. "So.. does it matter that much if you go with PC fighter/npc fighter/npc rogue/npc mage or PC rogue/npc fighter/npc fighter/npc mage?" There is NO difference in these two set ups.
  21. How is the consumer having the OPTION to buy more stuff (or not buy) screwing them over? That doesn't make sense AT ALL.
  22. "I agree wholeheartedly that release-date DLC is unethical and I dont like this trend one bit. In fact, this scenario was just what i was worried about when the whole DLC concept was launched a few years ago. Ill pay for extra content, but to take stuff out of the game that should have been in there and try to sell it is as an extra is just bastardly. That some people give in and pay up doesnt make it right, quite the contrary." It's not unethical. And, they didn't take stuff that was 'supposed' to be in the game simply to sell it as DLC. That's a myth. And, even if they did do that, it's still not unethical. What *is* unethical is epecting them to do things only your way. They decide to make a game the way they want. if you think the game is worth buying, you buy it as is. Nothing more nothing less. They owe you NOTHING else. People need to get off their moral high horse over video game companies trying to make money. It's a video game. It's not a need. They don't exist to cater to your whim. Don't like it, don't buy it. It shouldn't be a moral issue.
  23. "I generally see release-date DLCs as naked profiteering, yes," They're selling video games. Of course, it's 'naked profiteering'. They're not doing it as a favor for us. They're doing it to make money. It's up to us as potential customers to decide if what they are selling is worth buying. I simply don't see the difference between them selling a game and DLC. And, this idea that it's a 'rip off' because the DLC - EXTRA content - happened to be finished at the same time (largely because of the delays) is soemhow horrible. And, selling it 'in game' is just good advertising since not every person who buys DA will hear about it otherwise sinc enot eveyrone posts online, and might have been just a 'buy in store' kind of thing so it works as solid advertising. To clal it 'exploitation' is D R A M A for the sake of it. It's not exploitation. It's advertising. And,t here's absolutely nothing wrong with it and the moral outrage is simply laughable. Not criminal. Not immoral. Just good, clean, harmless business.
  24. I don't get the complaints about 'gimpy' rogues. This is a party based game where you can control all party members. So.. does it matter that much if you go with PC fighter/npc fighter/npc rogue/npc mage or PC rogue/npc fighter/npc fighter/npc mage? It's the same exact set up. Again, this idea that a ROGUE should be as good (or better) fighter than a FIGHTER (err.. warrior.) is silly. Not to mention, try using the rogue's poison and traps as well. Also, the sneak attack can do wonders as well. Tsk, tsk. I do agree that - at least on the 360 (or original xbox for JE) - that ME and JE both look better than DA, overall.
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