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Everything posted by Volourn
Neverwinter Nights Premium Modules Pulled Down
Volourn replied to ramza's topic in Computer and Console
Still waiting on actual proof that Atari, NPD, and every other articvle ever written has lied. Nothing in this thread has proven anything. Until then, I'll continue to be amused. -
Debate: With great power comes great responsability
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Way Off-Topic
If you haven't figured it out yet, the problem isn't call centers. The problem is the country and its culture. Call centers are not sweatshops. But, nice try. -
"I'm loving Dragon Age, but I'd say it is more combat heavy than the last few Bioware games." This is true; but all RPgs are combat heavy anyways so a complaint of 'it's combat hevay' doesn't impress me. The main thing should be if the combat is fun. If you don't like the combat, then one fight is too much. If you like the combat, then it should be fine.
"NWN2 OC was far better then NWN1 OC. Only Vol really disputes that that I have seen. The NWN1 was nothing but 2 giant fex ex qquests duct taped togethr with foreshadowing up the arse. Nothing was surprising and most all NPC characters were forgetable. Even Bioware finally admited a few yrs after release it fell far from their orginial expectations." You really should pay attention to more than Obsidianites. Heck, even more than a few Codexers preferred NWN1 OC over NWN2 OC. So, nice try. And, consideirng how many 'NWN2 SUCKS I WISH IT WAS MORE LIKE NWN1' posts were on the NWN2 forums when it was released, you are obviously on crack to claim that only I dispute it. The two OCs are absolutely equal. They each do things better and worse than each other. But, hey if 'sword up your butt' is cool to you so be it. "Even Bioware finally admited a few yrs after release it fell far from their orginial expectations." Big deal. Obsidian has done the same with their bgames as have other companies. This is completely irrelevantly. It's what happens when you put huge expectations on yourself as eveyrone tends to do. "MotB vs SoU... (xp1 vs xp1) clear winner again MotB. Obsidian clearly showing, again, why their writters are better as a whole. To Biowares credit however, for a story, design and compleate expansion they wipped up in just a couple of months they deserve kudos." Yup, MOTB wins this easily. Actually, MOTb doesn't prove that Obsidian has better writers. It proves its the exception to the rule. And, like you mnetion, SOU was just a clustermuck because of BIo basiclaly canning the developer that was supposed to do it. Yet, amazingly enough, SOU was still vastly superior to SOZZY. "HotU vs SoZ for raw SP story clearly HotU wins, I think the general concensus is almost every player enjoyed Hordes more then SoZ story wise. However for toolset content I beleive SoZ added a lot more value to module builders." Nope. Soz doesn't come close to offering what HOTU. SOZ offers what? A map? HOTU added epic levels which basically doubled the fun. And, campaign wise no contest. SOOZ is one of the worst games EVER created. It ruins all that was good about 'old skool' games.
-"Wayyyy too much combat. I don't play RPG's only so I can swing things with an axe. If I have to spend hours repeating the pattern go to door, open it, kill the mob inside, go to next door and repeat and repeat and repeat I WILL get bored. " Let me guess.. your favorite RPGs are BG, FO, GBG, PST,and ES series.. all games with extremely heavy combat. -"The more mature world thing... I guess the meaning of "mature" depends who you ask.." While some things are definitely on the immature or at leats not mature side (splattering blood/sex scenes) there is plenty of mature stuff espicially dealing with tough choices. There's SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER, AND SPOILER, THEN SPOILER THEN SPOILER AS WELL AS SPOILER. "The much hyped choice/consequence doesn't seem to be included in my copy.." I'm not at end game, but there's been quite a few C&C. No less than any other RPG I have ver played barring the FO series. "Companions aren't much more than robots (once again). " That must explain why companions will leave you, or even attack you if you make certain decisions. Not exactly robotic.
Debate: With great power comes great responsability
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Way Off-Topic
"Yes, I've seen sweatshops first hand in China. I doubt you have. " Then you, of all people, should know better. Sweatshops don't give you stuff like call centers do. -
"they were pretty close imo." No, no theyw eren't. The NWN series is set up as twins... 1. MOTB + HOTU 2. NWN2 OC + NWN1 OC 3. SOZZY + SOU (though in this case, SOU is at least okay while SOZ is well... SOZZY) I mean it's POR2/EOTB/DF bad.
Fringe is always fun. XFiles is a piece of crap. V is even worse. LONG LIVE FRINGE 4EVAR! " he has the hots for the girl. " Me too... which is why i kinda belong in prison...
"Was my clever metaphor of Volo actually being Harlequin's alt(and thus being controlled like a puppet) too clever?" Watch the insults or I'll have to report. You are better off calling me a moron, scumbag or some other cute name. But, calling me Harlequin is rude and akin to calling me the nastiest names ever. Please take it back.
"Look who's here." Are you claiming I'm SOZZY? That was mean of you. Please apologize.
The tatics page is awesome. If it's not going right it's either a bug or you screwed up. It just takes time to elarn. It's called a learning curve. I know I made my share of mistakes with it including some epically dumb one like messing up the <> arrows. Nothing more fun then seeing your party drinking all of heal potions when they are at 75%+ hit points. L0L The AI in this game is fantastic. The player AI can be dumber. I think a certain someone just wants the game to play itself. Well, it simply can't do that. Thankfully. Because, the game is supposed to be like the IE games where the player controls all the characters. The deepspawn are not orcs. They're nothing like that. People also seem to be forgeting that ogres are considered deepspawn so I geuss they're orcs too rightr? And, the dwarves have only superficial simialrities to klingons as both are borrow a lot of stereotypical stuff from other sources. The dwarves are dwarves. Combat in this game ahrd , isn't dumbed, and doesn't hold your hand. Unlike pathetic games like FO, BG, or the GB games. Thank good. Only the smart can play it without crying. I play on hard, and I die my fair share. That's cool. I doubt I'd be able to handle nightmare, though. Some should just play on easy and deal with being laughed at. Morrigan is perhaps the best joinable npc ever in any game. I ended the life of a certain assassin at the moment I spotted him. He's a scumbag. Circle Tower and the Fade was fun stuff. Shale is funny. The writing , overall, is very good, with some moments of really deep maturity with some momennt of shallow immaturity. The main story is arlight but nothing special so far. Definitely seen worse (SOZ and NWN2); but I've seen better (MOTB). I'd say more but the Obsidian big wigs don't like spoilers on these boards so I won't be able to do a full review of the game here. Game isn't perfect; but no game is.
Neverwinter Nights Premium Modules Pulled Down
Volourn replied to ramza's topic in Computer and Console
Sound slike I hurt you feelinsg which is funny considering all the insults you've thrown my way. *shrug* Anyways, I sure you aren't gonna make stuff up and try to claim he's telling the truth. That be more embarassing than your claims that i believe BIO is 'perfect'; because by yourd efintion 75% = perfect. R00fles! -
"Obsidian simply has better writters then Bioware. I do not think thats ever been disputed." No. No, they don't. The writing of both is the same exact quality. But, call me a BIo fnaboys since that's your only way to make a comeback. But, while you do that just remember that i found KOTOR overrated, and haven't even botrhered to play all of BIo's games but I'v eplayed all of Obsidian's including one of the SOZZIEST games ever. Also don't forget that that Obsidian had a game whose concept was 'sword up ass'. Not to mention SOZ. SOZ. SOZ. SOZ. SOZ. SOZ. SOZ. At leats they had MOTB which, overall, had some awesome writing. Then again, BIO has had BG2, JE, ME, HOTU, and DA (though writing wise it's not as strong as ME or JE) which all have awesome writing. BIO wins. Again. SOZ SOZ SOZ SOZ SOZ 'Nough said.
Debate: With great power comes great responsability
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Way Off-Topic
"I know you(ve) work in a call centre Volo. Being a bit defensive?" Whyw ould I need to defend it? I just speak the truth. Every call center I worked in the past paid higher than minimum rage, was 40 hours a week with the CHOICE to work up to 60 hours, regularly scheduled breaks, lenient sick/vacation days, etc. The work itself isn't the most fun or exciting (though I find the customers HILARIOUS but I find that no matter what). Some people cna't handle the work; but that's their problem not the call centers'. Definitely no 'sweatshiop'. Have you ever worked in a REAL sweatshop? Or seen one in practice? I doubt it. -
I haven't been following Obs development much...
Volourn replied to Arkan's topic in Computer and Console
Games without dwarves lose 50 approval points. -
Neverwinter Nights Premium Modules Pulled Down
Volourn replied to ramza's topic in Computer and Console
"No, It is just your opinnion... " It's just your opinion that it's just my opinion. "Talk about someone with their foot in their mouth..." Agreed. He's obviously making things up. He's the first guy EVER *anywhere* to claim that NWN2 outsold NWN1. Not even YOU have tried to claim that. -
Debate: With great power comes great responsability
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Way Off-Topic
"Personally, I think call centres are modern day sweatshops." Oh, come on. You get paid at leats minimum wage, work 40ish hour weeks, get fair breaks, etc., etc.Working call centers can be boring, annoying, and stressful but sweatshops? Give me a break. Not all work is fun, you know. -
Wow. That is dark. And, evil. Awesome, BIO, awesome.
I haven't been following Obs development much...
Volourn replied to Arkan's topic in Computer and Console
D&D.... IN SPACE! -
2E is an awesome edition. Way better than original d&d, 1e, and 4e. Only 3e competes with it.
I haven't been following Obs development much...
Volourn replied to Arkan's topic in Computer and Console
Actually, it is for a LOT of people. I've heard the argument that DS is so hardcore because water is so rare. L0LZ -
BG dumbed down its own ruleset. Its based off of 2E, and it got dumbed down. 'Nough said.
"I found it entertaining. Sadly ppl like Vol *cough*andperhapsyou*cough* need to lighten up and stop being so defensive. It has flaws, dumb party AI does not equate to 'tactical'. Did he go over board in the review however? Sure. But take away the fluff and get to the meat of his points, several (not all) of them are valid. But in the end I found him going so overboard negativity wise it made me chuckle. I THOUGHT others here would find it the same (hence the tone of the post). Sorry to see folks can't grasp that and need to go into geek-rage/defense over views inconsistant with their own and blow right past the humor of it all." Nonsense. You posted it because it agrees with you. The AI is awesome, if you lknow what youa re doing. But, some people are used to having games babysit for them. DA' has some of the best AI ever. And, yeah, the game has flaws, but you and others are attacking things that aren't flaws. "vol on the other hand is vehemently defensive about certain topics " Nah. Not defensive. Offensive. Defensive would imply the need to have otehrs enjoy what i enjoy as if it would effect me. Again, DA has some major things I dislike. AI is not one fo them as its awesome. And, the difficulty is fantastic. Not my fault people wnat to have their hand held. But, hey, if they prefer the shallowness of BG, more power to 'em.
"Translation: I am to dumb too (insert lack of wits, knowledge and/or intelect adj here) your valid points except to hurl insults like a child. Nuff said." Oo... I think you need to find better AI, because yours is failing. Face it, you are just mad that DA isn't dumbed down ala games like BG or NWN2. R00fles!