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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. All I know about sucking i learned from the best - you.
  2. Yes. 'cause Denver sucks too. R00fles!
  3. Once again, the so called Palestinian lands are not truly their lands. They were stolen from others so it is hypocritical to whine about them being stolen. Both parties are in the wrong, and both parties have broken their share of international law. Both sides should be ashamed. There is no 'hero' or 'good side' here, bub.
  4. "There's a bit more to it than that. Bonus stat points in the Fade, the stat book which comes with CE (I think), PC built from ground up etc." Also, the PC seems to get free stat points/skills/tralents during certain parts of the game. One of them being when you become a Grey Warden.
  5. "Anyway thanks to 10000 years of cultural evolution most people don't think force is the ultimate way of getting things done anymore. So I guess Volourn and his like are a relic of the past and should be ignored." Did you even bother to read my post? Likely not. You should read it, again. Very enlightening. Might fix your ignorance.
  6. More triggers? It has a lot already. More would just be overkill. Neevr got the inventory not being enough. Problem with DA's inventory system is it gives you way too much space. I always had room to grab everything even when I had a rogue and before I bought some backpacks. To me, they should give a very limited carrying capicty per character with both size and weight limitations. And, when you go on the world map for traveling there should be a chance things can get taken. To compaicite, you should be able to purchase a donkey/wagon for extra ph@t lewt if needed... but, that should have a chance to be taken too while exploring but you get the option of having a group of characters guard it. <>
  7. "Using Hold for anything more than specific situations is a no-no because they won't fight enemies even when the enemies are close enough to hit THEM in melee, either. " Odd my guys will attack anything that attacks them even when in the 'hold position' espiically if in melee.
  8. There are 'banter spots' basically in every major civilized area. Some evn have two. Sometimes they do repeat. The diea of having palces where random banter starts is cool; but the execution was too obvious. Shouldn't be obvious where/when something triggers. <> Overall, the DA npcs talk quite abit. Way more than any BIO game including BG2. With basically every quest (barring the really simple board ones) at least once npc will say something. Finally took Zev into my part. Love the whole pick up scenario. Funny.
  9. If it's so wrong why does it feel so good?
  10. " You really think that it's ok for anyone strong enough to seize whatever land they see fit in this day and age? " Read my post, dude.
  11. You still fight, but the result isn't the same. The consequences can be far different.
  12. "Israel are illegally occupying palestinian land and should do as international law tells them to which is GTFO. " Except, people who know their history - even a little bit - knows that hsitorically the area known as Palestine isn't really the 'Palestinians' homeland. They stole it just like most lands are stolen. So, to whine that it was 'illegally' taken is laughable. That said, neither side is innocent in the conflict. Just a dream, but a peaceful solution would be nice but unlikely.
  13. "I thought EVERY vamp was out to get me. Prince included." Heh. When dealing vampires, that's probably the wisest thing. "But Now you absolutely have to painfully search every damn corner of those awful caves." Actually, you cna skip over quite a bit in the Deep Roads. Many side tunnels can simply be ignored. Could probably cut DR time in nearly half doing so.
  14. " the metric to determine the 'difficulty slider' on a game shouldn't be which class you choose - at the moment it's EASY (Mage) NORMAL (Warrior) and HARD (Rogue)." In a party base dgame where you cna have npcs with classes you didn't, PC choice doesn't matter as much. PC is a rogue, grab a warrior and mage. PC a mage, grab a warrior and rogue? PC is a warrior, grab a rogue and mage. PC might have a slight edge and alrgely because I'm sure most players (myself included) our selfish and tend to give our PCs the best equipment available. Heh. <>
  15. "is a very good game, but the game has flaws... lots of flaws. big flaws" Less, and not as bad as BG2 flaws. DA > BG2 "Which orc caves in which RPG?" Think they're revering to NWN2 OC orc caves. Not the best caves for sure; but I think their crappiness is overrated. If you poorly deisgned Obsidian caves, best go with 90% of SOZ caves. BL has some bad ones, too. And, ARC aves are not impressive either. Dunno why people are shocked that the Deep Roads are long, and have lots of fight. It's basically DA's equivelant of the Underdark, and throw in the fact they're obviously overrun by darkspawn, and it should be tiring to get through. I think they mixed it up pretty well. That said, this is one of those areas that seems to be well liked but still a minor vocal crowd let's it be known it's the 'worst dungeon ever'. Heh. "Am a bit disappointed that there isn't more variety of Darkspawn Enemies, that would be my only criticism..." More variety is always good; but what more could they add. Gelocks, hurlocks, hemlocks, manlocks, dmanlocks, denlocks, etc. My favorite type of darkspawn and most hated ones are those shriekers. L0L Fun times. Anyways, been playing my 2nd time through with the mage origin. Impressed me more than I thoguht even after the dwarven noble. Lots of neat little stuff. So far, DA is 2/2 for origins thoguh I'm worried about a couple of origins that have really poor reputations. I do think they should have added a second only human, and a second mage origin for non circle mages'. Otherwise, coolio beanio.
  16. "I remember reading that the gay segment of the population has an insane purchasing power." Wut? Numbers, please. I seriously doubt the gay segment has 'insane' purchasing power. Definitely no more than most other minorities.
  17. "I loved kotor and other bioware rpg's of the past but I find it hard to start this game up and play" Funnily enough, KOTOR is BIO's worst game. "And there's so much talking, most of which is irrelevant, uninteresting and feels like an ordeal every time. " Never too much talking.
  18. "I don't know what happened in your copy of the game... " Ran over the trap, took damage, thend rank a healing potion/cast a healing spell. The damage was irrelevant, and was not intimidating. This idea that rogues (or any class) is needed is simply not true. "am really beginning to believe that you are brain damaged." Is that the best you got, Mr. Butthurt?
  19. "She _IS_ artificially too powered for a reason though." It was a poor decision by BIO to set it up that way. Breaks the game, imo. Could have done the whole set up better.
  20. "On the grand spectrum of writing, neither Dragon Age nor Bloodlines are particularly good" wut? Both DA and BL have some of the best writing ever to be seen in games. yeah, they both have some over ther top cheesiness; but that's okay. But, yeah, it should have been obvious that lacroix was untrustworthy. I don't know why harlequin plays BIO games. I may a BIO 'fanboy' (who feels KOTOR is overrated and the OC is only worthy of of 75%ish); but at least I like the games I play. He seemingly does not. *shrug* The idea that vampires can turn someone 'bisexual' simply by vampires is a tad silly and is not a part of the typical vampire lore.
  21. If they were neccessary, then one would need them in your party. But, you don't. It's a draw as they're unneeded in both. Cool thing about majority of games is no 'class' is absolutely needed. "trap disarming was pretty important in bg." Nope. Didn't need it.
  22. "with a party of two and utilizing the D&D rules, such a thing were impossible. having genuine lethal traps when your 2-man party might be absent a thief would be resulting in more than a little player frustration." Never needed a rogue in BG2 and that was a 6 character party. In fact, i have never played a D&D game where you needed any class let alone a thief. "is some sucky da spells, regardless of what vol believes" Never thoughtr you'd be so ignorant. I didn't say there were NO useless spells. In fact, I named an entire line of spells that I find 'useless'. Just remember, a spell YOU find useless may not be so 'useless' to someone else. Just like BG2, or any other RPG with spells. Or heck, same with non spell talents/skills. Also, there was some rather dangerous traps in NWN - just as many as in any IE game. My perfect strategy for an IE game trap - run through it. R00fles!
  23. Doesn't matter. DA2 could eaisly be set in the future showing the effects of what occured in the Dragon Age hence earning the moniker. *shrug*
  24. "The title "Dragon" Age certainly puts a limit on the time when a sequel takes place. If they fast-forward a couple of centuries, it can't exactly be called Dragon Age anymore." By that logic, BG2 isn't BG2; but A1 right since it isn't set in Baldur's Gate anymore... Certainly didn't hurt hurt the game in any way. DA2 could be set anywhere, and anytime BIO wants and still be called DA2. All the name really does is suggest what kind of gamestyle/setting it'll likely be. My idea for DA2 is SPOILER, SPOILER, and SPOILER.
  25. I gottsa echo... SECRET!?!
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