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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Just as you guys always post 'how wrong' I am. So, how are those 'useless' rogues making out? Are people still enjoying their 100%SR?
  2. "in terms of actual duration, redcliffe is probable the longest single battle..." No. This isn't true. SPOILER, SPOILER, and SPOILER are all longer and more challenging. "it didn't take much to talk my way past the guard, and i had virtually no problem convincing them to help me in principle." Because, you are a Grey Warden with treaties. This is true everywhere. This is the templar at the MT lets you in even if you are a mage who was kicked out earlier or even if you are a dwarf noble who was WIPED FROM THE RECORDS in Orzammar you are allowed into the city when Logain's lacky is basically laughed at by the dwarf guard. It is very logical that the Dalish will talk to you. btw, It is very easy to lose access to the elf shopkeeper, and unlike most other palces, the elves will blast you if you do some of their quests the 'bad' way. "Willpower gives 5 mana per point, Constitution 5 HP per point... not enough pay-off." Your opinion. This simply isn't true. The pay off is great. Of course, magic stat is most importnat to a mage as it should be but willpower and con can be very useful. I know with a lack of mana thanks to low willpowered I have to choose which permenant abilities I keep up, and with low, my mage will die in 2-3 hits by tough enemies. "this goes for Denerim bandits, too, Vol" denerim mobs are not ahrder than the average mob. They're about equal. This cna make themd eadly if you go in sloppily or have some bad luck. The reason why even 'normal' mobs cna be dangerous in DA is that even joe blow warrior enemy has talents they can use unlike other games ala BG where some striaght about warrior type cna only attack. That's why DA ogre rules. They just don't atatacfk ala BG ogre. They'll charge, grab, throw rocks, etc., etc. 2handed warriors are sueful, and I don't find Sten or Oghren to be crap, and in my first game I didn't O until like level 16. "Before anyone flames me, I do enjoy Dragon Age and am still playing it. I do not think that enjoyment of a product precludes criticism of faults, however." Well, yeah, but isn't that true of any game? Great or otherwise. I like DA, but I cna criticize it too (depsite people claiming I believe it's perfect). Then again, I cna criticize BG2, FO2, ARC, and other games and I love all those games too. The problem is that many criticisms are not 'fact'; but opinion. As evidenced by x npc is awesome/x npc sucks, x talent sucks/x talent is awesome, etc.,e tc. Not everyone sees certain things as problems. Heck, some people on this very baord don't find being allowed to have 100SR% cheesy. I find that broken.
  3. Um.. the Duncan thing is a bug not a balance issue. L0L
  4. "Why? Warriors and Mages aren't rogues." Yet, the game gives them accsess to the steal skill. *shrug* " yeah, why the hate against rogues?" Who says rogues ar ehated? heck, i've been a big defender of them, and now suddenly, I 'hate' them according to others? WHAT!?!
  5. " No more traps, unless they kill you - dead - permanently. The rogue's hand should be trembling." This doesn't make sense? A trianed rogue shouldn't be termebling when doing this, and if he is he should get major negatives. And, non lethal traps are logical. " anyone else think the real DA2 will feature the pc as the bloodritualbaby?" I hope not. I'd rather it be a joinable npc that you cna hevay influence determining its effect on the world espiically if you happen to be the actual daddy.
  6. "btw, the denerim thugs were tougher than any equal number o' darkspawn we ever faced." No. The Denerim thugs were pretty much wussies. I think through two plythroughs, I reloaded exactly once for them, and that wa sbecause I acted like a goofball that time. " mas paralysis maybe works better on the easy difficulty vol maybe played" Easy for Groms. heck, you cnqa't handle simply Denerim bandits. What a wussy tool. "... or the patched version that adjusts normal to something easier. dunno" No. That would be Grom using easy mode again and mistaking it for otehrs. ROTFLMAO Grom cna't even beat simply bandits. HAHAHAHAHA! "I can only assume they are big problems and they're still trying to fix it, but recognition would be nice." That doesn't make sense. Patch notes are to note what the patch fixes/changes not to detail what they may or may not be working on. "Besides, what is wrong with the Rogue class? How else would you steal, go stealthy, and pick locks if you don't have a rogue?" Because, unlike a mage ther eis no lore to really seperate them. In fact, your list of 'roguish' skills shows how fubared the logic of DA rogues are. You don't even need to be a rogue to steal. It's a cross class skill while others are rogue specific talents. Why? It doesn't make sense. Why can my fighter pick pocket but has the inability to pick locks? Rogues in DA1 are awesome to play because of their skills not ebcause of their class. DA2 be better off cutting the class out, and giving it talents to warriors and mages.
  7. Denerim thugs were rather easy. Only wussies have problems with them. One mass paraylsis or good 'ol fahsion fireball and GAME OVER for them. "tob had a nice end battle" You meant nice 'cheesy' end battle? L0LZ BIO ENDINGS OF GAMES I PLAYED ---------------------------------------- 1. HOTU 2. DA 3. BG2 4. BG1 5. JE 6. ME 7. NWN1 OC 8. TOB 9. KOTOR 10. SOU "but there is pretty much zero story development after the landsmeet... " Huh? Wasn't it after the landsmeet where SPOILER occured, and then you had the before the last rush SPOILERS, then the EPIC SPOILER battle, then the EPIC EPILOGUE SPOILERS (sans bugs of course)? Sure, beats the lame ass cheesy TOB end boss. Not to mention, one of BIo's worst 'bad guys' ever which was obvious from step 1 (in not in the same way as ME or D's end bosses were purposefully shown by by BIO). DA> BG2
  8. Neato patch. PROTIP: Do not dare suggest the removal of the rogue class for DA2 on the BIO forums, you will by gang raped... Trust me on this, lolz. Funny how her eon Obsidian almsot everyone (including me) thinks it be a good idea. LMAO
  9. I hope we're not limited to just one nation like DA1. And, I'd love to see the darkspawn play some sort of role even if there is no blight. DA:O's story could often be very personal, too. "I think most interesting new plotline would involve a war between the two Chantries. But that would probably be too complex for BioWare." How is that complex? Sounds rather simple, and boring to me. Just like Orlais 'invading' Feralden. A complex happening would be a '3 way war' between Orlais, Feraldin, and Tevinter while a duo blight is going on which occured because of SPOILER having an unforseen cost while the PC also has to deal SPOILER who is at the cusp of changing the world for better or the worse largely dependent on choices the PC makes... P.S. the one blight per game sounds super dull.
  10. Hey, I warned people this would be a spoiler thread. One should only read this thread if they beat DA1 since it's about an (unlikely) potential DA2. It's not like I went into a random unspoilery thread to ninja spoil people. This trhead is about disucsisng stuff for DA which, obviously, includes DA1 spoilers.... "Would be nice if it was set completely in a different part of the game world though, Orlais, Antiva or whatever. Something completely not figuring darkspawn at all would be nice" My ideal plan would have most of Thedas avvailable on the world map but only the major places highlighted. In fact, if it could be manage, have it set so you could potentially complete the game as a dwarf never reaching the surface, or a surface never heaidng below... But, that won't happen, as no company has the ballz to give that kind of freedom, and have potential areas completely skipped over. "the Barbiaran Origin" Yeha, that could work. Don't want too many human oriented ones though as they already have the 3 non Feraldin, feraldin Noble, and 2 mage ones. "Although I'm not completely sure I wouldn't prefer a completely new story set in the world of Thedas. I for one think the world they created is pretty interesting. " Oh, i wouldn't mind a whole new story too; but I think for a direct sequel, the current DA should continue so we can see how C&C from DA1 continues, and keeps the arc going. If they plan to continue the whole DA thing, though, surely they could do other stories. Afterall, eventually, our DA1 PC will be super silly powerful to make any potential challenge either non existent or into the realm of absolute cheese.
  11. My ideal sequel for DA is probably too expansive for BIo to even attempt thoguh I wish they would. I don't think BIO has the inlincation to do what my ideal D2 would be. It's wishful thinking. 1. It would START with a new PC, and have various origins just as in DA1. 2. Depending on your choices in DA1, and early on in DA2, you'd have the potential to meet and even recruit your DA1 PC - due to my planned plot, this would be possible for story reasons even if your PC in DA1. 3.Depending on choices in the game, there might actually be a potential for the DA2 main PC to die, and you would continue to play with the DA1 PC as your 'main'. 4. It would be set 25 years after the end of DA1. 5. Planned Origins: Dwarf Noble, Dwarf Commoner, Dwarf Citizen (other dwarf city, can't recall name), City Elf, dalish Elf, Tower Mage, Outcast Mage, Human Noble, and 3 origins for the other countries (I think they are Tevinter, Sten's, and Zevran's). 6. Returning Characters From DA1 That Are Party Recruitable: Sten, Leliana, Shale/Ogrhren (BUT AS A GOLEM FOR STORY REASONS!, only one or the other)& Morrigan. 7. Morrigan's would play a huge role in the game. 8. The last two archdemons would make appearances. 9.The last encounter could be one of 6 different possibilities. 10. Rogue would be cut, and there' just be Warrior & Mage classes. 11. Some New Specializations: Grey Warden, Runemaster (dwarf only), Nature Magist (elf only), Tower Mage 12. There'd be a 3rd line of classes, but this would not only require certain class combinations, and stats, but would not be easy to get. Example: Melicar (or whatever those really evil mages are called). You would need to be a Tower Mage who gets the Blood Mage specialziation AND betrays your tower in order to minimally qualify for it. So, it looks like this: Mage = Tower Mage + Blood Mage = Melicar 13. Major side quests would include a (potential) war between the two remaining dwarf cities, dalish elves rediscovering their old magics (hence Nature Magist), &really getting down and dirty learning ALL the real nasty grey Waden secretes, and boy, some of them are NASTYYYYYYYYYY. 14. Major quests would include the two archdemons, dealing with the aftermath of , Learning What Happened To the PC Grey Warden from DA1. 15. DA2 main PC would NOt have to be a GW but with it being added as a specialization plus some story specific stuff that's cool for them, they'd definitely be worthy of choosing. 16. New Monsters are: Darkspawn (Troll, Blood Wyvern), Giants (various types) 17. New talents, and skills of course. Also, rogue stuff would be shared/split up between the two remaining classes. 18. Major choices in DA that would effect DA2 in some way (usually major): 19. The Epic Finale sets up DA3 nicely with a potential for THAT sequel to seque into the mystery of the Black City, and the Maker Myth. 20. Potential DA2 New Recruitable NPCs: A Demon, Dog (human)/Deep Road Ox - whatever it is called (Dwarf)/Fancy Dalish Deer (elf), Tevinter Mage, and more...
  12. "There's a reason he was ostracized by his fellow Dwarves you know." And, dumped by multiple women... for other women...
  13. Great two episodes. Not much to complain about.
  14. "Why not? That's 4 item slots and 3 runes dedicated to it." Read Jag's post. It's plain old cheese. Being completely immune to magic (or physical damage) is cheese. People ar eclaiming x spell is overpwoered, but 100% Spell resistance is way more overpwoered. I don'tt hink you should be allowed to have more than 75%. 75% is still extremely high but at least you aren't immune. In fact, 100% Magic Resistance is the beiggest cheese in this game. It's as lame as people bragging about haveing 100%+ Fire Resistance in the IE games and regenerating hit points when hit by frie attacks. LAME L*A*M*E lAmE
  15. "Don't do it! I hear chain lightning sucks, big time." What's funny is that while I too find chain lightning 'weak' if I choose it as a player, it is deadly to me when an enemy caster casts it. L0L Redcliffe is the eaisest main quest bin the game. I don't know why Grom tries to claim it as being hard. Only the Mage Tower isa rguably as easy but at leats that one has at least one challenging enemy. Those explosive spells (the ones that make enemies explode when they die) are not that good, imo. I took them with my mage, and I find them a waste. I do agree with Grom about Oghren. He is simply low brow. Soemtimes he gets a genuine chuckle; but mostly I just shake my head at him being a disgrace of a pathetic dwarf.
  16. Talk about bogus. No character shoudl have 100% resistance to anything.
  17. "100% magic resistant" Is that possible?
  18. "Three mages with Fireball, Cone of Cold & Force Field could conquer all of Thedas." Three mages with x spell could conquer all of Forgotten Realms. Three people wearing super power suits could conquer all Fallout Lands. *shrug* "Force Field, Crushing Prison, Cone of Cold are surely the three best spells..." Dunno. Mass Paralysis is awesome.The spells thatw eaken boss' resistances are also awesome. Some of the different buff spells are fantastic. The various heal spells are life savers. Fireball is awesome. My current run through I don't have any of those three spells, and am doing pretty darn good.
  19. Orzammer Deep Roads are underrated. To me, it's the easily the best dungeon in the game. But, it is definitely a long, tough, lonely road. But, that should be expected. DR are a sad, dark place after all.
  20. Didn't play that game. I only bothered with FO3 because of liking the first two games. My bad.
  21. "a real moral choice would have been to become a nihilistic, demon-tainted, blood-magic junkie who becomes a Dark Warden, becomes one with the Archdemon and helps The Blight spread even further afield." Wouldn't work 'cause it be just like FO1. You would no longer be yourself, and it be game over much like when you are dumped in the vats. Anyone, btw, who tries to claim that the Dwarven Politics choice isn't a shades of gray, they ar ejust making things up, and have some weird defintion of shades of gray to be sure.
  22. "It's a little hard to get upset about Fallout 3 writing when the rest of the industry is at the same level." No, this isn't true. FO3 has some of the worst writing ever.
  23. "Just think, we could have had this version of Fallout 3. Not exactly awe inspiring and really looks old and tired. I'm glad we have the Fallout 3 that did come out." No way could Interplay/BIS' FO3 be worse than one of the worse RPGs ever created. Then again, Bethesda makes crap games and have been getting away with it for 2+ decades. FO 1 = Awesome game FO 2 = Awesomer game FO3 = One of the worst games evar
  24. "and if you thinks the orzamar throne situation provided genuine moral ambiguity, then you is no doubt the lowest common denominator that bio is trying to appeal to. congrats on living up to such a lofty standard." Have you played the dwarf commoner origin? No, it's not so clear cut and dry tool. Heck, even as a dwarf noble origin, it's not so clear cut and dry tool. Then again, youa re the one who keeps saying rogues are useless yet uses them. LMAO The problem is you see everything in balck and white so you can never see things in gray. problem is your perception of what is gray NOT the game's.
  25. "By all means, spill the beans." No, I've been pushing the edge of spoilers as is in these Obsidian threadsw when Obsidian has banned me from spoiling things. If you want specific examples from me ask me on the BIO/COdex/ITS forums, or wait until I do my review where I will spoil everything in a billion words or less. I've alreayd been proven to be correct in this thread about the whole Morrigan thing depsite an accusation I'm using the spoiler thing as a cop out. Yet, I've yet to recieve an apology (nor do i expect one on the net). I've played the game so I don't have to make stuff up like some people seem to feel the need to. "Yep, me too. A lose-lose situation. Either way, I felt like crap." There's lots of situations like this where I made x decision that wasn't clear cut, or I actually *thoguht* it was clear cut but it actually *wasn't*. btw, In a semi spoiler, the situation you meet Sten in, is a perfect example of this, and is one of the best things I've seen in a CRPG when dealing with recruiting a joinable npc. And, i say that, despite hating Sten.
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