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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Twilight: I expected this to be crap since that seems to be the consensus. Wrong. While it is definitely nothing original, it's an above average movie and the atcing/writing despite some sore spots is really underrated. The leads were fantastic despite the emoness though Edward's family were dissapointing. Push: Weird movie with a what is that the end? type finish... Inkheart: Alright movie; but it was a lot more serious in nature than I thought it be.
  3. "Anyway, I probably not going to get anywhere with this, but I recommend you see it anyway." I plan to when it comes out on DVD. I don't go to theatres anymore. Like I said, I doubt Avatar outright sucks. I'm sure it's a good movie. I haven't been let down by James Cameron yet.
  4. " course this all runs into the problem that Gromnir always points out with CRPG romances-- they're going to stink so long as the games are written with them as an optional side-quest. To create an interesting and possibly moving romance involving the PC, the writers are going to have to have the stones to make it a main feature of the game's central plot motivation. (E.g., You don't get to decide whether Guybrush likes Elaine or not; and, although this isn't quite the same thing, you didn't get to decide how past-TNO felt about Ravel or Deionarra.)" No, Grom is wrong. Just like his 'thieves suck' garbage. the last thing BIO games need is more forced things. If Grom wants forced romances then he should go play the Final Fantasies (which are fine in their own right but a whole different type game). BIO, last i checked, are still making western style RPGs (even some like ME have borrowed aspects from other genres). The reason why romances in BIO games work for me is becuase I can CHOOSE to take part in them or not. It makes the choices matter. Things mean more when they are chosen. This is true for good vs evil. Being good in a game that forces you to be good is NOT as satisfying as being good in a game where the option to be evil there. It's a lot more fun to be good in games like DA, FO, or MOTB than a game like FF, Super Mario, etc. *shrug*
  5. "Preachy is exactly the opposite of what it actually is. The story and its basic morals are there, and you can take them or leave them." I've seen the commericals, and I've read the reviews. I read one review where the author gave it a ridiculous 10/10 and even ADMITS that it is a cliche. Hell, he even describes the scene where the two lovers meet and the nature lover girl admonishes the guy for being evil, insensitive, and all things nasty towards nasty. *yawn* That scene has been in literally HUNDREDS OF MOVIES. "Points for trying, but either go see it or quit your fallacious whining." What's the point of reviews if they don't tell you what the movie is about and to help you determine if it is worth seeing or not. "I'm waiting for something negative to be posted about this movie by somebody who has actually seen it." So... you only say negative things about movies you've actually seen? I don't believe you. I haven't seen Mask 2 yet nor do I need to know it's a trash movie that should have never been made. Now, I doubt Avatar is THAT bad. It's probably a good movie; but it very much comes across as cliche, trite, and preachy. And, those are from pro Avatar reviews.
  6. "Atari is apparently doing something wrong. This is the second time this year they are getting sued over something to do with D&D." Fallacy. Being sued isn't proof of being guilty of doing soemthing wrong. Afterall, Bethesda is suing Interplay and so far they have been on the losing side. Interplay and BIO both sued each other with Interplay trying to destroy NWN and BIO with it. Seems Interplay failed there. Lots of people have been sued and have not been in the wrong. Nice try, though. Atari, btw, is the publisher of BIO's most successful game. They musta done something right. On top of this, being a good puyblisher (or good anything for that matter) doesn't make you perfect. Nobody - lest of all me - claimed Atari was a PERFECT publisher.
  7. "Would you have felt more compelled to save Fereldan if doing so would mean that your loved one would remain safe?" Huh? This doesn't preclude either joinable or non joinable romances.
  8. NWN2 OC = Good MOTB = Awesome SOZ = Sozzy
  9. Ooooo.. a real life troll.. How droll... Anyways, movie looks lacklustre but probably will be a fun one to watch largely because James Cameron.. is KING OF THE WORLD. If anyone can make crap turn into sweet flowers it is him.
  10. From all descriptions the story is as cliche, trite, and preachy as it can get mushed up by some lame love story. I get it. All advanced nations are evil incarnate, and all low tech people are pure innocents. *puke*
  11. TW is not dark. The game is about b00bie cards. TW is just plainly trash. Only thing dark about it is how it is one of the most hyped, disspaointing games that gets wayu too much credit for 'originality' when it is one of the most unoriginal games I have ever seen. "I didn't finish the game, but as far as I'm concerned, the only thing really dark and realistic thing in Dragon Age is their portrayal of the Chantry, a monotheistic religion which doesn't hesitate to wage holy wars on people who doesn't believe in their deity (poor Dales...) and who uses contestable methods to keep their soldiers under check." Yeah, ebcause dwarves forcing their own people into a very painful process to change them into golems is all puppies and flowers. Or having one brother kill another while setting up the last and basically trahsing his ftaher's legacies YET make THAT brother a valid choice for putting on the throne to BETTER the lives of the dwarven kingdom.
  12. DA is darker than BG2. This is a fact. Seriosuly. Brooodmother. The werewolves. Killing kids can be considered the 'right' thing to do. Magic where you literally have to cut yourself. Rape. The list goes on. BG2 is old news. It's got to the point where I'm sick of it. It's past its prime, and its dead. Vomapred to DA, BG2 is garbage. Plain, and simple. Also, I'd say NWN OC is just as adark as BG2. Sorry, it's true. The quest with the mother and missing children is evidence of this alone.
  13. "you've been living under a rock and haven't watched a new movie in a theatre for the last six months or 'Downloading movies illegally', then I don't understand how anyone didn't know about this movie. " 1. I haven't been to a theatre in 5 years. 2. Knowing about a movie is not the same as it being super hyped. Sure, it was hyped; but comapred to others? Absolutely not. And, definitely not comapred to the three movies quoted.
  14. 'Twist' was lame, and retarded. It's a twist for the sake of a twist. The woman is still a piece of crap.
  15. No illegal drugs were found in her home. She was seriously sick awhile back, and the dotors prescribed her a hevay dose of legal drugs. It's suspected the combination of her illness and the LEGAL PRESRIPTION DRUGS caused her heart attack. Either way, she will be missed. Hot babe, great and highly underrated actress whose been in some fantastic movies, and the scary thing she is about my age.
  16. "but I don't remember it being mentioned in those, and even then, this movie had more hype than Lord of the Rings, The Dark Knight and Star Trek combined" You kidding right? Yeah, you got to be kidding. This is simply blatantly false.
  17. "The Ambassador from Logain is supposed to attack you but they don't activate" Nope. He didn't attack me. Just whined like a little baby when I was allowed in, and he wasn't. Easy as pie.
  18. The hype was absolutely minimal untilt he last week in the mainstream. Only nerds on the internet got the super hype. So... are you a nerd?
  19. I played a dwarf noble, and got in easy.
  20. "No clue if these rumours reflect reality, but i am kinda more inclined to believe them..." I'd be shocked if SOZ sold more than MOTB. It be a rarity for a second expansion to outsell the first, and it doens't even matter about quality. It's alrgely basis on lessening return.. 1. Buy NWN2. 2. Like it, buy MOTB. Dislike it, got to next game. 3. Like MOTB, buy SOZ. Don't like it, move to next game. I'm sure there are exceptions to this 'rule'; but I'd definitely be shocked. "Dragon Age and ME both had considerable corporate PR backing in the forms of EA and Microsoft, respectively. They were also created after Bioware's mythic reputation had already been forged, post-KOTOR. If Obsidz had made a LOTR-esque high fantasy in the vein of Dragon Age they wouldn't have gotten nearly as far as Bioware has." Publisher is irrelevant here. ME and DA sold on the basis of BIO. It saysd a lot taht outside of JE 9which liekly sold between 1 and 2 mil copies) pretty much all BIO RPGs have sold between 2-3 mil (with probably a few just over 3 mil). BIO has an audience, and that doesn't really flunctuate much. It's that in built audience that has helped keep OBZ in business I think because the two companies share basically the same fanbase. P.S. Atari is a good publisher. They did a fantastic job overall with NWN at leats until their new toy NWN2 came along but that was bound to happen. OBZ has had good publishers too so let's not make the same excuses that Troika tried to make up. Atari has it sahre of success and failures as all publishes do since they release so many games. The difference a publisher can suvive releasing bombs, dev companies can't...
  22. "well, vol don't sympathize that you not have access to shale" Because, it's free. Unless you stole the game or live in some far out silly country which is irrelevant anyways. It's not Warden's Keep which is only free for the garbage online purchase. Which is why I haven't bothered with that trash. Shale is an okay character, but she is basically one note. But, yeah, her quest is definitely more developed than others.
  23. "'cause wynne, your other mage option, is a half-arsed heal-bot " Wrong. Wynne is awesome. Please don't make stuff up. "shale is dlc. do not assume everybody has dlc." Anyone who doesn't have Shale dlc has no sympathy from me. The game isn't even 2 months old so I doubt many have bought the game used. All new DA copies get Shale so no excuse. btw, How are those useless rogues going? ROTFLMAO "am recalling that aristes didn't know of oghren and shale jnpcs deep into game." This proves nothing. You do not need Morrigan or Alistair in your party to beat it. That's the point. Period. They are irrelevant as far as combat goes. No character is required to do well. This is a FACT. REPEAT: How are those useless rogues going? P.S. It's also not like mages are the only class that have stun abiltiies. Heck, archers have scattershot. LMAO
  24. "hmmm.... i doubt they will stick to this, people will whine too much" Yeah, no doubt about it. It sound sgreat and I hope they follow through just as I hope they do with DA2 but I'm not holding my breath... "All of the cheaters out there should prepare to become a statistic. Hudson told IGN that he thinks BioWare will make that data public. " "But just because you started a relationship with one character, that doesn't mean you'll finish it with him or her. "I also think that some of the very same people who are worried that their love interest from the first one won't be a squad member will probably end up cheating on their love interest from Mass Effect 1 anyway," said Hudson. "The ones in Mass Effect 2 are really compelling. That will be an interesting thing, too, to see whether people can stay true to their Mass Effect 1 love interest on the level that you'd think they would. The great thing is that we can track this with Achievements and find out if people did this." R00fles!
  25. " I simply don't see how you can, without making life hard on yourself, go without Alistair." I'm not using Morrigan or Alistair in my current main party. I have myself (Blood Healer), Zevran, Sten, and Shale. And, with Shale, I alternate between offensive and defensive modes. Party is good except Zevran dies too easily unless I watch him. Sten, like I said, cna wahck attack well, and Shale is the very defintion of a tank.
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