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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "So you do have some redeeming qualities." Scumbag troll.
  2. "also, anybody capable of leading the league in goals at the midway point of the season is one of the best players in the league. Fact." Yeah, because Cheechoo is one of the best, right? LMAO Hmm.. I wonder what these two have in common with their great goal seasons? Oh, that's right. One of the best players in ther league passing them the puck. A coinidink? Nah, don't think so. Next, you are gonna claim Adam Graves is one fo the best goal scorers ever because he scored 50 goals. LMAO
  4. "Marleau is a pretty good example of how the C isn't always good for a player. He has been one of the best players in the league since he had the letter taken away." He was a great player with the C. He still isn't one of the best players in the league, though. Never will be.
  5. Insult Toy Story? How rude.
  6. "And JE wasn't fun unless you're really into interactive cut scenes punctuated by button mashing." if you just 'button mashed' in JE you woudl simply lose. It was worse in Bg as all youi had to do to win was repeatedly spam the mouse click. HAHAHAHA!
  7. "Wait, Jade Empire, with 3 skills and a simple rock. paper, scissors fighting mechanic makes Baldur's Gate look shallow and dumbed down!?" Compared to BG that had no non combat skills, had a lack of C&C, no dialogue skills, and the maps were nothing but a collection of random fight, yes, BG was the game that was way more dumbded down. BG was D&D and it cut out a lot of stuff that makes D&D awesome. Where were the non weapon skills? Where were the stat checks? BG was fun, but JE was a vastly superior RPG. "Actually my favorite character in a cRPG game is probably Deionarra or Morte." Deionarra was pretty awesome. Morte was okay though he was brought down by his Deekin/Minsc level of patheticness. But, hey, Ia don't beleive you. You really beleive Boo is the best npc ever. That's hilarious!
  8. "Its a western rpg simplified and dumbed down for the consoles so that every fat kid with room temperature IQ could play it, without such taxing things as a game over screen or text to read. It would be a step above the gameplay horror that was the Jade Empire if the latter didn't have writing and a story that at least demand attention. BTW its also an excellent argument against the "21st century of gaming". " Compared to BG, ME and JE are symbgols of extreme depth. BG is the very definion of shallow and dumbed down. Then again, your favorite character ever in a video game is a friggin' rodent so...hard to take you seriously. LOL
  9. You cryin' again? Hurlshot is a stalker who keeps harassing me. He doiesn't seem to get the memo I'm not inetrested in being his friend and that hurts his feelings. Boo hoo. And, your trolling on his behalf on what was a dropped subject doesn't help the issue espciaillym since it's spam. P.S. Avatar is probably a decent movie. Cameron cna't make anything worse than that.
  10. "Probably the effects will get stronger the more innocents he kills (not with his eye) growing from unease, to fear, to terror , and finaly insta-death. " I must have read this sentence in a completel;y wrong way. L0L I thoguht you were describing eventual effects on him. Now, that I reread it with your intention in mind, so much more obvious.. and, kinda of destriys my last post.
  11. Nah. Just boring. Horrible enough.
  12. "I based my news channel by the least amount of bias it has against the truth. Such as if I want to read news on American politics I go to the BBC." BBC is one of the most biased news sources in the western world. LMAO
  13. Drury is horrible at being captain. Captain Crap ism what I call him. Chris Clark as captain over Ovechklin was a travesty - which is probably why the Caps threw him in the trash so they could make a big show about who their next captain would be even though it was so so so obvious it be Ovechkin.
  14. Well, she's guilty, andn deserves punishment. The death penalty and/or 30 years in prison is way too much. I'd say 10 years and heavy therapy and no release until she is satisfactorily 'cured' of her many issues.
  15. "So one week of hype (but hyped really well) in the last week before the movie was released made it currently the second biggest worldwide box office hit of all time" It was hyped before hand as well just minimally. Anmd, yes, Avatar was hyped very well. It focused on its strengths and not its weaknesses. Forexample, if you watcvh the view the trailers no way would you know about its lacklustre story; just the graphics. "no one's gonna say ID4 is "great" movie-making (especially now, years later)." Speak for yourself. ID4 is opne of the best action adventure movies ever. Outside of the susperct science (which is irreleavnt to me in science fiction movies), and some other minor annoyances, the movie was awesome. P.S. As for the racism charge, I call balony. It's plain and simple garbage. People who accuse Avatar of racism are retarded and racist themselves.
  16. "Aribeth." One of the best voice acting jobs ever. You want to know a horrible BIO voice actor job? Stinkin' Deekin'. Horrid. Chalk on a blackboard horrible.
  17. Dreury should be a captain of crap as that's all he's good for. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
  18. "Voice acting doesn't make a game. I liked some aspects of Mass Effect, but the PC voice work was not one of them." Then suffer. *shrug* I loathe BL's combat but suffered through it. I disliked NWN OC's resting/respawning/portal junk but suffered through it. I disliked PST's main protagnist even yet still suffered through. Suck it up if you like other aspects, or move on. Still, don't think Meer was horrible. He got the point across for the most part. I think if he changed his tone a bit more, he would have hit a homerun. He's certainly not worthy of all the absolute hatred that goes his way.
  19. "That's not the point. If you're going to force a PC voice down our throats at least use a decent voice actor; not the Hayden Christensen of voice actors." Chistensen is underrated. So is Mark Meer though female shep is hotter. P.S. You aren't forced to do anything. You do NOT have to play the game.
  20. "Every Cameron's story is weak for Christ's sake: a robot sent back in time to kill the mother of a yet unborn resistance leader, followed by the father of said leader *head explodes* Titanic is even dumber, a love story that plays on the class card: love crosses all boundaries even between the rich and poor yadayadayada Taken that way all his movies are sh!t. " Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Then again, you are the guy who believes that a rodent is the best npc in a video game ever. LMAO
  21. "finaly insta-death. " That's horrible DMing. A PC should never be 'predetermined' to die under any circumstances. Anyways, let him play the character. Eventually, he might murder the wrong person and he can pay for it. If you felt the character would mess up your camapiagn you shoudl have simply said no when he created it...
  22. "As for the 3D and eye candy argument, this isn't the first 3D movie and that Final Fantasy movie was a box office flop despite having high tech eye candy. That might carry a movie to number 1 for a week or two, but so far Avatar is showing much stronger than just a flash in the pan pretty picture." Hype. Avatar was hyped real well. Not neccessarily more but better. It also has James cameron making his first movie since Titanic, the REAL 31 all time selling movie not Avatar whicvh you errorously claimed. "How exactly are you defining a 'good' movie anyways? If we take 100 people with an IQ over 120 and poll them on whether Avatar is good or bad, would that be more satisfactory to you? " Nope. I judge a movie's quality based on how much I like it. There is no real factual way to judge the quality of a movie (or anything that deals with creativty be it art, movies, books, or games). It's all opinion. "That's a pretty flimsy argument when you are dealing with the best selling movie of all time, which Avatar seems to be closing in on." Avatarn is not the best selling movie ever. You aren't Nostradomus so stop acting like it. Titanic is the number one selling movie ever until proen otherwise. Afterall, people, had the foolish notiion that The Dark Knight would pass Titanic. WRONG.
  23. "In any case, odd to say the 90's are overrated for gaming, mostly people mention that with regards to the quality rather than the popularity." The problem is that people tend to remember the good and not the bad. There was a lot of crap made in the 90s (as there is in the 00s) that are forgotten. The Gb games are a prime example of this. People remember the Gb fondly and while the Gb games ahd some darn good games (POR being most noteable); there was a lot of crap too hence why the GBG and the developers crashed and burned. 10 years from now the popular games will be remembered and the crappy ones will be forgotten so people then will fiondly remember the 00s too. This is what I call the 'old geezer disease' ala 'everything was better in my day' or 'thuings were tough but it made us tougher' (otherwise known as the'in my days we had to trudge through 5 miles of deep snow to get to school so that makes me better than you').
  24. "Aren't you there too Volourn? On-site Bioware fanboy and anti-Bioware hater or something " My opinions don't change depending on the board I'm on. My posting style does. If people think I can be a jerk here, they shouldn't read my posts on the Codex. The Aliens game footage itself is fine for what it is. Definitely notm worth so much hate. I do laugh at the PC running back and simply watching their ally being attacked and presumably slaughtered. L0L
  25. "I don't visit the Codex often but... Dear God, so much hate in that thread. What is that place? Do they like anything?" It's the Codex. They hate everything pretty much. Even the games that are well liked there are hated on. Codex has a saying:"If you like a game, it very likely sucks." (not exact quote)
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