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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Go peyton! Solidify your already admitted awesome. A win here should end ALL talk of Manning's supposed 'choking'. Colts should be heavily favored but I wouldn't rule out NO out. They have a great team also led by a fantastic QB. All the silliness about how this is all about Katrina is sickening, though. I like Peyton, but at this point, I might cheer against NO just out of the arrogance of people who believe NO has a 'devine right' to a SB victory simply because of the terrible thing that happened 4ish years ago. It belittles the talent on the team. NO is in the SB because they are that damn good. Not because of 'divine right' of feeling sorry for a pathetic city so full of itself that it feels 'owed' a win. You aren't owed ANYTHING NO. If your teams wins it is because they are good not because you morally owed it. OFFICIAL PREDICTION: INDY wins as it is hard to bet against Peyton espicially since I think he's having his best season (team should be undefeated, stupid coach); but NO has a legit chance to win. The winner will win by 1 td or less, and it'll be solely based on a late awesome drive by either QB. P.S. SB or no SB, Brees is virtually a lock for the HOF. He just needs longetivty, and he's in.
  2. "I mean people are actually foaming at the mouth over the DLC sh!t. " Irony. Anyways, no biggy on DLC. You like it, you buy it. If you don't, don't. If you steal, you are a scumbag criminal who should be punished for immoral and illegal crime. Really is this simple. ME2 will likely be fun. Wish they didn't so many skills, and stuff. Seriously? 6 talents per character? WTF! Anyone who thinks that that football ad for the game is going to make any significant dent in ME2's sales are sadly mistaken. I have little doubt that ME2 will be in the same range of total sales as ME1.
  3. " a reviewer gave me 1 +90%, then assuming me 2 is a better game they gotta give me 2 better than +90%, no? some o' the reviews for me 1 were ridiculous high; the game were good, but it weren't as orgasmic as many reviewers suggested. would have been more surprised if bioware hadn't fixed some o' the obvious busted stuff from me 1. " NEWSFLASH: Just because YOU didn't think it was that good doesn't mean the reviewer didn't. Everyone rates things differently. *shrug* That advertsiing money was wasted. It probably got ME2 maybe an extra 5 sales. L0L
  4. Codex will no doubt blast it. MMA too. "Boo you are no better with BG2 than Volo is with NWN. This is a farce." yeah, I love NWN so much i rate the OC 75%, and I find SOU oevrrated. Haven't boguht asll the premium mods. I've also heavily criticized certain things in the OC. Again, read my NWN review. Or better yet, read SP's review. I agree with half of what he says and he LOATHES the game. L0L Back to ME2: I'm sure it'll be a fun game, but it does seemed they have dumbded down ME's character system. tSK, TSK.
  5. ." You could spend 150 hours playing the game and still wish to replay it. " Fanboy alert! You are echoing BIO's nonsense about BG2's length! BG2 does not have 150 hours of game play. That's silly talk. The game shouldn't take any normal person more than 60-80 hours. "Also 2e rules system sucked." No. Only 3e is arguably better.
  6. " better game than Baldurs Gate II. " It's called NWN. "Even that PoS Metacritic shows it, when now, almost 10 years later BGII is still the 6th best game ever made. And that was back in the day when positive reviews weren't handed out like candy." Wait. Are you 8seriously* using something you call a 'POS' as your prove? That's silly. That's like me claiming Fox News is a garbage news station then using them as evidence for something. It's illogica. btw, 'Professional reviews' are meaningless - espicially when it comes to scores. And, you agree. Unless, you are gonna admit that games like ME, JE,a nd DA are awesome just because the professional reviewers say so. So... which is it? Are they legit sources for 'fact' or are they 'POS'? L0LZ try not have it both ways for when its convinient. "The only insult to the Bioware devs are those drooling fanboys on the forum, who are consistent in only two things: 1. swelling the egos of the Bio devs, by unconditionally praising everything they make 2. driving away anyone who tries to offer even moderate criticism" I agree. Those who still try to claim that BG2 is their best game is unconditionally praising an overrated game that is past its prime and should be shot in the head. It's oveflated like praise that makes me hate BG2 more every day. It was fun to play 10 years ago. But, if it was released now, it would not be so highly praised. The writing is simpler, the combat is dumbed down basic D&D, the characters are mostly just one note with no room for change, lacks real C&C, and doesn't even have non combat skills. Sorry, but if a game's most popular character is a loser like Minsc, it auto loses 10 points. "2. driving away anyone who tries to offer even moderate criticism" You want moderate criticism? Read my review of the NWN OC. You want moderate criticism? read Saint Proverbius' review of the NWN OC. And, oh if you wondering, that guy LOATHES BIO. And, he comes off more unbiased and full of himself than you. You don't do moderate criticism. None of your criticisms are moderate. It's always 'x BIO game sucks horribly 'cause it's not Bg and doesn't have boo in it which is best game ever lalala and everyone who disagrees is retarded'. As ford rooling fanboys.. the worstd rooling fanboys are the ones who bash things yet still intend to buy them. People who buy thuings they think is crap simply because x company made them are the real drooling fanboys. I buy games from *any* company I beleive I'll enjoy. That's smart consumerism.
  7. "consider making games of BGII calibre again." You want them to purposefully make worst RPGs then they do? Wow. I want to see them improve with every outing not regress to semi functional morons like Minsc or to characters where the only worthwhile things about them is sexchange jokes.
  8. "Ramsey is basically trying to counter that." Nah. He's anti Amerikan. Let's call a spade a spade. You could disagree witha country's policies and not support their enemies which is exactly what he does. If the examples given above are even remotely actively, he'd liekly have been labeled a traitor and executed in most other countries. But, he doesn't understand that. "during the civil rights battles of the 60's." Basically a half century ago. People change. "US citizens (actually they were CIA operatives, but thats irrelevant to this story)," Wait... CIA operative (assuming they're actually Amerikan) are suddenly NOT US Citizens? When did this happen? Their job doesn't whitewash their citizenship last I checked.
  9. " Make things equal and tax them like individuals perhaps? " Companies do get taxed. And, they more often than not pay more taxes than your typical individual. Like I sasid, companies have to follow the country'sm laws, have to pay taxes, so they should have the right to have their say. Again, bribery and the like is still illegal so if they try to bribe to get their way, punish them still.
  10. "Wow, yeah, because whether or not somebody downloads works without paying for them is an accurate indicator of their decency as a human being." Thjuieves are scumbags, and no, they are decent human beings. There is ONLY one situation where theft is morrallya cceptable if not sad - if one or one's family is starving. Stealing a video game is pathetic, immoral, evil, and scummy. It's that simple.
  11. Bribery isn't legal nor is this ruling making it so.
  12. That's plain pandering. -5% to ME2's score just for that.
  13. "buy elections." As in bribing voters or pollsters to rig results? That's already illegal so jail them. Do you mean be advrtsing for their chosen politician? *shrug* Nothing immoral. No different than countless volunteers going door to door to pimp their chosen politician.
  14. Waa waa to Obama here. Corportions 9whicha re run by people) have the right to choose sides. Afterall, they pay taxes, and have to follow laws so it makes sense they shoukld ahve the right to voice their opinion, and like EVERYONE, they will pimp what benefits them. It's not like they get bonus votes. 8shrug*
  15. Would it be an actual upset? I dunno. Yeah, NO is favored, but it's not it be shocking of MIn wins. Now, if Ny wins. That's n upset. A disgusting upset. My wish for that game, is for INDY to win HUGE, then begin taunting the arrogant punks and really pile the points on. NY deserves that.
  16. Man. been awhile since I played PST but was the writing always that bad? Holy frig'. That garbage was painful. Show a screenshot of FFG. Her writing better be as awesome as I remember it.
  17. "Someone bitchslapped EA / Bioware again." Yeah, I'm sure BIO/EA will cry as they count their millions of copies sold. R00fles!
  18. "@Volo: you keep tearing a hole in the universe by repeating that nonsense " Sorry.. I just moved passed the basis of BG. It was awesome when you are a kiddie; but for people have matured (well.. aged heh since if you post on the nets you aren't mature), it simply is the basis of basic rpgs. BG is a literal dumbing down of 2E D&D. The characters don't change at all except a handful much later in BG2/TOB. None do in BG1. You cna't even can't the wussy elf (who I loved btw) to stop acting like a gutless funnyman despite everything he faces while in the party. Outside of the choice between Minsc and his g/f with that pansy shemale there is no real C&C to speak of except *maybe* 1 or 2 situations. All BIO RPGS since - be it JE, ME, KOTOR (BIO's worst game I've played), NWN, and DA are all superior RPGs. Bg has lost its lustre for me. "pointless filler." JE had the least filler - pointless or otherwise - of all BIO games. That's why, coincidentally, it's the shortest. It doesn't have spamming combat, silly random travel over empty areas, or silly inventory matrix, and other time wassters. It really was all about action - whether thata ction was combat or dialogue, it didn't matter. It was awesome. Unlike BG.
  19. JE > BG Story, combat, role-playing, , C&C, graphics, music, artwork, characters, writing, EVERYTHING. The only thing that BG did better was that it had dwarves.
  20. "I think I'd be silenced for eternity if they allowed me not to save the world once, with REM's "Its the end of the world as we know it...", playing in the background." Been there done that. It's called JE.
  21. Wrong. Both The Postman & Waterworld are underrated. Awesome. The very defintion of epics.
  22. "Everyone's gripe with Bioware is not that their games are rubbish, its that they are not what they could be. They're fun, just not very memorable. I treat them like a quick fix until something better comes along." That describes some people here; but not you. Go back and look at your last 100 posts about a BIOI game then come back and tell me seriously you don't find BIO rubbish. You speak like you speak for 'everyone' but you don't. There are others here who criticize (heck, I critcize them); buit it's obvious they actually enjoy BIO games. Your posts do ntohing but trash them and make it clear that they disgust you and are 'worst games ever'. Now, back to topic.. why waste money on games from a company you believe makes utter rubbish that ar eonly worth trashing non stop en masse on the internetz? Seems a waste of money to me. "If you're not Volo, how do you figure that?" Cause it is true - espicially if you are a TRUE RPG fan. No way no how can one argue that BG1 and even BG2 are worst *role-playing games* then the ones that came after. NWN, KOTOR, JE, ME, and DA are all superior games when it comes to role playing. This is fact. You may like BG2 more (BG2 is tied as my fave campaign along with DA still not counting NWN:TP); but it definitely is a product of its time as I seriosuly doubt it be as popular if it was released now since it lacks role-playiong wise. Not to mention, combat, writing, and C&C wise.
  23. "The don't buy their games card doesn't really work since the number of story driven RPGs that are released each year is countable on the fingers of one had... if you cut off a few fingers. If you ignore Bioware, you're left with Obsidian and CDProjekt Red for story driven RPG's. The first one has only a few games of varying quality to their name, the second - one. Gothic, Divinity, Drakensang etc may be good games, but they're not the same type of experience. " Nonsense. Why buy a game you gonna hate? The fact there is a lack of story driven RPGs as ane xcuse to buy a crappy game is nonsense. To buy/play something just because it's there even though you hate spending time on it is the ultimate of foolishly wasting money. If CDProject was the last RPG story driven company lived I would NOT buy their games just ebcause because their one game I did play sucked. Why waste my money? Illogical. Also, I'm a sports game junky. I loved EA's MVP series. The last version of it in 2005 was awesome. However, their competition got an exclusive deal with MLB so no more MVP series. I tried that otehr company's baseball game. It sucked. I haven't bought a baseball game sense. Why would I buy a baseball game I know will suck just because it's there? ILLOGICAL. I spend my 'fun money' on thing I believe I will enjoy. I thought all people did that? I was wrong.
  24. "I don't buy their games anyway, I bought their last two games," Let's rephrase this quote.... I DON'T BUY THEIR GAMES ANYWAY I BOUGHT THEIR LAST TWO GAMES ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Jigga wut?
  25. Their priorties is making enough profit to keep themselevs in business and they do so by delivering a product that gamers want to play, and not just a handful of nerds in their parents' basement either. And, since almost everyone here (except potentially the mouse man) have scopped up mainstream developer BIO's latest game you really looks silly whining about their push for mainstream success when you buy their games anyways. *shrug* If BIo doesn't make your style of game, then don't buy them. THAT'S the way to let them know their games aren't working. Why should BIO follow in Troika's foosteps as all that does is make everyone unemployed and begging your former employer thats crewed you to work on their fake MMO or basically pushes you of the entire gaming business. Espicially since all 3 of Troika games - even the ones I personally enjoyed - have major flaws anyways and aren't to be looked up.
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