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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "is pure conjecture on Gromnir's part, but we can see how a sequel might take only 1.5 years. also, as a point of reference, keep in mind that bg2 were released in september o' 2000. bg1 were released in late 1998, and bio released an expansion in-between bg1 and bg2. " GAME OVER, dudes, GAME OVER.
  2. "Maybe it's because none of use have run into this again? You're right! I'll stop him! Not if I can help it!" Kiddin' right? That's littered all over ME2. heck, it's in every BIO game. Quite frankly, it'sa staple of the rpg genre as a whole. *shrug* "Or maybe people have just resigned themselves to the fact that it's not going to change. Bioware did a better job with it this time around. Much fewer instances of the summary not matching the spoken dialog in meaning/tone. Fewer instances of dialog being shared over multiple responses as well. If they only have two lines, they only give you two choices." Nah. Bottom line is people didn't like the dialogue wheel because it was different than BIo's previous games. People are sued to it now so it's natural to them now. *shrug* As for the npcs, I like Jacob simply because he is 'normal'. Beats the freaks. Mirana is a well rounded characetr who actually shows some growth. That's fantastic. The 'space paladin' is much more than that as well. She's no normal paladin that is for sure. Grunt was alright but rather boring. Jack.. well.. lewast said abou that uselessm piece of garbage the better.
  3. Not finished the game yet but here are my 4 favorite things about ME2 and my 4 least favorite. MOST FAVORITE --------------------- 1. Interrupts. BIO didn't deliver them in ME1; but boy the wait to see them in play for the sequel well worth it. 2. The Collector Ship. Some of the best collection (lolz) of music + atmosphere + battle ever. 3. Upgradeable ship where upgrading it *actually* matters. 4. Companion quests. Yeah, they're almost unifrmly emo; but still well done overall. LEAST FAVORITE -------------------- 1. Dumbed down character system. This includes combat, and inventory. 'Nough said. 2. The lack of ability to either buy and or stock up on ammo/healthpaks inbetween missions. I mean, wtf? Omnigel, or the lack of it, goes along with this. 3. No land cruiser. This is underrated from ME1. I loved cruising around with it. Yeah, it wasn't perfect; but that's why you fix and twink it. You don't get rid of it. Hell, the easiest way to do this was not have as many super bumpy planets but more smooth surfaces. LMAO Make it as upgradeable as Normandy 2 would be awesome. 4. Jack = worst BIO npc ever. No contest. P.S. I also notice that unlike when ME1 was on the horizon and after it came out NOBODY has complained about the dialogue wheel. I guess most people's beef with it was because it was 'new' and they loathed changed. Now, that people are used to it, they have no or little problems with it. R00fles!
  4. A. You aren't neccessarily a Spectre in ME2. B. Even if you are, it doesn't neccessarily mean the world eladers would all you to do it. No doubt on the individual race's world their laws likely come first. C. Afterall, being a Spectre doesnt stop you from being attacked. L0LZ
  5. I don't mind the scanning minigame but trading the different eelemtns money only seems logical and odd that it wans't included. That would give it even more purpose. They also could have had it that certain governemtns would not appreciate you heavily mining their systems and you would be fined or attacked, say, if you drained certain planets from rich all the way to poor. Heck, you can even mine the crap out of all the 'real world' planets around Earth. L0L I cna't remember if you can actively mine Earth itself. Wouldn't the human gov't/alliance have a problem with that? LOLZ
  6. What a bull of a study. The anti smoking crusade is retarded. It's one thing to ask smokers to avoid smokinga round those with svere health problems that smoking is harsh on 9asthma and the like).. but, now 3rd hand smoke is more deadly than anything? Come on now. Can't wait to be told that 10th hand smoking is deadly too... ie.. smoking done by our great great great grandparents whoa re long dead can kill us now! HAHAHAHAHA!
  7. "NWN item spam. An irritating habit, the game gives too many items too easily and magical items abound - they shouldnt." Eh. Just like the BG games. Just like any fantasy game with magic. There will always be ph@t lewt.
  8. Tsk, tsk. For shame. He's from HOTU. Not from thats econd rate expansion SOU. He's awesome. Plain, and simple. P.S. I have little doubt that any post ME games will allow you to play other races. I just hope they make a more traditional RPG with actual stats, skills, and talents. Or heck, ewven if it's at the level of ME1, I could live with it. Not this ME2 dumbed down crap.
  9. "Irenicus > Mephistopheles > Loghain > Sun Li > Bodhi > Sarevok > Saren > Malak > Death's Hand > Sovereign > Melissan > Morag > Huerodis > Archdemon > Harbinger > Bandon " Not a bad list as I actually agree with a lot of it. Mine: Irenicus - Mesphistopheles - Sun Li - Bodhi - Sovereign - Sarevok - Saren - Death's Hand - Loghain - Morag - Harbringer (though I have not directly encountered it yet) - Bandon - Archdemon - Melissan - Huerodis
  10. "but I bet Bio/EA were hoping for more. " O RLY? IF they were, they're morons. BIO's RPGs tend to sale between 2.5 and 3mil copies (JE is the exception selling likely between 1.5-2mil) so if they were expecting DA to sell more than 3.2 copies, they're on crack. Why do BIO fanboys on these boards assume that BIO is on the level of the Maddens, Call of Dutys, and Sims? It does not make sense. BIO is NOT a first tier company when it comes to sales. Never have beenm, probably never will be. Plus, I think the 3.2 copies is what's been shipped not sold. Still, if even remotely true, DA is by far BIO's most successful game sales wise since 3.2 inunder 4 months is pretty darn good. As for people saying BIo can't gte a asequel out when it looks to eb scheduled. First, we don't really know if it's a full squel. Second, BIO has 300 + employees (not counting the MMORPG division) plus EA's help. Plus, wasn't DA pretty much done well before its release? Cahnces are they were starting to work on the sequel (if any) about the same time they started work on the expansion. Then there's the fact that the engine work is done as well. so it's just about content. *shrug* Only EA, and BIO know if they have enough time. Grats to BIO!
  12. "take away hair color and voice and nothing 'bout chakwas would suggest older than 20s. no crow's feet or lines on face to suggest age. no saggy bosom. is visually nothing that suggest age other hair color. " Notyhing about the doc screams '20 somehting hottie'. Definitely not her face. hat is your defintion of a '20 soemthing hottie' as doc certainly doesn't fit mine. She seems to be in her 40s. A well fit 40+ eyar old who'd qualify as a 'MILF' but not some 20 soemthin' hottie. "Wish I could have recruited Aria in place of Samara." These two are pretty good. Should be able to recruit both. Jack, on the other hand, is one of the worst joinables ever. I'm still debating whether or not I should bother with her loyalty quest. I'll proabbly do it as not having her 'loyalty' would proabbly lead to someone I like dying. Cosmic justice and all that. L0L "a collector general with some self-awareness of the origins of his race coulda' been interesting on multiple levels, no?" Most definitely. "is no rule that says a writer cannot set stage and entertain at same time. " Ahh.. But, this is where you fail... as by your various posts you were obviously entertained by ME2, no? "Spandex Chick, Angry Black Guy, Psycho Chick" First twom are awesome. Third one I agree with. I like the 'ABG tm' because he seems the most normal of the lot and very liekly the least angry. HAHA! So much for stereotypes. P.S. I just did the Collector Ship. Won't spoil things; but AWESOME. Best part of the game so far. No contest.
  13. Perhaps the problem is your hearing... L0L
  14. "Bethesda, for many people, made a worthy successor. It is your opinion that it is not. " Thanks for stating the obvious. OMGZ I sahred my opinmionz. Oh noes! HEY EVERYONE SOMEONE SHARED THEIR OPINION AND THEY DID IT ON THE INTERNETZ! THE HORRORZ! "3. The pitiful cameos of Ashley and Liara." Agree with Ashley; but Liara wasn't too bad as she had a pretty important position and she actually gave you quests and actually interacted with you in a meangful way and she actaully made sense in her reasoning. She also showed some growth. Also, I'm sure her hate for a particular being will (or should) be further explained in ME3.
  15. "So Volourn has to be among the top five dumbest people I've encountered on the internet." Is that the best you got Mr. Buttthurt? Are you crying again? Better do better than this as you fail much like ME2 and its dumbed down character system and combat. Or Troika trying to run a successful game company. Or Bethesda trying to make a worthy FO sequel. Or, your mother trying to give birth to a respectful human being. R00fles!
  16. "She does mention that she doesn't consider herself to be working for Cerberus, but for Shep." Thanks for proving my point. She's there due to her ehro worshipping of Shepard. Plain, and simple. I like it when people abck it up espciially when they are trying to disprove me. L0L "That story was finished, as well as it could be at the time." BG series can easily continue. "I'm bashing the undeserved legendary status that some people and the press are so keen to award it with." Not as underserved as the pedestal you put a stupid little rodent on. L0LZ "Its significantly cheaper, and the WoTC are notoriously annoying to work with. I've heard the same of White Wolf. Too much meddling... But they do offer pedigree and tons of finished content." Yet, probably half the products based on D&D have bombed eitherc ritically, commercially or both. That 'pedigree' is a myth.
  17. "There, there - it will all be over soon. " Nice pic of your fave npc of all time. "Its a very good game at best" Yeah, ME is so horrible than even the person who bashes it calls it 'very good'. LMAO "Face it, ME is the best and deepest game BioWare have created thus far in every single aspect from setting to gameplay. " Jokin' right? Youa r ejust as bad as Boo is with his Bg series love.
  18. ME universe > overrated dune 'Nough said.
  19. " So far it seems similar to be to ME1 what KOTOR2 was to KOTOR1 - evolved gameplay, much better writing, darker atmosphere." Kiddin' right? KOTOR2 gameplay was exactkly the same as KOTOR only with easier combat. The writing was of equal writing for the most part. And, most definitely wasn't darker. IN ME2's case, teh scenario was worse 'cause at least KOTOR2 was about equal with KOTOR1 in all ways. ME2 is EXTREMELY dumbed down. ME2's combat is basically hide n seek with guns. L0LZ The writing is about equal, and it's not all that much darker. On top of that, 'darker' does NOT mean 'better'. Unless you think Saw series is the best set of movies of all time. "I like a universe with eleves in. How else am I going to kill elves?" True dat. "maternal aspects kicking in. " Emo alert! Sory, she has a hero worshipping complex. No way a career military person like the doc would work for cerberus which is basically enemy #1 for the alliance just because she doesn't want to live on a planet. She does it because she was told she had a chance to work for Shepard. Not that I blame her in that regard; but it is hero worship. Just ebcause she doesn't slobber out 'Oooo Shepard...' doesn't chaneg that. She is too respecable and too old to act like a school girl who gets to see her crush again. That's one of the things that makes her kewl.
  20. "Ok, what exactly are they saying? I was previously under the impression that if you die during the end game it would be taken as an official ending and Shepard would either be replaced by a 'new guy' or perhaps cloned. This basically sounds like dying doesn't actually count as the 'true' ending in ME 2. I'm disapointed" You must have heard that myth on the Codex as theya re butthurt over this too. ME series has always been about Shepard's story. No Shepard no story. "chakwas is, as far as we can tell, one o' the only women shep knows who ain't suffering from trauma, psychosis, hero-worship, or some other unpleasantness." Doc is kewl and all; but she most certainly has hero worship of Shepard. This is a career military woman who decides to join enemy #1 just for the honour of serving Shepard. "we would never guess that the doctor were anything other than a hawt 20-something." Kiddin' right? Your eyes must be failing you if you think she can pass for a 'hot 20 soemthing'. 20 soemthings - espciially hot ones - don't look like her. She's not anicent but she's not young either.
  21. Damn. NO won. Now we have to hear about how it was defined by some lame religion when, in fact, it's ebcause they (i mean brees) played awesome. Manning did too until this game ending interception. If it wans't for that inetrception, i'd say they should be co MVPs. Now, the obvious choice is Brees hands down.
  22. "yes, and as the planet scanning is optional, it is perfectly acceptable for such a feature to be repetitive, tedious, and uninspired. heck, the loyalty missions is optional too... am surprised the biowarians put any effort into them at all as the status of such material as optional relegates such stuff to relative non-importance. ... 'course vol mighta' been simply talking nonsense... again." Not everyone hates the mining. Repetive: Like the combat? The dialogue? ALL games are repetive. poor argument. Tedius? Nah. tedius assumes you go out of your way to do it for 5 hour straight. Uninspired: Not as unispired as the dumbed down combat and character system is. Out of the list of thinsg to whine over ME2 about, the solid planet scanning is right near the bottom. L0LZ Now, then dumbed down combat and characetr system is a different story and you can'ty avoid that at all. Planet scamming is a nice pattern when you just want to relax inbetween missions or having to play peek-a-boo.
  23. "You need resources for upgrades." 100% optional.
  24. "but I cant suffer through planet scanning " Planet scanning is 100% optional. Skip it.
  25. Sniper rifle is cool. I *always* use that to pick off enemies far way.
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