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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I perosnally would love all the joinables to return (barring things happened that make it impossible ie. me slitting zevran's throat); but I don't know why one having their fave not being in the game as enough reason to not by the expansion. It' silly. That's making the assumption that all the new npcs will all suck. BIO has been making popular npcs for a decade + and every game people whine about their fave not being in the new game yet.. they buy the game eventually, and find a new fave. *shrug* Heck, I know my favorite DA joinable will likely not be in the expansion but I'm sure I'll like at least one of the new ones. I'll be really shocked, and dissapointed if I didn't.
  2. "They can't force you to pay gratuity. They can add it to the bill automatically, but you can refuse to pay it. " You know as well as I do the point of putting it on the bill, though, is that the vast majority of people are gonna just accept it as the actual price no questions asked just to avoid a scene. That's why restuarants do it.
  3. Too many to count.... "Warriors of the Eternal Sun was touched with the Wand of Awesomeness, IIRC it was the first D&D computer game I'd ever played. " Absolutely awesome game. A near forgotten gem. Not exactly role-playing or writing masterpiece but hella fun nontheless. BEST: NWN series total package hands down THE REST OF THE BEST: BG1, BG2, MOTB, HOTU GOOD: NWN2 OC, a few of the GB games, PST, IWD, WOTES, NWN1 OC AVERAGE: some of the GB games, SOU, KOTORS (kinda if you count them though they are ezxtremely dumbed down) SUBAR (had potential): TOEE WORST OF THE WORST: SOZ, POR2, DTU, EOTB
  4. "I'll be buying Awakening, but doesn't $39.99 seem a bit high for an expansion? Isn't $29.99 the norm? That's what MoTB and SOZ were." Nah. Even now, SOZ is around $25. TOB was like almost $60.Most expansions are $30 minimum barring specials and packages. That's why I don't get the complaining. This is business as usual as far as pricing goes.
  5. Sean Avery skoolz his former team the Dallas ****z!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  6. "Is it because of the crapfest that was Jade Empire?" JE > BG Are you claiming BG is crappy?
  7. "It's like if a game is a genre hybrid, it excuses any mediocrity exclusive to each of its parts." Nonsense. Good can outweigh bad. ie. BG2 is one of my faves but it is lacklustred compared to certain other gamesm in terms of actual C&C. BG1 is even worse in that regard. ie. FO has awesome C&C but the joinables are subpar and the main story is AVERAGE at best yet again, one of my favorite games ever. *shrug* It all depends what you want/expect from the game. I don't give a cvrap about shooters so I don't give a crap if its 'shooter' aspect is up to par (not saying it is or isn't just that I personally don't care either way). I'm playing it for story, characters, C&C, fun action rpgish combat, and universe history. *shrug*
  8. Nope. ME was awesome as a RPG. I espect ME2 to be more of the same awesomeness.
  9. ME is an Action RPG with shooter elements. If you are looking for a shooter you *will* be dissapointed with ME2. Troll.
  10. CIN - CIN is probably the 'weakest' of the homem teams but I think they'll pull it out nontheless. DAL - I don't really care who win this one but I expect a lot of over the top dumbness by so called 'experts' bashing of the loser. Morons. NE - BAL is a tough 1st round opponent for Brady's return to playoff play espicially since NE has been up and down all season; but I just don't see him going one and out. ARI - Rogers needs to suffer that loss in his first playuoff game. But, hey, a GB vs MIN 2nd round match up? EPIC.
  11. Oghren? BIO's 2nd worst ever dwarven joinable npc? Urgh.
  12. Hard to take a reviewer seriously when they rate a game 9.5 and then in the same breath call the main story 'dissapointing'. What doesm that even mean? His expectations were that the story would be weorthy of a 12? Seriously, STFU, oxm. High rating is irrelevant when you prove to be dumb.
  13. "it better be worth it for that price." Shouldn't anything be worth it no matter what it's priced at. Besides, it isn't that more expensive than your typical BIO expansion. Heck, TOB was practically priced like a full game with basically as much content. *shrug* The full game was $80ish, after all. $45-$50 ain't too bad.
  14. 'Cause he's not the only one complaining. I'm speaking in general terms.
  15. Oh, please. It's only a mess if you are a simpleton. All that expansion info can be found in one thread sticky in the official forums with handy links. Not complex at all. And, why are people still insistent on whining about being forced to be a GW. It's part of the game. Don't like it, don't play it. This feature is one of those that won't change no matter how much one whines. Just wonder who the old ally will be. Probably won't be Morrigan or else the expansion will be overloaded with major stories at it already has seemingly 2-3 major ones.
  16. It's simply not a design goal for ME series. People should just suck it up, and move on. Just like it wasn't for BG series, KOTOR, or JE. it was for NWN, and very limitedly, with DA.
  17. "So it basically cost about the same as original game but ain't stand alone game. It better have the content of the full game with that price." Huh? The original was about $80, and no, the difference between Amerikan and Kanadian money is not that big of a difference. "I'm trying to work out the math --- it's allegedly 15 hours + 5 new NPCs (+1 oldie which has to be Morrigan)." WUT!?! We're not getting access tom all of the old familiar npcs? That sucks. I'm betting at least some of the new npcs are popular non joinables from Origins. New specializations are neat but Im sure most people already took 2 so it's good they likely will give the option to edit characters. I wonder what new spells, talents, and skills there'll be... "Historically, Bio XPs aren't generally a rip-off," This. SOU was the worst by far yet it was from worthless. The other theree were simply awesome.
  18. Interviewer is a moron hence the interview was wasteful.
  19. Grats to tha winnar!
  20. "That's pretty standard in restaurants for parties over 8. Pushing out food for a party of 45 is much more difficult than pushing out food for a party of four. It requires more attention from the cooking and the wait staff. Also, I'm not sure about Canada, but in the US waiters are actually taxed on the tips, so there is some expectation there. Have you ever worked in a restaurant Volo?" \ Not only that, but I *am* working at one. I know exactly how restuarants work. That doesn't mean I approve. 'Expecations' are the key. It's garbage. Plain, and simple. Knowing how something works doesn't mean you approve it or fin dit acceptable. Tipping should be just that tipping - A BONUS FOR GOOD WORK. NOTM ACTUAL SALARY. That's the restuarant owner's taking advantage of their employees and customers.
  21. "Most of us (except perhaps some Americans with their weird obsession with Creationism)" Bigot criminal.
  22. "Terrigno said 45 people ordered off the menu and their total bill came to $14,234.23, including $677.98 for GST. The restaurant usually adds an automatic 18 per cent gratuity for a large group, which would bring the total to $16,796.39." He's just as bad as they are. 'auto gratuity'. Lmfao
  24. KOTOR2 had an ending. Whether you like it or not is absolutely irrelevant. Most games are completeablem and finishable at release. It's a very rare game that is such a mess that it can be considered in completeable.
  25. "There's probably no such thing as a GOOD publisher" Nonsense. No publishers, no games. Any publishr thatr eleases a game I like is auto good. Now, are there any good internet posers... oops... posters? Nah. Gamers are the most selfish creatures in the known universe. They never see the big picture, and don't care about anyone about themselves.
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