"Furthermore, it could turn the characters into something more than the typical spineless puppets, and it would allow for potentially awesome party banter. But, of course, Bioware aren't the self-proclaimed champions of storytelling in games or anything."
Define 'typical spineless puppets'? NPCS will argue with you, will leave you, and will even attack you if you do things they disagree with.
Also, people whining about their being no penalty to falling unconcious other than helaing poitions - it should be pointed out that there are penalties for doing just that. I'd personally pefer actualy death myself.
As for the xp argument, meh, useless argument over uselessness. It really doens't matter hwo the game handles experience as DnD tends to handle it ine very single way that one can think of as well. More importnatly, as long as the game is balanced for the xp you will potentially gain... *shrug*