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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Companies should be allowed to hire, and fire any employee they want. Just like any employee can work or quit any job they want. Companies don't owe employees 'loyalty' as employees don't owe them loyalty. It's up to the employee to prove their worth to the company just as its up to the compnay to prove that working for them is a good idea. No mercy in business. That's my motto.
  2. Yeah, seriosuly, I like Dark Sun. It's a solid setting. I'm just pre countering those who will come rushing in to claim how awesome DS is simply because water is 'rare'. Big deal.
  3. Really? that's the reason? Why did I rescue him again? Bah, he deserves to rot. P.S. Morrigan is one of the best npcs ever. Yeah, she can be a BLANK, but she's absolutely hilarious!
  4. "Epic fail for reading comprehension. Not what I said or implied at all. Please re-read my post as I clearly define my standards of what a CRPG labled game entails IMO. " You are better off playing an easy game like FO3 which holds your hand like a little baby.
  5. Yup. He hates the game because it is hard. DA has more taticalness in its pinky finger than BG or IUWD have in their entire games. the character systemn is better. And, while the spells and talents don't literally spell out the exact damage they inflict, they very clearly stat what they do. Do people actually read the manual? Do they actually read the character screens? Press x on any ability and stat, and item and it gives you more details. The AI, if you actually take a bit of time to elarn it, is depper, more complex, and more fun than any other RPG. Again, the AI is fantatsic if you learn how to manipulate properly. Which takes time. It's called a learning curve, people. I'm about 20 hours into the game, I'm still leanring new tricks. "How does armor work? I don't know. How is damage calculated? Beats me! Why does the really good weapon only do 3 more damage than the really average weapon, and does this mean anything? Couldn't tell you! And neither could the game. If you're going to build a tactical RPG around an old-school combat system, it is not enough to simply build it. The system must be explained. It is the details of it, how it works, and how to power-game it, that appeal to people who like knock-down, drag-out, tooth-and-nail dungeon crawls. " This, and the rest of the rveiew just proves the writer's ignorance. He expects to be held by his hand. In essence, he wanted a dumbed down BG. DA is so much more than that. DS combat is vastly sueprior than the IE games. Anmd, i say that being stuck on console. I bet the combat is 100x better on PC with the iso view. The classes, and skills are way more balanced than BG was. Are people really claim that an IE rogue was an equal to an IE mage? Get the heck out of here! For years, certain peopel cried that BIO games were easy. Now a game of theirs comes along where most everyone says it is hard (there are some who claim the game is easy but *shrug*) there's people crying it's too ahrd. WAAAA! And, yeah, some encounters can be blatantly unfiar. Guess what. This is true in the IE games. I mean, BG2 had an enemy that basically an insta death spell that couldn't be reissted barring 1 or 2 ways with no way of knowing how to do it first time you meet him. Sorry, guys, buckle up, stop whining, learn how to read and follow instructions, don't expect hand holding, and learn the system. Or play a different game. Or better yet, keep crying, and maybe BIO will lesson and lower the difficulty some more (like they alreay did like wussies) so the game can be easy as your wussified FOs, BGs, NWNs, GBG, etc. "It's funny how he complains how the system needs to be explained. Games like Morrowind & fallout 3 don't explain how armor works or how damage/accuracy is calculated... and nobody gives a hoot about that. " Those games are easy, hold your hand, and very little thinking involved. Plus, people don't get it. You aren't supposed to have the AI do EVERYTHING in DA. It's supposed to be play like the IE games where the PLAYER controls the characters. The AI is supposed to be be a little push in the right direction. A helping hand. Not a replacement. Even though, if you use the AI stuff right, the companions' AI in DA are some of the best ever.
  6. It be alright, but the setting itself is overrated. Ooo.. a desert. Big deal.
  7. Volourn


    This series is massively dissapointingly boring. I managed to get through the uneven 1st epsiode, but when it came time to watch the 2nd episode I couldn't even get to the title screen before deleting it. I'm done. Back to actual fun shows like Fringe.
  8. "Oh yeah, apparently NWN2 sold more than NWN1 (I was rather surprised, as much as NWN2 is IMO far superior to NWN1 in every way I never thought it was reflected in sales). NWN1+exps ~3million, NWN2 ~3.25million- and that even excluded SOZ." This is the first I've heard of this. L0L Where did you get this info from?
  9. "so you have stamina/mana cost AND cooldown on powers?" Yes. It's the yellow bar where the mage's blue mana bar would be. Stamina regenerates faster than mana does though but there's no p;otion (that I know of) that you cna drink to fill it up. There are spells to fill it though.
  10. Hnagin' on for dear life half way through season... Gah.
  11. Guys, I was jesting about why Atari did this. I have no clue for their motivations. It could be pretty much anything.
  12. "The tactics slots are groovy, it's just that you need to spend some time figuring them out (I was too keen playing to bother for about fifteen hours!)." I agree. But, it takes time to figure things out espicially nif youa re a moron like me. When i first sued them i did it so quickly and obviously wasn't paying attention. My npcs were drinking potions non stop. I wondered what was going on so I dou8ble checked.. the greater then arrows was pointed the wrong way. L0L So, I basically had it set tod rink points when health is > then 25% instead of < then 25%. Doah. L0L Me = dumbnutz "i still dont really understand what fatigue does and how it works....... " It takes fatigue to use warrior/rogue abilities (much like mana is used for magic). Your equipment (most noteably armour) increases the percentage useage.
  13. "It surprised me for sure. NWN2 was superior in pretty much every way, especially when you take Mask of the Betrayer into account. The only thing that NWN1 got better was the ease of adding new character graphics like armor and heads. " No, NWN2 is not suprior. It does do things better, it also does things worse. "You make it sound as if I lost sleep over it. Get a grip last thing on my mind for awhile, if you are so over it then stop bringing it up." Works both ways, bub. And, you know you didn't use any 'facts' or numbers. You spouters your opinion. Nothing more nothing less. Bottom line: NWN1 > NWN2.. MOTB is the exception to prove the rule. This is a fact.
  14. "Why not. RPG-lite sure but you have a RPG stat/combat system, make decesions in the game world as your character and a main storyline. Last I knew those are the basic qualifiactions for a CRPG. As been proven by CRPGs past and present linear or non-linear storyline does not make or break the label of CRPG. But I see what you are trying to imply, In your world if it does not have dragons or mutants in it so it clearly can't be a CRPG.... Funny, reminds me of a PnP RPG by Steve Jackson (Of Car Wars fame) called 'Toon'. You played a cartoon character in a cartoon based world. Think a RPG based on the loony toons franchise. By your apparent logic that isn't a RPG either then. However the players of that game back in the day I am sure would disagree as I do here to you on the same principal. And yes the modern GTAs I consider CRPGs too. Hell those stories, plots, acting, open world and how you can effect some of the game world surpases some games labeled as a strict CRPGs. Nothing prevented you from RPing and making choices in those games. Plus the skill based system was pretty neat. So yes those technically can be considered a CRPG. Were they as deep as other CRPGs on a RP level? No. But certainly on a minunum level at least they qualify in my eyes. " Oh, please. Not every game with RPG qualities are actually RPGs. Just like not eveyr game with 'action' are action RPGs. Genres DO overlap, silly boy. "In your world if it does not have dragons or mutants in it so it clearly can't be a CRPG" Your logic is foolish. Again, not every game that has some RPG is neccessarily a RPG. But, hey, I guess FF10 is a sports game because you get to play a sport. And, I guess FF8 is a card game because you get to play cards. Going by your defintion, 99.9% of games are rpgs. Why have genres if you every game is gonna fit in one, anyways?
  15. "... 2 dollars a hour and 80 hours a week should be enough rewards, no other benefits needed..." Yeah, because that's exactly what EA does. Even at its worst, it didn't do that. Nice try, though. "Then it is pretty understable." Companies don't use let people go just for the fun of it. It doesn't make sence to hire someone, train them, and then can them for ****s and giggles.
  16. "They all have CRPG elements just some more deep then others." So.... Smackdown vs Raw franchise is a RPG then. K, then.
  17. Poor, poor Harlequin. Still upset that NWN2 failed to crush NWN1 like he predicted. Defibe 'cult' level. "NWN1 community is indeed down to cult level. Sorry thats a bitter pill for you." Why would I worry about the NWN1 community and how active it is when I haven't played NWN in awhile myself? I've moved on. You haven't apparantly. "And do you have any hard numbers to back up your wild acusations besides your fanboy merit badge? Didn't think so. In other words just pulling 'facts' out of the air. *shrugs*" Except that's exactly what youa re doing. Just keep crying abotut he fact that NWN1 > NWN2. R00fles!
  18. "because i had interest in buying it... and was getting more info about the game before i made a purchase... and now i am happy that i did some research, because it saved me 60 bucks" That's awesome. Yet, now that you've made the decision not to buy the game you are still posting about it. You know, I made the decision NOT to buy that barbie doll.. you don't see me spamming about it, right? Only on the internet do you see go on, and on, and on about things they don't own, don't want to own, or even hate. Just move on to something you actually enjoy.
  19. Companies aren't there to be moral. They're there to make money. And, no, employees aren't loyal. Employees work for companies becaue they want to get paid. You cna't buy loyalty. I guarantee everyone of those 1500 people who got cut would have quit working there in an instant if they could find a better job. Even if them quitting would hurt the company. And, not one person here would take that quitter to task. Abnd, if EA had just let go 10 or so people, nobody here would say a thing either. This is about numbers. Do I do a happy dance when people lose their job? No. But, I don't think companies OWE anyone anything other than what is in the contract. Period. And, vice versa.
  20. "What do you mean 'forcing' there is no expectation that a company has do anything other than making money for their shareholders, what are you, a Communist ?" Your comment doens't make sense. Why would I be a communist when I'm not for it. But, yes, the law most certainly forces companies to do certain things including when it comes to who they can or cannot hire and fire. This is undisputable FACT.
  21. "Fallout3 is a CRPG just as DA is a CRPG." No. No, it isn't. It's an Action RPG. There's nothing wrong with that; but it's not the same. The goals of both are different. "I have never seen Fallout: Tactics considered an RPG before." Yeah, no doubt. Espicially since its genre is basically right in its name.
  22. Man, your loathing of BIO and bashing of them is still nonstop. "obsolete, almost 8 yr old game had support pulled. " An 8 year old game that likely has more actual fan participattion than newer games - including its own sequel. "And the news exactly?" It's news 'cause it has nothing to do with how old NWN is. This likely legal; crap, not 'this game is old so let's stop supporting it'. Espicially, since these modules are still available for those who already bought themw hich means the bandwidth is still being paid for. "Did no one think eventually NWN1 was going to fade away retail wise?" Not ebfore NWN2. R00fles! " *shugs* Considering the community is down to the cult level its not a big deal really." It hasn't dropped all that much. You exaggerate too much. "Whos going to pay for DLC for a 8 yr old game at this point?" I bet more than you think. You are obviosuly still mad that NWN2 failed to destroy NWN1 like you predicted. R00fles!
  23. Forcing a company to keep employees just because it's the moral thing to do is rather immoral. It's their company. They should be able to it run it as they see fit. There's already way too many laws that try to destroy companies and tell owners who risk THEIR money on how they run their business. IMO, if a company wants to fire someone they should be allowed to. Period. Even for racist, sexist, or any nonsensical reason.
  24. Has to be. DA isn't supposed to be an action rpg ...
  25. If they can't afford to pay those salaries, and EA goes udner, and every EA employee loses their jobs.. you prefer that outcome? Come on, now.
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