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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Serbian press says RT claims Russia is going to intervene in the next 48 hours. I can't find the original source on RT although I doubt they'd invent it." \So... Putins and his lakies are caught lying yet again. Not surprising.
  2. So, the teams that should have won easily finally got together and did what they were supposed to do. Good on 'em.
  3. "Our normal difficulty will not be tuned for casual players at all. It will not be as hard as IWD2 but should be in the IWD/BG2 range." Kiddin' right? IWD2 is easier than either IWD and BG2. LMAO
  4. "Most people buying this game will play it more than once." Doubtful. Most people who buy this game will not play it more than once. In fact, many won't even complete. Don't confuse the hardcore with the majority. \ For the reecord, I likely will play it more than once assuming it is as fun as I expect it to be.
  5. ." In IWD2, Obsidian" Obsidian didn't make IWD2. Anyways, ID2 was not a good game. IWD1 was 100x better. That aside, I agree. Coolio animals are cool.
  6. "undead skeletons." There are non undead skeletons?
  7. I've read and heard enough from RUSSIANS online and elsewhere to have an idea on the full range of their views - which is avried like any other. Even the official Russin papers have published polls in which the majority of Russian opposed Putin's actions in Ukraine. Which says a lot since Put likes to murder Russians. Why such a Putin apologist?
  8. Axtually, the issue isn't with the 'average' Russian. The issue is with Putin and his cronies. The 'average' Russian opposed 9and cotninues to oppose) Putins invasion of Ukraine.
  9. "Russia can offer them a market, energy and with the CIS security guarantees. Its not going to make a wonderland out of Ukraine but the alternative is the worse poverty than they're in now, as the good energy deals come to an end and Ukrainian exports dry up." The only thing Russia offers Ukraine is death and slavery. How many Ukrainians have been murdered since Russia took Ukraine over? More than there was previously. Even the so called 'Russian' Ukranians aren't safe from Russia's mass murderers.
  10. People are moronic flip floppers of epicness. The paper is stupid.I've been 'ragging' on Durant all season (only in comparison to James) but that article is moronic, ignorant, evil, selfish, scummy, satanic, nazi, and just play pathetic.
  11. LAMO Too busy celebrating my 8-0 shutout victory to do that properly. Let's try again. Rangers over Pens 4-2 Boston over Montreal 4-1 Chicago over Minnesota 4-0 LA over Anaheim 4-2
  12. Hawks over Kings in 7 Rangers over Pens in 6 I went 8-0 in 1st round predictions.
  13. "Are things like constant saving and reloading, repetitive, rote application of pre-buffs, trekking back and forth between a dungeon and a shop, shuffling things around in and between inventories, or repetitively killing the same respawning monsters over and over again enjoyable activities?" I'll play your trollish game the way it is meant to be played: Simple answer is YES. "If you're facing a beholder for the first time, you have no idea what to expect. He'll have to kill you a few times first." \I am playing a small violin for you right now.
  14. "A police officer has a gun, when he tells you not to park by a hydrant or else you will get fined is that a threat of violence? Of course it isn't." \ Yes, it is. What do you think he's going to do/what do you think will happen if you refuse his order? Violence is gonna happen. Duh. By its very nature the police use the threat of violence to get what they want. When push comes to shove they will kill you, injure you, destroy you 'to win' if for any reason but to prove a points. Cops are hired guns. Period. This is fact.
  15. The 'constitution' may not survive a court fight. People forget fundemanetal rule of contract - they have to fit the law not the other way around. Either way, he's evil, they're evil, and everyone is evil. Nobody believes in freedom.
  16. "Sterling exercised his right for free speech. Now the NBA exercised their right for self determination and free enterprise in response." That's what the Nazis and KKK claim. But, oh yeah, you agree with the NBA's stance so yous ide with them ebcause you don't believe in freedom.
  17. So, the nazis win again. Sterling is a piece of crap but this reeks of nazism. But, I'm not surprised. People don't believe in freedom. They give it lip service until someone says or does something they personally dissaprove of. I won't cry for Sterling but I would cry for people being ignorant about what freedom truly is. Evil to the core. Both Sterling, the NBA, and its lapdog supporters. Hypocritical nazis all of them.
  18. "I guess it'll innovate in terms of role playing at least."\ No, it won't.
  19. "(to make playing a Wizard downright annoying" \ LMAO Playing a wizard was NEVER 'annoying'. Are you kidding me? That is a silly statement with no basis in fact.
  20. "(IMO, by far the most annoying bit of MMO-ish nomenclature is referring to one's character as a "toon.")" I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.
  21. Level scaling done well can be fantastic. However, many games don't do it right. Afterall, pnp lives and dies by 'level scaling' for the most part. BG2 did it right mostly. ES does it wrong (like everything else it does).
  22. When someone has a gun and tells you to do something or else.. that's a threat of violence. Period. Don't try to spin otherwise.
  23. "Dragon Age 2 probably cost more to make than All of the IE games... COMBINED." I doubt that very much. DA2 was made really quick with lots of reused assets from DA1. Likely more expensive than any single IE game buyt all combined? You do realzie that BG1 and BG2 weren't cheap to make, right? "1) lack of cooldowns" Sure there is. 1ce per battle, 1ce per day are absically cool downs. |"s 2) no stamina/mana pool 3) no healing potions or spells 4) permadeath, for realz 5) complex weapons system 6) 11 classes with no specializations, rather than 3 with specializations 7) no dump stats engagement rules 9) no aggro 10) no class restrictions for equipment" \ L0LZ "In terms of plot, well I'll just say that Gaider is not quite up to MCA's caliber." HAHAHAHAHA! "If you honestly think PoE is an imitation of DAO, you are delusional." No. You.
  24. BG2 L0L I said DA had as much if not more enemies than BG1. BG1 not BG2. Because, as Gromnir pointed out, it's silly to bring BG2 into it sicne it's the 29,00th game of a series while DA was first. But, DA vs BG? About the same numbers give or take. This is FACT.
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