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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "There's a billion boring MMORPG's out there. We don't need more of those, we need more quality SP CRPGs." There's a billion boring SP CRPGs out there. We don't need more of those, we need more quality MMORPG's.
  2. "Offensively sexist," Yeah, against both genders. So, not really sexist since he attacks both genders mostly males. "vulgar," Nah. "and condescending only begin to describe it." \The target deserves to be 'condescended' to.
  3. Hey, MR. MVP, it's time to show you are legit. Hom,e game. game 3. No excuses. Win it or expect all the people who blew your horn this year to start bashing you. Because, idiots think a team sport is all about one single player. LMAO
  4. "What was so great about it exactly" *yawn*
  5. One of the best movie series ever gets a 4th movie? OH HELL YAS!
  6. "Wouldn't that make it kind of awkward when you're talking to Morrigan as her son if you also romanced her in the original game? Would that blur the boundaries between myself and my character, making making the Inquisitor his own dad? They should go with that option and break the 4th wall, it's actually surprisingly complex when you delve beneath the surface." It shouldn't be awkward if you are a half decent role-player since they are two different characters. No different than actors who play siblings than go on to play a couple a mere few months later. That said, as mentioned above, it's unlikely considering you couldn't play a horned freak in DA1.
  7. Pacers better enjoy their series lead. They played well but no way they shoot that well all series.
  8. Forgot to do this... After 3-1 () record in 2nd round, my predictions are... Rangers over Kanadiens 4-2 Hawks over Kings 4-3 Maybe I'll improve on my 11-1 record but it'll probably be split..
  9. "Then again, what else would one expect from an Englishman?" Bigot.
  10. "And again, it's about letting off some steam. My children torture me on a daily basis." Torture? Check your first world privledge if you think you are being tortured. L0L
  11. While I won't lie and say i didn't laugh at the candy video; it's is cruel, mean, and evil. The parents do it because it makes the parents feel good about themselves and don't care if they hurt their children's feelings. Evil humour can be funny but it is still evil.
  12. "No Monte despite what you think and how you see yourself when I raise issues of social justice its not about me at all. I am a white, heterosexual male. My life is great and I generally don't get discriminated against" Actually, your posts are all about you. Nothing wrong with that, but it's true.
  13. Yup. Useless. OKC = Durant + Westbrook. PERIOD.
  14. The Architect is awesome. One of the best game characters ever.
  15. A role-playing game is a game where you play a role. Yes, I just called Mario an RPG. DEAL. WITH, IT.
  16. Useless player is useless. The only players that matter to OKC success is Durant and Westbrook.All others are wannabe trash coasting on their coattails. PERIOD.
  17. Glad I know the plot of the 1st episode already. (or back sstory of main character). GF get kidnapped, hero goes to rescue her, she prefers to stay with her kidnapper because he is rich. LMAO
  18. He never claimed she 'banged her professors'. Just that she used her 'feminine wiles' to get 'better than she deserved' grades.
  19. "Yes, we can really say that. And this is the kind of nonsense from "the other side" that makes males look ridiculous. Most men aren't getting rape threats for daring to make a post about video games. You lose nothing by admitting this, and in fact your position is strengthened for conceding what is (eventually) a trivial point that everyone else already believes anyway." Who said anything about 'rape threats' about video games/ That wasn't what i was arguing, you schmuck. Sadly, women probably get more rape threats over that. I was arguing this: "We can certainly say that women get abuse that is worse in nature, and a lot more vicious," which was a response to this silly nonsense: "You are actually insulting the intelligence of people who follow and study the issues of sexism and misogyny if you are suggesting that on an average men go through the same amount of abuse, either physical or verbal, that many women are subjected to in REAL LIFE and the Internet" as in overall in real life not just silly internet unless you wanna go back to that silly argument. In real life, men get abused, assaulted, and trash in just as bad ways as women do. Don't let the modernpolitik fool you. Now, rape threats on the internet? Yeah, women are probably the highest target.. then again, we all know, 90% of women on the net are actually men. L0L Then again, women gain benefits on the net as well b/c of their gender as evidenced by many MMO stories of men pretending to be women so they get 'free gifts', "2) We change our attitudes about it." My attitude is fine. I never threatened to rape a woman on the internet so I have nothing to be ashamed about there.
  20. "We can certainly say that women get abuse that is worse in nature, and a lot more vicious," Can we REALLY say that? I don't buy that myth at all. It reeks of ignorance.
  21. How is it evocative? It's likely true. People will attack a guy's mother to hurt the guy because well known fact; MEN TEND TO LOVE THEIR MOTHER. So, if you want to hurt a guy you attack what they love. What that implies is that guys hate their fathers sonobody taunts the father because guys would just shrug but if you attack a guy's mother they will RAGE which is what the attacker wants. Afterall, what's more rage inducing? Someone attacking you with an insult or someone attacking someone you love. This is why I tend to swear 'son of a bastard'. That just makes people confused. LMAO \Sadly, there are those who do find women weak and use insulting language against them. Those people are scumbags. Many of them are men but plenty of women do it too. 'Hit like a girl' is a common insult that both genders use. It's wrong. Since plenty of women hit pretty damn hard. \ But, see, I believe in gender equality. Chauvinist pigs do not. Feminists do not. Both those groups are filled with hateful scumbags. "See, this is why I don't know if I can take your claims seriously. Where on earth do you live that you consider this a conceivably accurate scenario? My god."\ LMAO It's called an exaggeration, toolbag. But, my point about 'being attacked on the internet' are just facts. I lost counts how many '**** picks' I've been sent. 8sigh* The cost of doing bizness on the Codex. HAHA Of course, there are examples of this: Watch Titanic. What's the best way to show a man is a bad guy? He wants to get off the ship before a women because that is evil because men are trash and should be killed before women because women are more 'valuable'.
  22. "In my view, complaining about this stuff is just as dumb as those people who whine about feeling "unsafe" on the internet. White dues have it pretty easy on this Planet Earth. People who are upset about that have a legitimate grievance. And they are allowed to have that grievance without prefacing their remarks so as not to hurt your feelings. But what flows equally from that grievance is the understanding that, when it comes to issues like this, your delivery is just as important as the content. Very few people actually run around calling white men "devils" and they are usually made fun of by everyone else. Sure, certain radicalized idiots might find an internet forum where they can indulge this behavior without fear of being called on it, but for the most part these people cannot act that way and get away with it. All of this whining about it makes a person look like a petulant crybaby. I'm of the opinion that everybody -- men, women, etc -- should harden the eff up and stop complaining about their goddamn feelings all the time. I don't care about your feelings, and I don't want you to care about my feelings. Let's care about things that are actual and verifiable and measurable, and leave feelings for bedtime." I'm not crying. I'm stating facts. The point was that you don't need to be female, black, or some other minority to be attacked on the internet.Or real life. "White dues have it pretty easy on this Planet Earth. People who are upset about that have a legitimate grievance. And they are allowed to have that grievance without prefacing their remarks so as not to hurt your feelings." They sure do. The rapes, the murders, the abuse they have suffered just like anyone makes it so easy. Define 'pretty easy'. But, yeah, youa re one of those who believe white males are not human. That they can't suffer. A white man comes into a hospital with his hand cut off crying and you likely shrug your shoulders, and proclaim" Check your privledge!" as you let the youing woman with a a hangnail see the doctor first. LMAO
  23. "straight white men face and have faced the fewest specific forms of derogatory and dehumanizing treatment." \Yeah, it's not dehumanizing at all to be considered a monster simply because of your skin colour and gender alone. LMAO
  24. Hey, president's wife, those aren't your girls. You are Amerikan.
  25. NWN3 using DnD 5e. Just sayin'. L0L
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