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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. MIA in 6. If it goes 7, it be hard to bet against the heavily favored Spurs. It's all about home court. If MIA loses even 1 game in MIA they are likely done. Spuirs can afford one home loss and still have a shot at the series.
  2. 12-2 record. Damn Kings. L0L Anyways, SC Final. I'm obviously biased, but I'm sure Kings will be the well deserved heavy favorites. Still I'm sticking with the true King, the underated, much aligned, trash talked (espicially in the stupid Obsidian hockey thread) Henrik Lundqvist. NY over LA in 6 games. But, still, not surprising if Kings end up winning. (
  3. "heck even Stick of Truth." \HAHAHAHA! \
  4. "I might be wrong, but the PoE backers doesn't seem like the target audience for another MMORPG, most of us backed this game because its single player cRPG, and large portion of the backers seem to venomously denounce anything MMORPG(or aRPG) related, and have a kneejerk reaction whenever anything(mechanic or style) is even vaguely associated with it." The people who backed POE (I'm one of them) are such a minor % of who buys games - Obsidian or otherwise0- that their opinions are of such minor importance in the grand scheme of things. The arrogance needed to think otherwise is hilarious.
  5. So much for 'Mr. MVP'. MVP of losing.
  6. Why should they? 2D platformers are ancient garbage. They are so very passe.
  7. "It's highly unlikely that many fans of Obsidian would frequent that cesspit. Present company excluded, apparently." I bet plenty of Obsidian fans do exactly that. I rarely do myself, funnily enough. \"that accursed forum is home to things that would shock even the most perverse NEET, all without coming close to the legal definition of pornography. I suppose that's an accomplishment." \Eh. No different than any other forum on the net including this one.
  8. So, can all the yahoos who claimed before that Indiana was \'built' to beat Miami in a best of 7 series when they have home court advantage admit they were simply wrong? indy is a joke franchise with joke players (most of 'em anyways). The fact they were allowed to be in a Final Four with 3 true top teams is emabrassing - much like Montrsal in NHL. L0LZ
  9. No.
  10. Nope. They just played better. Nice try in making excuses. People are so predictable. Spurs win first 2 games and the claim is OKC has no chance. OKC wins next two and then suddenly SA has no chance. Now, SA wins and now OKC is outmatched. predictable. Dumb. Flip flopping. Ridiculous.
  11. "because San Antonio simply does not have the personnel to match OKC athletically when those 5 guys are out on the court together." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "Spurs take Game Five 117-89. Looks to me like Pop made all the necessary adjustments." No, no he didn't. The Spurs players just made their shots. Plus, the NBA is notorious for making sure home teams have huge advantages, Nothing else expalins why this series despite going 6 or 7 games has basically been blowout after blowout. Absolutely ridiculous.
  12. 2 billionz.
  13. Cera doesn't even come close to looking like the Isreali girl. Are you guys on crack? If you can't tell them apart perhaps the issue is with your eyes. LMAO
  14. League wanting game 6, L0L Btw, despite his awful shooting and limited playing, James was still a 'positive'. Still, greatjob by George and terrific 3rd quarter by Pacers. I guess, whining about referring DOES work despite the league stealing money over it. LMAO
  15. I echo Bryy. What's this 'laughing stock' nonsense? That comment makes absolutely no sense.
  16. I haven't trolled since the BIS boards. Sorry.
  17. Look at that. Trying to pretend you think they are favorites by claiming they 'are the team to beat' yet continually bashing them nontheless. L0L
  18. "wasn't trying to bash them, Volo, I was pointing out that they haven't played well for an entire game this series, which is fine, since they haven't had to. They're doing enough to win, that's the bottom line. They've played well, even exceptionally well, in spurts. But they've also had stretches in all the games, game 4 included, where they've looked less than stellar. They don't need to bring their A game for an entire 48 minutes to beat Indiana. " I have NEVER seen a NBA game where one team what has been at its best for a full 48 minutes. Not even the four blowouts in the West Finals. It is ridiculous to think that such a thing is actually possible. \But, hey, keep thinking the Heat suck and keep bashing them. then again, you are one of the fools who believed that Indy was a 'better' than Miami and they would beat them no contest. LMAO
  19. "Miami has yet to play a start to finish great game against the Pacers, but they haven't needed to." Uh, yes they have. That was game 4. I love it. Even when Miami wins people love to bash them. It's like people actually expect them tow in by 50m every game. Ridiculous.
  20. Volourn

    We Win!

    Yup, win the least important hockey tournament in the world with your best players against other countries' not the greatest players.. come brag about it like IT.IS. A. BIG. DEAL. The funny thing is this is coming from a HUGE Kanadian Ovechkin fan who was wanting him to win the gold and if not him Sweden for Lundqvist. LMAO
  21. Ibaka lovers rejoice! You seem to be right (at least for one game). he should have won mvp not Durant. IBAKA 4 MVP 4 LIFE!
  22. they definitely have more of a case than oakland that is for sure
  23. "No there isn't. There's hardly one from the past two years. And MMORPG's are boring per definition as ninety percent of the players only wants to "hunt", five percent wants to cyber and for the rest it is just to steep an uphill climb to even attempt to roleplay." \CRPGs - SP or otherwise- is fake role-playing and nothing like pnp. MMORPGs are no differen for the most part. NWN is the game that came the closest to true RPing.
  24. "but it's about time for the rest of the baseball to realize that the A's are the best team in baseball and have been over the last 3 year span." Must explain their 3 world series championships.
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