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Everything posted by Volourn
" like is actually a pretty powerful indication that the D&D per rest system has some structural flaws." The DnD per rest system is perfect the way it is. The issue is the way video gamers/video gamers use/abuse it. You should not be resting after every battle. PERIOD. Games should not be designed with that in mind. There are so many ways to fix this it's not even funny. 1. Limit resting to logical places - you shouldn't be able to rest in a palce with intelligent potetnial enemies - like that Lor'ds stronghold. If you try to rest you shoudl quickly find yourself sorrounded by almost the entire's keep's force. If resting in random dungeons like the Endless Paths random encounters may occur. 2. Only allow players to rest once per 24 hours (or 12 if being genorous or DnD elf). The body isn't meant t rest/sleep every 2 minutes. 3. Camping supplies if youa re gonna rest in wild and limited benefits to do so. 4. Time limits for quests so the player is motivated not to rest every second. 5. If time passes the dungeon/area should change and update brining more surprises. You cna leave various dungeons and its exactly as you left it. New traps, new enemies. Maybe what you seek has been moved/lost making you fail your quest. ie. A kidnap victim is moved location, killed, etc., etc. It's not ahrd. Dnd rest system is perfect. game developers are not.
"Maximum of 1 summon total per party at a time would increase combat quality." One cna rgue pros and cons of your ideas but this one is just plain wrong. Dumbing down summons is silly. It's bad enough with one summoning per character. of course, enemies need to use summons more. Also, some enemies could be smart enough to avoid attacking summons and attacking their summoner like PCs are. For exmaple, I tend to avoid summon shadows and just attack the shade who created them if possible.
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
"The people who trash talk Josh Sawyer all the time need a reality check. He's a person. He helped make a game. Eat a doughnut if you don't like it. Stop with your insults and personal attacks, it makes me sick to my stomach. He's a human being and doesn't deserve an internet hydra of whining, insult flinging halfwits with entitlement issues. He worked hard on this game, and he doesn't owe you anything. God. *PUKE!*" Attacking/criticising the game/developer is not trash talking. Now, no need for threats and whatnot but is there any of that going on? None that I can. Saying he is not as good as a developer as he/others think he is should not be out of bounds. Also, let's forget he has no problem perosnally attacking Obsidian's customers. Also, HE may not owe us anything but Obsidian does. In fact, they owe me an expansion pack (I know I get it so no worries). L0L Why do you insult Mr. Sawyer so much? Do you think he is weak and feeble that he needs protection from criticism? I am going to continue to treat him like a grown man who can take care of himself. He can dish it out and take it. That's life. Also, I bet you holier than thous have had no problem attacking other people - be they devs or other 'famous' people - so stop your silliness. -
"Especially considering how small their team was." \ Did you check the credits? L0L "Icewind Dale 2" IWD2 was a subpar game. "His bitter critics here don't appear to have designed much of anything" So... assuming you haven't worked on tv/movies, written a book, or play a game I assume you have never criticzed any of those right you? You know what they call people like you? Hypocritical. "and Fallout New Vegas." NV was really good. But, don't forget NWN2 OC which was simply okay. "the stuff that they are so angry about ranges from 'don't care' to 'flatly disagree' to 'perhaps, but fixable' in my book." L0L Every game could be fixable.. if the designer thinks its broken. \However, things that suck in this game whether you like it or not: stronghold is garbage, the npcs are subpar (espciially sad when Obsidian is owned by a dev who has made some of the best RPG NPCs ever yet he was told to shut his mouth and don't write), the xp reward system is out of whack, the main story is a blatant chosen one/DOS ripoff, the game has lots of horrible writing passed off as gobbleygook, and the C&C is done haphazardly - sometiems great sometimes compeltely and utterly awful. \And, oh btw, all that criticism comes from a poster WHO LIKES THE GAME. Now, stop being a n apologitic fanboy, mmmmmmmmmmmmmkayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!
OOOOOOO SJWs and The Feels Crew gonna hate that one. ;D P.S. While its chuckle worthy the actual sentiment I don't agree with but no reason to cry about it. L0L
"nor would I encourage others to; I just won't be crying into my corn flakes over the injustice of it all when people who provoke manage to, well, provoke. Because it's what they're trying to do." Except you did encourage it. Byt saying it is an acceptable reaction/beahviour you are saying you are a-ok it. That's right. You think it's okay to hit someone because they left a piece of bacon on some steps. Don't you see how evil that is? Violence is only acceptable to defend yourself or someone else from violent attack. PERIOD.
"but I'm not going to spare a single tear if they get their nose splattered across their face as a consequence; it would be played for and got." So.. you believe in violent solutions to non violent problems? Okay than. That makes you a nazi ISIS symapthizer.
They may be the 'defacto favoriotes' but reading between the lines its clear that people think Chicago will win. Youa re one of those. You are just hedging your 'bet' so either way you 'win'. If CHI wins you can say," See, I was right.I know CHI had the edge." If CLE wins you can *shrug* and claim"Meh. They were the favorites all along." L0L Talk about cowardice. Pick a damn side and stop trying to have feet on each side of the line.
Yeah because supposedly she had the hots for the big ugly green dude and she need to be rescued.... THE HORROR! \ This isn't the first time SJWs have attacked Whedon despite him being all up their butts. :D
"Here are some of the art exhibitions, take a look and tell me what message they are trying to express in your opinion?" Their mocking Muslim extremism. Good on 'e, I never see you cry when artists mock Christianity/Catholism. Why so hypocritical?
See. I can believe it to be true. Why? This is typical of SJWs. Whedon is on their side. He bashes GG and they proclaim him 'hero of the SJW' but you make one wrong move they will completely turn on you because there is no shades of grey. You have to bow down to them on all issues. It doesn't surprise me because no matter how much he protetsts, Whedon's work has never been SJWish - not even Buffy despite it being a female led show. Sure, there are 'SJW elemnts' but it also has anti SJW elements so they hate that.
I wonder what Bruce thinks of abortion. With his attitude abortion would still be completely illegal, abortion clincs would be shut down, pro abortionists/freedom of choicers would be censored, and fundamental christian crazies who used violence to oppose it would have 'won'. That's the kind of world Bruce wants to live in - where violent psychopaths get what they want.
"But guys did you look at some of the art? Its not even objective....its blatantly anti-Islam"\ And? Again... should anti GG exhibits and meetings be censored or shutdown because some wackjob attacks them? NO. Why are you defending psychopathic extremist violent scumbags? That's just... wrong.
"Just to be clear if there was an art exhibition and pictures of Jesus were being displayed like in this one I would also find it offensive..my view is " what is the purpose of this whole event" ?" Plenty of art mocking Christianity/Jesus. You know what Western society says to those offended? Tough up buttercup. It's part of free speech. "To show the world that the organizers think that Muslims are violent? I don't get the overall point " The best way to show how mad you are that someone thinks your group is violent is to... use/attemtp to sue violence against them. \ \YOU DO SEE THE ILLOGIC RIGHT?
"So here is my question, we know these types of events are legal in the USA despite being offensive to most Muslims...so why have them? Do we balance the right to freedom of expression against the safety of people and say " you are welcome to arrange this art exhibition but you are at risk and the Police cannot guarantee to protect you " Because apparently these attackers had a bomb as well and could have created real havoc..and for what? Just so someone can have some really controversial art show? So I'm not sure on this one in the sense " is it really worth having these types of events " knowing the amount of manpower that is now needed just to keep the premises safe ?" \ Yet you don't whine about the stuff that make fun of the Christian, Catholic, and other religious and non rleigous sects? Is it ebcause you simply fear extemist Muslims so much that you will bow down and kiss their behinds because of cowardice? Free speech is free speech. The art exhibit did nothing wrong. Why are defending Muslim extremism? Here's a qesution: Let's say SJWs and anti GGers put on an art exhibit to make fun of/mock GG and some psycho pro GGer (cause all groups have them) decides to attack/bomb/threaten it? Do you think those anti GG exhinits should be banned/outlawed for the reasons you posted above? Of course not. Only nazis think that. No, what you do, is find the scumbags who use violence to squash opponents and throw them in prison. PERIOD.
Almsot every time a Lebron led team faces the Bulls, a lot of 'experts' claim that Lebron aside that the Bulls are a better team and will win... then they proceed to lose. Chicago needs to prove themselves. The fact you think the Bulls are the favorites and will win is laughable. There is only one team that should be favorites against the Cavs. Only one.
"There is a big difference in saying "This feature is s***" (it implies that the feature is bad for everyone or at least for the most of people and in most circumstances, also it implies you have an authority or expertise to make such a statement) and saying "In my opinion, this feature is s***". The difference is HUGE, actually. In the second instance you don't sound like an I-know-better prick, for one. " Look in the mirror. "Well, maybe at least some people should bloody learn to have humble opinions? And some tact, you berk!" L0L, You tell me to 'learn some tack' than call me berk. HA! On topic, all those picture-book sequences do is give you pretty pictures. Otherwise, everything they do can be done during 'normal' dialogue. They pull me out of the game. But, hey, it gives more work to the artists so good on 'em.
Warriors vs Grizzlies. Golden State in 5. Rockets vs Clippers. Houston in 7. Hawks vs Bullets. Atlanta in 7. Cavaliers vs Bulls. Cleveland in 5. "Clutch plays from both sides and the requisite whining and flopping from Doc, Griffin, and CP3 --solidifying their place as the least likable team in the playoffs." Oh, please. SA does this all the time. In fact, every team does. LA is not special in this regard.
" We at GG are opposed to censorship and believe in free speech....but we want companies to pull advertising from the likes of Kotaku and Gamasutra in the hope these websites close down because we don't like what they say about GG"Find me a serious post of mine that has anything to do with censorship. I've made it clear in the past I don't care about idiotic politics. I make my purchase of games/what I read based on if I like it or not. ie. The fact that Obsidian bowed to SJWs in censoring PE is completely irrelevant in determining if I buy their next game or not. Please don't lie. "We don't like generalizations about GG, generalizations are wrong. Yet all SJW are Nazis and because there was a bomb hoax at the GG conference this just confirms that anti-GG is like ISIS ( so now because of a bomb hoax the whole of anti-GG which consists of tens of thousands of people is like a brutal and outdated extremist group that chops off peoples heads and crucifies its opponents.....hyperbole anyone ? )"L0L
"I'm pretty sure you aren't the market for this, and therefore nobody in particular really cares what you and the people who agree with you want. I, and apparently many other people here, *liked* those and found them immersive and are simply stating that more of it would be something we enjoy." Huh? "Here, fixed that for you. No need to thank me."\ Every post is pretty much an opinion. It doesn't need to be written. Nobody in this thread has a humble opinion though so don't lie.