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Everything posted by Volourn
"There is a big difference in saying "This feature is s***" (it implies that the feature is bad for everyone or at least for the most of people and in most circumstances, also it implies you have an authority or expertise to make such a statement) and saying "In my opinion, this feature is s***". The difference is HUGE, actually. In the second instance you don't sound like an I-know-better prick, for one. " Look in the mirror. "Well, maybe at least some people should bloody learn to have humble opinions? And some tact, you berk!" L0L, You tell me to 'learn some tack' than call me berk. HA! On topic, all those picture-book sequences do is give you pretty pictures. Otherwise, everything they do can be done during 'normal' dialogue. They pull me out of the game. But, hey, it gives more work to the artists so good on 'em.
Warriors vs Grizzlies. Golden State in 5. Rockets vs Clippers. Houston in 7. Hawks vs Bullets. Atlanta in 7. Cavaliers vs Bulls. Cleveland in 5. "Clutch plays from both sides and the requisite whining and flopping from Doc, Griffin, and CP3 --solidifying their place as the least likable team in the playoffs." Oh, please. SA does this all the time. In fact, every team does. LA is not special in this regard.
" We at GG are opposed to censorship and believe in free speech....but we want companies to pull advertising from the likes of Kotaku and Gamasutra in the hope these websites close down because we don't like what they say about GG"Find me a serious post of mine that has anything to do with censorship. I've made it clear in the past I don't care about idiotic politics. I make my purchase of games/what I read based on if I like it or not. ie. The fact that Obsidian bowed to SJWs in censoring PE is completely irrelevant in determining if I buy their next game or not. Please don't lie. "We don't like generalizations about GG, generalizations are wrong. Yet all SJW are Nazis and because there was a bomb hoax at the GG conference this just confirms that anti-GG is like ISIS ( so now because of a bomb hoax the whole of anti-GG which consists of tens of thousands of people is like a brutal and outdated extremist group that chops off peoples heads and crucifies its opponents.....hyperbole anyone ? )"L0L
"I'm pretty sure you aren't the market for this, and therefore nobody in particular really cares what you and the people who agree with you want. I, and apparently many other people here, *liked* those and found them immersive and are simply stating that more of it would be something we enjoy." Huh? "Here, fixed that for you. No need to thank me."\ Every post is pretty much an opinion. It doesn't need to be written. Nobody in this thread has a humble opinion though so don't lie.
"Nazi's and SJW's also like to label people, and then repeat the same tired mantra's over and over again. " And?
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
"didn't go to the depts of Od Nua because it felt gay," HOMOPHOBE TRIGGER ALERT! SJWS UNITE! \": just went back and checked again. I was at lvl 9, not 8." Admitted liar. Cannot be trusted in any defense of the game now. "Lastly, because this just sounds wierd: In what way does the existence of an exemption prove a rule?" You've never heard the expression 'exception that proves the rule'? L0L -
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
How is that impossible? Did you purposefully skip entire areas? L0L You aren't a gamer if youa re trying to finish a game ASAP. Plus, an existence of an exemption proves a rule. -
DA2 is better than DA3. FACT. Also, DA2 and DA3 are more successful than PE. FACT. I enjoy PE more than DA3 overall. FACT.
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Bounties were the worse but quests can be pretty bad too - espicially act 3 and that's b/c they wanted to make sure everyone was level 12 before end game no matter what b/c everyone has to be equal and therefore you cna't reward those who explore and play the game. -
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
That's b/c xp awards for quests are often ridiculously high. I guess it was Sawyer's way of giving an FU to those who were pro combat xp. He says, you think comabt xp is so important, no quest xp is, I'll give you 1 millionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn xp for talking to two people. L0L -
"I have always hated the word "censorship", I prefer seeing it as just removing content that isn't suitable or is considered offensive" L0L
You are about power and control always trying to censor people. So were nazis. So are SJWs and feminists. So, it seems to fit.
"women at home has to survive knowing her son, husband, father or any other male in her life is now dead...gone for forever, killed on the battlefield. And the dead person doesn't feel any more sorrow..they dead Of course this is true, the grief of family members will always be severe, real and implacable. But I would think this extends to all family members, like dads, who have lost family members" You don't see how insane this comment is? That's like saying if a woman is murdered that the men in her life are the real victims not her? If someone tried to spin that they'd be labeled as sexist and devaluing the female victim. That is a sick and twisted attitude you have but not surprising since you don't value males at all. "You can't compare the dead soldier to the grief of surviving family members..the dead soldier is now dead and no longer has feelings, you accept that right?" \But he is still the primary victim though. COME ON. "Hilary Clinton is making figurative point that is relevant, the families of dead soldiers are also victims. Of course they are, she is not saying the soldiers who get killed are now suddenly not victims." She's claiming that the female famly are the true victims. Ignoringt he actual victims the soldiers. Also, ignoring the fathers, brothers, uncles, grandpas, and sons male family who are also victims. Its sexism. It's also very evil of Hilary and all who agree with her. "The speech is from a rather long one at a domestic violence conference in 1998. The use of the word primary is sloppy, and I doubt you will catch her saying something like that in her current campaign." Are you REALLY making excuses for her evil hateful pathetic words? No better than Bruce. Just another anti GGer SJW showing their intellectual dishonesty. \ "So when Anita Sarkeesian received threats, did you leap to her defense and say she deserves to speak? I'm not being facetious, you may have and I simply don't remember, as it has been a long time. I believe both sides have the right to speak. But I also think both sides are crazy." \You are SJW. Stop pretending that you are 'neutral'. You side with Hilary Clinton and Bruce after all. You are fine with female devs being harassed by anti GG. Why is that? You hate women in gaming that's why. \"Doesn't mean it cannot be a trope in any case." Sure it's a trope but it's not a trope made out of an anti woman stance which is what the creator of was trying to push with their agenda. It's also not limited to women either. \
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
"Honestly the people who like the game seem to rarely credit Sawyer directly or even know who he is. There is a small group of people who seem to violently dislike everything about him and have for some time now." \ That's ridiulous. I like FO:NV just fine and he played a big part in that game. If I hated Sawyer SO MUCH I wouldn't have spent $250 on this game you silly troll. Crriticizing someone/something does not mean hating them. If I hated him/the game I wouldn't post about it. Do you see me on the ES forums? No. Because I loathe that crap. Trust me, Sawyer hates me way more than I 'dislike' him. L0L "L0L so says you, Volourn. Also, it's irrelevant. Sawyer didn't change anything. He made a comment on twiiter/tumblr/whatever the **** it's called and then Obsidian (note Obsidian and Sawyer are two different things) contacted the backer and asked if he wanted to change it, the backer said yes and changed it. You guys can keep retelling the story as "Sawyer changed the backer's poem" all you want, but that's not what happened." The backer had no choice. If you think obsidian hadn't already made the choice before asking the backer you are delusional. And, Sawyer no doubt had a big role to play since he agreed with the sexist who brought it up in the first place. "How is this evidence that Sawyer is overrated? I'll give you a hint: it's not. It's also not evidence of anything else really, it was his call to make and you being upset that some whacky character ideas didn't make it in certainly isn't "evidence" that Sawyer is overrated or a bad designer or anything else." Sure, it is. Avellone is awesome and Sawyer claiming Avellone's writing sucks and doesn't belong in the game is sure sign of lacklustre design prinicple. It also shows that joinable PE NPCs are not this game's strength. Again, I don't believe Sawyer is 'worst developer ever' as he has skill but he is highly overrated and his arrogance is laughable. and hasn't been earned. Thankfully, the Obsidian bigwigs temper his foolishness or the game would be worse if it was 100% Sawyer. -
Sawyer on vacation?
Volourn replied to MotelOK's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
"Well then If a few rabid gamers with no social conscience" \ L0L "On the other hand, there is a tiny, self important group who claim that he is arrogant and dosn't listen. What they really mean is that he dosn't listen to them! And frankly, why should a dev listen to the hard asses on online forums. They are not representative of the majority, much as they like to think so. In fact, it would be really bad business to listen to a few rather angry self indulgent people." But, that's exactly what Obsidian did. Also, btw, if Obsidian listened to the 'majority' they wouldn't make RPGs or even games at all. The majority of epopel don't give a crap about games in general or this game specifially.o HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES!?! -
Should I play this?
Volourn replied to DavetheJake's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
It's very easy to answer. The answer is yes. -
"I do care about the abuse of men, I just don't see the problem as prevalent as what women are subjected to. Its not hard to understand this perspective and I find it hard to believe that you see the abuse of women and men as equally widespread? You can't really think this?" L0L "I'd say that it is a 'legitimate' trope, even if it is often misused as a term. There are plenty of things that don't fit the trope, but there sure are whole lot that do as well, at least so far as treating the woman as a disposable item whose purpose is solely to motivate someone else. When it comes right down to it a trope is just a classification system for the blocks out of which stories are built, whether you see it as just building a revenge motive or as a pseudo misogynist cliché depends entirely on perspective." The oproblem with this line of reasoning is that it's not just women characters who are used like this. Male characters are used like that as well. It has very little to do with sexism. At least not hateful 'i hate women' sexism.TONS of examples of males being used in the same manner. *shrug*
The fairer sex? yeah, so fair, they mass murder their children. LMAO Face it dude, men are assaulted, abused, and victimized as much if not more than women ESPICIALLY by society. This is fact that delusional SJWs and feminists want to pretend isn't fact but your FEELS doesn't change the fact. Suicide rate, inprisonment rate, custody rates, crime victim rate, etc.,e tc. all proves you are full of baloney. Then again, you prove agaian and again you don't care about people with a ****. That is sexism. Why are you full of such self hatred?
"I would say this is because in RL women are primarily the victim of horrendous abuse and violence both physically and mentally." No, they aren't. Stop spreading lie.