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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. " They admit she lived in a teepee and has some native american heritage, but they are quick to dismiss it in their efforts to undermine her. " They admitted to living in a teepee before she was born unless I read that wrong. if so, it is irrelevant. Also, having some 'native amerikan' heritage (I have some as well.... well.. technically, i guess, i have native 'some' kanadian heritage in me) doesn't make you black. You do realize native doesn't equal afrikan right? RIGHT!?! She's claiming to be African American which by all accounts she is not. \ \ It's too bad the parents seem to have screwed up raising her but that doesn't make her claims true.
  2. Get most of my NBA news/updates from nba.com. Sometimes yahoo or msn have a (re)printed article. And, it's all the same. Whichever team wins is best ever gonna win and the losing team magically sucks. Back and forth. This happens with all sports - it was ESPICIALLY bad in hockey but it happens with this too. Remember when CHI had a 2-1 lead on CLE? They were basically deifying Rose. By the end of the series, I'd swear they all but labeled him 'worst ever'. Same here with Curry. He had a bad game and he gets trashed b/c the teams lost. His stats are basically in line with the other game (little better s% but less points) and the team wins and somehow he shows he is the 'MVP'. COME ON. It's a best of seven for a reason. Stop flip flopping between games.
  3. Then you aren't following any.
  4. "Anyway, could it be that Obsidian and inXile are doing the employee version of a game of wife swapping?" Lots of people are discussing this like it is simply an employee leaving for whatever reason. This is a co owner/co founder choosing to leave his creation. To me, this is what makes this a big deal. This is different, than say, Sawyer leaving Obsidian or Gaider leaving Bioware. They are employees - long term and senior employees - but still employers. This is an owner basically saying 'Sayanara'. And, it's not like he's burned out from making games as he claims it'll be what he wnats to do still. So, I says hmmm...
  5. If it goes 7 and GSW win it should still be Lebron. But, this doesn't surprise me. I expect another GS blowout on Sunday. Even with a bad game, James nearly had a triple double. But, the poor shooting again. James is so worn down. It's not even funny. I missed tonight's game but I'm not shocked. I like the write up though. Curry had less points than last game yet he's suddenly being praised again.. because the team won anyways. L0L And, now, James is a joke according to the 'experts'. L0L Bunch of flip floppers. P.S. Credit to the Warriors' D but then again theya re defending the best player + a bunch of losers. L0L
  6. "Fair enough, I just wonder how other overweight people feel? You may be more of the exception" Why are you skinnysplaining. Does his opinion NOT matter simply because he is fat but doesn't parrot your opinion? I also notice how you completely ignore the fact that they banned something that has nothing to do with attacking fat people but actually discusses actual whales. \I also bet you are the one of those tools who whine about 'fatshaming' but have no issue attacking skinny girls and shaming them. I wager that you support Britain in their banning of skinny models yet would be amongst the first if they banned fat models. LMAO
  7. Excatly, which is why this series will still likely end up with GS winning. They are just that much better. Look how easily they destroy that 20 point lead on the road. 20 point lead like that mid way through 3rd quarter should be a game over instead they got it all the way down to 1 point. Still, interesting fact, this is one of those odd games where there was no lead changes. CLE led from start to finish. James is playing way too desperate. Many of his shots are him throwing up a prayer (not getting foul calls as much as he should hurts). Very rare are his open uncontested shots 9credit to GS for that).
  8. "Who? The guy who can barely shoot 40% on single coverage while taking half of his team's shots?" Because he gets mugged but the refs don't call it because he is 'big and strong' while little players get nicked and it's BLOODY MURDER. L0L Della is no better at shooting %, and his defence is overrated. What was he doing in 4th quarter when Curry was draining shot after shot? LMAO \Answer this. If CLE doesn't have James are they in the finals? If they don't have Della are they in the finals? Be careful how you answer. One of these guys have gone to the finals 5 times previously and won twice. the other has done CRAP.
  9. Lebronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Jamessssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
  10. NEWS UPDATE: Chris Avellone join sup with the BIO Docs to create a new game development company. They name it (The) Triad in 'honour' of Troika.
  11. Established characters weren't always established. Every thing of fiction was a 'rookie' at some point and had to prove its 'worth' to any potential audience. Claiming that you need to use x repeatedly because the new y won't sell is bullocks, lazy, and cowardly.
  12. I never said it was good or bad. I've tried to find before but can't seem to see. I wouldn't mind watching it to judge.
  13. "The Great Gatsby" Eh... GG has already been remade with black characters...
  14. L0L \ You can blame the success of the Red Wedding/Ned's beheading for this. It's about being dark, and edgy, and 'shocking'. That's how the tv show made its moolah so how do you top soemthing like the Red Wedding? Something even more shocking....
  15. Not when he was guarding Thompson. I think it was more Curry not making his shots.
  16. I'll say this if Cleveland wins, the entire league espciially GS should be ashamed of themselves. That's a team - despite Lebron - who should never be able to call themselves 'best team in NBA'\. That's PUKE WORTHY.
  17. What the hell was that garbage. Some brutal basektball. Cavs won but I just don't see them winning 4 out of 7. James is trying way too hard, exhorting so much effort, that in last part of games he just has no energy left. And, the reffing (despite a lot of fouls calls) is dreadful. The Cavs aren't ready to win. Maybe next season.
  18. Easy win for GS. CLE is just too sloppy and the refs not calling fouls properly doesn't help. Still, either way, no contest.
  19. "EA didn't force any of of its divisions to use Frostbite," L0L
  20. Because those expectations are probbaly sell 1000 billion copies. But, hey, that doesn't change the fact that DA3 outsold PE. That's a fact and I say that as someone who likes PE more but your nonsense is just that nonsense.
  21. Truth hurts right Alum? Yup, the truth hurts. Of coruse, you are sexist. Bashing an intelligent women who doesn't agree with you. Why do you bash women like that? LMAO
  22. "Witcher 3 Metacritic 93 Pillars of Eternity Metacritic 90 Dragon Age Inquisition 85 Long live Obsidian & CDProjectRED, rejoice for Bioware is dead." Yet DA3 has outsold PE by MILES. LMAO
  23. IF that's true, that is EVIL. I'm sure either SJWs and Hardcore Republicans are involved. they are the only ones satanic nazish enough to do that stuff.
  24. Yeah but that's not gonna win them the series. We saw it in OT. We even saw it on the last possession in regulation. That kind of style means Lebron has to shoot perfectly which is not going to happen. CLE was dreadful in OT. Only points was at the end when GS basically let Lebron walk to the net. L0L Still, being on the road, CLE played close. Then again, so did HOU.... The fact that CLE lost when Lebron set a personal best for points in the Finals 9when he has a pretty good sample size) is not a good sign. \Yet again, Lebron is the best player but on the worst team (Out of two) playing.
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