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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I want more younger people to love BG games as much as I do." if you have to change something for someone to like it then it's not really the thing you liked that they actually like.
  2. "Sharp_One may be the worst person one these forums. I know we have a few good contenders, but he has a real strong mix of abrasiveness and ignorance that blends with his obsession with race and gender identity. He is definitely a top 5 candidate." Nah. You, Bruce, Alum, and myself are the top 4. So, Sharp might be 5th. Might.
  3. It is a gotcha moment. It shows how the storyline being pushed was flatly false and delusional. The claim being made was 'more females than ever' was proven false by a simple comparison of last year. That's why SJWs can't be trusted. They don't deal in FACTs but FEELS.
  4. "FIFA 14 and FIFA 15. the only difference is that they moved some players around and they sell it as a new game. that is fraud and sooner or later people will get tired of it" \ Are you insane? You don't even know what fraud is. That's a hefty accusation and you have no proof. I bet you don't even buy those or other sports games yet you have the GALL to speak on behalf of those. Pathetic.
  5. "I remain unconvinced." That is because you are a SJW and facts do not matter to a SJW.
  6. "God some you guys are a bunch of sad scaremongers." \Take your stupid god and shove him up the butt. I don't bow to no god but Ao. Better to be a 'scaremonger' than someone who wants to pretend that this deal helps anyone but the Iran religious fanatics in power. This does not help a single Iranian civilian who has no power. But, hey, let us bash the US some more for intervering in the world even though that is exactly what Iran does. Then agin, you probably never cared when the Iranian gov't was mass murdering Iranian citizens. Why so much love for them?
  7. "Britain wants to open an embassy in Iran by the end of the year, he said, and Brits have to start traveling to Iran and having the person-to-person interactions that will bring Iran back into the world. Iranian students have to be welcome in the west, so we will get to know one another." I await the first British citizen who is arrested for breaking some disgusting religious law or accused of being spies. That will be fun. Again, people are ignoring the simple fact. The average Iranian is not the issue. The government is. Why are people pretending that Iran is some reasonable country. They aren't.
  8. ".you can't think of a valid reason why you don't like Romance ...Volo its sometimes hard being me and realizing you are right all the time " Are you a tool? You just proved yourself wrong again. The reason why I didn't find a 'valid' reason why I don't like romance is that I never claimed I disliked it so why are you lying and besmirching my evil name? I'm fine with romances in games because they can only add to role-playing plus there is always a chance to see H0T boobies which always makes a pervert like me (and you) smile.
  9. He had plenty of leverage. Dallas had little ground. Wasn't Dallas claiming they weren't gonna give him a contract at all? L0L Bryant won this. Him sayuing he wants x amount of money likely was a negoiating tatic. Rule #1 of negoiation is never directly ask for what you actually want but ask for more then meet in the middle. Also, more than half is guaranteed.
  10. "In any case, as the newfangled kickstarter renaissance has shown, there absolutely is a demand for low-to-mid-budget games of the kind publishers are not willing to fund, even though they're proven to be profitable ventures. Making said publishers' reluctance to do so... baffling, to say the least." Define 'profit'. AAA publishers don't want to make 1 mil per game. They want to make 10mil or 100mil per game. They don't want to live game by game. Small companies do that and its why many go under. "Barti you guys must really get over your aversion to Romance, its irrational....its this sheep mentality. Suddenly BSN is not cool, and of course Romance is weird But you guys are just parroting what you heard ...I bet you can't give me a decent reason that is convincing why you don't like Romance ?" Youa ccusing others of being parrots is hilarious since that almost all you. How many times have you 'apologized' for being mistaken simply because all you do is parrot the SJW mantra even when its wrong. "Dialing down the pointless hostility would be helpful in making this conversation more productive." L0L Hypocrisy in action. "(Also, while I don't consider myself to be an expert on movie history, didn't Hollywood operate on a similar principle until the... I think seventies? when the bubble suddenly burst and studios were forced to return to low-to-mid-budget productions with a strong authorial vision?)" \Yet, they make big budgets now and are WINNING with huge numbers. So much so that even films that make 100-200mil are considered subpar perfromers. You aren't even considered a blockbuster unless you make 500mil. L0L
  11. "I know they support Assad and fund certain terrorist groups that have killed Western troops over the last 15 years but we need to see the big picture. Iran is not just a country of religious hardliners...there are moderates and those are the people we need to reach out to. Which the West has been doing obviously" The moderates in Iran have little to no power. "Suddenly compared to ISIS and its brutal ideology Assad doesn't seem that bad ...now the enemy is ISIS" L0L0L0L0L0L0LLIPOP A man who rapes one woman is not 'that bad' when compared to a man who rapes many women. COME ON. Don't you see the illogic you are using. You are playing a numbers game. It is also clear on how flippant in the 'killed some western troops' comment. Those are human beings you are casually mocking (THE FEELZ). Know what, forget the West. How about the Iranians the Iran gov't murders, rapes, and does all sorts of nasty stuff to. Every few years we see an 'uprising' of pro western/pro US supporters (usually students) and they are terrorized by the Iran gov't you are in love with. That's sick. I don't negoiate with murderers and rapists. Why do you? "Volo we need to stop seeing this whole Iran issue in black and white,,,there are grey areas" It is black and white. The Iran gov't is evil. the Iran people are mostly good. Yet, this 'deal' helps the gov't NOT the people. "What would you prefer ? For the USA to bomb Iran ...maybe send ground troops" No. Only sopmeone as bloodthirsty as you think the only options are give a nuke to psychos or kill a bunch of innocents (which is what would happen in a ground war Or even a bomb war). Talk about looking at things in black and white. "I believe Netanyahu sees this in ideological terms...he only cares for the Jewish state. I can't expect him to see the big picture and frankly that's his issue. The USA and others see the benefits of negotiating with Iran and thats all that matters "\ He cares about survival. Iran wants to destory Isreal. It is the US and others who don't see the big picture btw. The only group that wins from this deal is Iran. What does the US get from this? A 'promise' Iran won't make nukes? COME ON. Iran has already promised/claimed they aren't making nukes so what kind of negoiator gets the other side to agree to someone the other side already says is happening? One that doesn't have common sense. Seriously, what does the US get out of this deal?
  12. "He has always wanted a military solution but its not his country that has to do the fighting." Kiddin' right? His country has been fighting for its very existence every day since its creation. \The biggest issue with this deal is that it relies on trusting the Iranian powers to be. That is why it is EPIC FAIL. "The instant this deal was sealed it gave a severe blow to the future of Iranian hard-liners, whose entire world view has been turned upside down." L0L
  13. "That's like saying the police are ISIS pt 2 because they also use guns." \ That's illogical comparison because the police came before ISIS. Your point would still be silly, but the argument stronger if you said ISIS was police pt 2. As for Lex-Batman, Batman is making the same stupid excuse for going after Superman as various Lex Luthor versions have - he's a 'threat' to humans and blaming him for others' crimes. \ Superman's only crime in the movie was being a target. \That's like blaming me if someone tries to kill me and ends up killing bystanders. Blame the scumbag killer not the victim. This Btamna is annoying me. I want to like him because AFFLECK is awesome but from what I see the character is IMMENSELY butthurt at the wrong guy. Batman is supposed to be smart enough to see the big picture.
  14. "I'm not sure how else Batman would be able to stand a chance against Superman. It is, by definition, an unfair fight." \ Good. Batman should be able to oppose Superman w/o resorting to be Lex Luthor part 2.
  15. Not surprising. Of course, still make it an unfair fight. Just makes Batman less interesting when he needs to use the same trick that every human Superman villain does. Make him no different than Lex Luther.
  16. Looks friggin' awesome but I do agree IO really hate that they make Batman (including the Comics) into Superman's equal. In fact, from what I recall, Batman tends to 'win' in their confrontations. It is ridiculous.
  17. "nd, if you really want to say objectionable things, you can always host your own stuff if you cannot find someone who wants to rent you a server." Not for long as that will change.
  18. "Which is, incidentally, why I really don't get the violent pushback to the notion that maybe we should change things around a bit; such changes are unlikely to affect the core experience of whatever game we're looking at." The pushback is caused by being accused of being a sexist racist rapist monster who cna't control himself white male who is dead, threatened with being killed NOT against a 'variety of games'. \But, hey, support the nazis who want to murder me because you are a nazi SJW who supports murder. As well as the harassment, bullying, and threatening of female game devs. BRILLIANT.
  19. "That's pretty impressive." \ It's also a lie. They claim it is bigger than both TOTSC and TOB combined yet also claim it is 25 hours. TOB is longer than 25 hours by itself EASILY. So, no way this is longer than them if the 25 hour claim is remotely accurately. Too bad too ebcause this is the first thing that Beamdog has announced/is doing that has remotely interested me. I might even have picked it up but if they can't even be truthful in such a detail then it will be ahrd to take rest of the hyper seriously. Might very well cost them a sale (not that they care). Plus, the Avellone quotes are just beyond silly. "wow, a Sword Coast Legends killer." Doubtful. If SCL bombs it is gonna be on its own demerits.
  20. "What people should really say is " white on black racism is different to black racism " The reality is there are people who are generational and historic racists in the world. They are raised to believe that black people are literally subhuman, that manifesto from Dylan Roof highlights this type of racism Black on white racism is based more on resentment, frustration, its more emotionally based and ironically in fact motivated more by the belief that white people will never accept them. So for example you get very few back people raised in households where they are told " white people are genetically inferior to us...look at there countries around the world...they all disasters" I hope you guys understand the difference because there is one " No. Stop being racist. It is evil.
  21. I wish they didn't lie. They claimed the ex0pansion is larger than TOB yet also claim the expansion is 25ish hours long. NEWSFLASH: TOB was longer than 25 hours, you douchebags!
  22. She was looking out for you.
  23. I've started a few. Rare though./ I didn't say there was no racist systems. The argument a lot of the 'only whites can be racist crowd' is that it is only racism if the race has power hence why whites can be racist but blacks can't. Which is silly. If a white person is racist towards Chinese and live and China. He has no 'systemic power' but he's still fully capable of being racist.
  24. http://toprightnews.com/white-man-brutally-beaten-by-mob-of-40-blacks-on-july-4th-but-police-say-its-not-a-hate-crime/ \So.. what kind of excuses do SJWs use for this? There is not. Period. Blacks are just as racist as whites. Racism has nothing to do with colour. Nor does it have anything to do with 'power' or 'systems'. Racism is about hating someone because they are of a different race. \ Or in the case of that one asian thread, hating someone b/c they share the same race as you. <> EVIL TO THE CORE.
  25. "Thats true but thats because they part of a better society so despite mistakes the good intentions are more important " \So.. harassing women and minorities is full of good intentions? Threatening to break a woman's neck is good and acceptable? COME ON. Laughing at woman who got raped and claiming that donating money to a rape victim is immoral is acceptable behaviour? COME ON.
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