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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. The whole 'revereisms' is stupid to ebgin with. It's just racisim. NEWSFLASH: Racism is NOT a white only disease. Only racists think it is. \ Plus, technically, white men don't have the power since a black man is the 'most powerful' person in the world and China is the true 'powerhouse' since they own a lot of the US debt. \ So, if I use that nasty anti Chinese slu I'm not being racist white because they have the power? L0L NO. That would still be racist. EVIL.
  2. Money is money. Plus, Fargo was only speaking to the audience he was just trying to sell to - old skool bigoted PC players who have sticks up their butts.
  3. Not this Kanadian. I approve of this evil robot being destroy. It was a Kanadian gov't plot. Kanadians hate Amerikans so if I were Amerikan I wouldn't trust a Kanadian as far as I could throw them.
  4. Too many.
  5. "Hulkster is all thats left of my childhood heroes!" Bad news for you then! According to WWF he no longer exists. They have basically wiped him off the face of the wrestling plnet. They fird him, they humiliated him, they even banished him from the HOF, news, and history . \I guess he said some un PC things in thats ex tape of his (gotten illegally) so he's being treated like a cold blooded murder. I don't approve of what he said but it's ridiculous how people's priorities are screwed up. Says a lot that the biggest crybabies are all whities as all the black wrestlers who hung out with him still have his back and defended him. But, yeah, bottom line, as far as the WWF and the PC types go Hogan is dead. As for Piper, may he rest in peace. One of the greats for sure (P.S. he was actually one of the whities who defended Hogan in an interview just a few days prior to his death and a lot of the hypocrites now 'mourning' him attacked him for it because that how pieces of crap work). RIP Piper!
  6. "I think Texans are hardcore and cool but they wouldn't survive without the rest of the USA ..yes that means even you " liberal weed smoking people from Colorado " ...they need you, they just dont realize it " Why? Texas is bigger than many countries. It (and other states) would do just fine. Of course, they'd never be allowed to leave. The Northern states wouldn't hesitate to nuke it if need be. On to the lion... the crying over it in the Western world is complete and utterly pathetic and disgusting. And, I've seen plenty of racist comments directed towards any Afrikans who say they don't see it as a huge deal'. One article quoted some villager saying' eh, it's a wild animal they are there to be hunted.' and then a bunch of commenters attacked him as savage, claimed that attitude is why Afrika has aids issue. PATHETIC. That is SJWs for you. And, L0L, @ scamming ISIS.
  7. What's REALLY funny is all this crying over a dead murderous evil lion in the West while innocents die all the time and the vitrilol doesn't even reach 1/1millionth of it. I don't feel sorry for the lion. While I think killing animals for sport is a waste of time and not something I could do, I think judgemental baloney people spew over it is silly and unnatural. People claiming that humans 'unnaturally' destroy nature or kill animals is really weak since everything humans do is what nature tells them to. The good, the bad, the ugly. It's all a part of nature. PERIOD. Now, on to actual funny stuff: l0l @ the funny stuff added to thread.
  8. Burce, your 'apology' is full of crap. It reminds of the guy you were just dissing. It is completely and utterly bull. But, it's typical SJW. Make baloney accusations, attack people , then do damage control because you guys create a mess, realzie you went poo poo, and try to clean it up with fakeness.\ \ There's a reason why modern feminism is so unpopular even amongst women and why SJWs are ridiculed despite SJWs having so much influence on the emdia - no wonder modern media is consgtantly mocked and found to be lying liars that lie. \ \ They don't care about truths just 'feels'. Not feelings. 'Feels'. Huge difference. \ You don't threaten me with murder and mock my apparant death simply because of my race and gender and expect me to kiss your behind and me to believe that you actually believe in equality when you do not. LMAO \ Apology not accepted.
  9. "For me I can accept that the Codex does have very informed and committed gamers, of course that in itself creates an issue as there a vibe of elitism but my main issue is the lack of moderation. The last time I went there to read a link there was a discussion about GG and there were a few people who were openly talking about rape as a solution to deal with feminists or something equally as offensive. And I'm sorry but I have major issues with any website that allows such flagrant sexism or other comments of bigotry It is simply not acceptable to me so the Codex will be missing out on my erudite views and informed opinions as I refuse to frequent its forums " Are you taking what said there seriously? The Codex is more harmless than any SJW. That's for darn sure. SJWs are nazis. That is some scary stuff!
  10. Drugs should be legal. PERIOD. End, of rhine.
  11. "Superman is the son of Zod raised by Mexican immigrants," Sounds lame. "Batman is an actual vampire" Sounds stupid. ", and Wonder Woman is one of the New Gods. " Sounds okay.
  12. Even bigger is the whole Hulk Hogan racist comments mess. He seems to be getting more support from the black people who know than whities. It seems whites have a guilt complex that leads them to overreacting to nonsense like this just so they can use it as 'proof' that they aren't one of them. What Hogan said was awful but comparing him to Chris Benoit, Hitler, or that church shooter is asanine. And, also, coming from the WWF which is known for their racism, bigotry, and evil is laughable.
  13. People whoa re anti hunting hate nature. Humans are animals. We are hunters by nature. We are doing what nature wanted us to do. We are meant to be omnivores. To stick to only a meat diet or only a vege diet is insane and unnatural. That, of course, is not approving of people using the most horrid and inhumane methods to hunt. We should be above such stuff. Even though, in nature, there are animals who seem to get some enjoyment toying with their food/prey.
  14. The way they are dealing with the Greece issue is nazish in style. Not that Greece is handling it will either. Shame all around.
  15. I don't hate Germany. Pointing out facts isn't hate. And, Italy gave me pasta so they're kewl.
  16. "you have rebuilt yourselves to an economic powerhouse ....its very impressive and is really testimony to the caliber and strength of German culture People don't seem to want to recognize this but I will. That is why I got so annoyed when the Greeks and others were blaming the Germans for expecting Greece to pay back its loans Your country had to do so much more and succeeded. I would be very proud to be German" Germany had quite a bit of help. The US (and others) forgave a lot of its debt. Germany did not do it on its own. Germany is one of the most evil countries in the world.
  17. "I generally thought the developers hearts were in the right place" How cna you say that when they trash the IE and BG repeatedly? L0L
  18. L0L Bruce got SJW'ed.
  19. Nah. I use my keyboard to fight not my fists except in self defense.
  20. So, they are just throwing random number sout and hoping something sticks. LMAO TOB itself was upwards of 40 hours. There is a reason why it's basically referred to as BG3 since it is a large expansion that continues to story. \No way is this new one bigger than TOB let alone both it and TOSC. Only imbeciles believe such marketing lies. Plus, it's ahrd to take someone seriously who bashes the very thing he is using to make his games. L0L BUY THIS GAME GAME BECAUSE IT IS BG AND IE BUT GUESS WHAT BG AND IE SUCK AND THIS IS BETTER LOLOLLOLOL IF YOU HATE THIS YOU AREN'T A BG FAN LOLOL! What a punk. \Too bad too as I was kinda intrigued when it was first announced but the hype is ruining it.
  21. He done screwed up. MI series is successful but it is a Tom Cruise vehicle so all other actors in them are there to enhance the Cruse Experience. But, Wolverine, which I'm not the biggest fan of, is an iconic career making role. Just ask a certain actor who has played him a billion times. L0L
  22. Does it matter WHEN it is was sent ONLY that it was sent in the first place? \ Anti GGers are known to be female hatin' bigots. This is FACT.
  23. Bigoted hateful thread is bigoted hateful threat. But, hey, mocking whites - espically Amerikan whites - is a-okay in 2015. I dare you to make the same sort of thread mocking others and see how far it is allowed. L0L
  24. So, BD continues to double speak about length. They claim the expansion is 25ish hours long yet also claim that it is longer than TOTSC and TOB combined. \ \YOU CAN'T CLAIM BOTH OF THOSE YOUR TOOLBAGS!!!
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