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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Instead she is a victim of evil nazis treated worse than someone who kills gays. BRILLIANT. \This isn't justice nor is it fair which is what the law calls for. So, the alw punuishes her for not following the law but the law doesn't follow the law either. LOGIC. This isn't fair or reasonable punishment. Those who support it are evil nazis.
  2. Right call. The NFL is embarassed yet again yet the owners still back up Goodell. Are they that insane? The guy is a friggin' evil nazi. ELIMINATE HIM PERMENATELY FROM THE NFL.
  3. She is worse than a murderer!
  4. "Jesus himself has a temper tantrum and kills a tree because it didn't happen to have any fruit for him that day." \L0L As for the woman, she is being silly. She has a job to represent the gov't. If she cna't do that she broke her vows to her position so she should lose it.\ \As for jailing her over this, only nazis agree that is the right thing to do. EVIL. EVIL EVERYWHERE. Both sides are scummy.
  5. First one is an admitted fake. It was advertisment for city. L0L Second one, l0l, the double standard butthurt there. I don't really agree with their tatics but what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I love how it shows sexism is not a male only disease. Also, it shows SJWIsm is also a disease that effects anyone of any gender. LMAO
  6. " I doubt this professor put this in the syllabus on a whim though, clearly they have been dealing with students who lack the ability to grasp how to use academic language properly." He did it because he is a piece of **** nazi. It is not complex.
  7. i felt like I was reading an exotic story there. Nearly turned me on. The writer should switch jobs. L0L And, I agree, writing like that comes across as a conservative anti sex psycho that 'liberals' used to bash for being so uptight. GET. OVER. YOURSELF.
  8. "And Larian never "bragged" about anything, least of all being a "Diablo killer."" Sure, they did. They bragegd about how their 'successful' KS probved that AA titles are meaningless and unneeded. You know with their barely 1mil sales. L0L "As for them bragging about being Baldur's Gate II... I mean, hell... does it even matter what I say here, if you're only going to read ever tenth word?" Uh, yes you did. Hey, if you are gonna name drop about how your game is gonna crush another game expect to be called out for it. And, your fanboyism doesn't help the cause. And, I liked DOS. P.S. DD1 definitely had Diablo cloneitus. It's why I originally disliked it and only got through it years later. But, hey, having to fight millions of enemies at once in a hack a slash style is very much Diabloish.
  9. "Sword Coast Legends" The other game shave potential to be good but this is gonna be pure utter crap. At best it'll be playable. And, PE while fun, is overrated much like DOS was. And, the new PS is just not gonna live up to expectations. It can't because its not its own game. \And, DOS2 which has some good ideas (DWARVES!!! and combined spell) is gonna also be a victim of over hype. Larian already bragged about DOS1 being a Diablo Killer and now are bragging that DOS2 will be a BG2Killer. \ COME ON. Just make the game and stop saying asanine stuff. That's what random internet posters are for.
  10. He's a SJW. Once you are SJW you are tainted forever.
  11. So.. he's both a gamer and a SJW. LMAO
  12. "Yeah, there's quite a few ***holes in GG." Not as many as there are in the anti GG SJW crowd. "I had never heard of Zwarte Piet, crazy. Considering blackface has been a pretty big cultural taboo for a couple decades, I am surprised this is just now becoming a debate." It's known in Europe. And, 'blackface' is frowned on in NA. Europe is tied for most racist place on the planet - only matched by the ME and the Asian countries.
  13. "Hey Volourn at least Dwarves are in the game...on the video Swen said he doesn't like Dwarves though...thought that was funny." More proof that inspite of making a good game he's a complete idiot. Now, I get to look forward to how he screws over dwarf fans. R00fles!
  14. "Considering the quality of the dialogue in the first game, I'd give a chance to the new system they're trying." The quality of the dialogue had nothing to do with the system used. It had to do with the lack of skill of writing well. the new system won't improve that. Now, it just means, even if the writing skill improves, the writing system will suck and ruin it. better to stick with the actual good dialogue system and improve the actual writing.
  15. Yeah but if your point was that 'boob sell' it would sell more than that. Surely more than 200k gamers would be interested in playing b00bie games.
  16. 5 games to sell 1mil? That's not a good seller.
  17. Their new dialogue system is silly. It doesn't look immersive. Still, the game has playable dwarves. L0L You win some, you lose some.
  18. DWARVES! Bout time they allowed you to play a dwarf!
  19. "My biggest issue with MoS was Jonathan Kent. No wonder Clark grew up so broody. And sacrificing himself for a dog, when Clark could have easily done it and survived without outing himself." I agree. That was such a horrible useless death. It made no logical sense. "I didn't mind him killing Zod but I did think that the destruction leading up to that was way over the top." That wasn't Superman's fault. That was all Zod. "Why would they not just be gods on Earth rather than trying to recreate Krypton... too thin even for me and I am not picky at all." Not thin at all. Zod wanted Krypton back in all its (failed) glory. MOS wasn't trying to be a copycat of Reeve's (which one's lol since there are technically TWO Reeve Supermans lol). Still, Smallville (barring some silliness) and Lois & Clark are the two best versions of the character. Smallville gets trashed too much and L&C hit homerun with the chemistry between the leads. That ending though.
  20. BOOOOOOOO! MOS was/is so underrated and underappreciated. WAAA.. He kill Zod one of the most evil fictional characters of all time. What a horrible person SM is. LMAO I also bet they don't want the white male to take any spotlight away from the white female Supergirl. L0LZ (even thoguh I'm looking forward to catching that too).
  21. "That's not true. You do not own copies you bought on STEAM. Read the rules." Those 'rules' would likely fail in court. LMAO
  22. Did you just comapre one perosn choosing to use physical violence on another unwilling human being with two people choosing to have sex together? COME ON.
  23. "No I am fine with passing judgement on people who cheat on there partners ...its the principle " \ L0L Written like a true nazi. "Volo imagine you and I were dating....would you cheat on me " I'm not gay so your scenario would never happen. Not my choice so don't blame me. It's nature.
  24. L0L All the moral judgment here is horrible. Unless you are the spouse or a family member it';s really none of your business. The evil ones in this are the hackers. They are hardcore nutballs who are dangerous nazi scumbags.
  25. No. The reason why I am pro GG is because I always get annoyed - it's a eprsonal quirk - when someone claims I am dead and claims they will murder me. My bad.
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