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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You can't go to register 9 b/c there is a nazji SJW there who won't sell you the watermelon because youa re 'culturally stealing' because we all know SJWs are the biggest racist scumbag nazi lovers ever. And, also, don't brother bringing that copy of GTA to register 10 b/c that SJW believes the game is the devil's work and is full of misogny.And, if you play it you will become a mass murderer.
  2. Internal misogynism. I pity her.
  3. Seriously, why don't other Muslim countries take them in? Why would anyone want to got to evil Western countries that are full of evil and the devil? The logic here is stupid. For example, people blaming the West for it and using that as a reason why they should accept the refugees. Well.. if the West is at fault why would you want them involved in this? They are obviously evil right? Let the aweesomely perfect and sweet ME countries take the refugees in. btw, The vast majority of the migrants are adult men.Women are supposed to be 50% of the population yet 70% of the refugees are men according to articles. NO. LOGIC. AT ALL.
  4. What are you talking about? You are typing gibberish. Again, I have no doubt if the US rounded up all the illegal immigrants 9BREAKING THE LAW0 and threw them in the slammer with no trial and forever you would be crying about it. \Again, the law is supposed to be fair and reasonable and inprisoning someone for this sort of crime for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE is NOT fair and reasonable. CAPICHE!?! P.S. Nowhere have I stated that she shouldn't face any sort of punishment/discipline so stop making up nonsense.
  5. The judge ordered her to prison until she she begs for mercy and backs down from his intimidation, bullying, nazism, and terrorism. So, yeah, she can be in prison for the rest of her life. That is INSANE. Calax is an exmaple of a eprosn who is absolutely fine with someone being locked up for a longer time than murderers and rapists simply b/c they have a different opinion than them. I bet Calax would be OUTRAGED if an illegal immigrant was locked up in prison for BREAKING THE LAW for all eternity or if someone who REFUSED to honour laws that were anti gay marriage. \What happened to the alw being fair and reasonable which is one of the mandates supposedly of any modern legal system? Then again, people like Calax don't care about the law. This is about them hating someone has a different opinion. That's what nazis do - lock those up who disagree with them and twist the laws to make it sound legit. TRUE freedom is about defending the rights of those you disagree with. But, hey, nazi SJWs are nazi SJWs.
  6. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/05/travel/muslim-flight-attendant-feat/index.html
  7. So.. what i gather is people are fine with her being in prison for the rest of her life while murderers and rapists get out way earlier. L0L Justice is supposed to be about fair, and reasonable punishment. \ L0GIC. D0ES. N0T. BEL0NG.
  8. "Volo you seem unusually belligerent..is something wrong? Do you want to discuss anything, its best in life to be honest about your feelings" L0L Ignore the actual point. "A system of laws can be so morally unconscionable that it has to be overthrown through extra-judicial means, which is what happened in the Civil War." Yeah, so don't play 'it's the law' nonsensical card when you don't really care about the law. You disagree with her morally so you wouldn't care if she was tortured, raped, murdered, and put in prison forever since she isn't human to you because she has a different opinion than you. You know what that means? You don't believe in true freedom. You are a fake. A falsehold. Baloney pusher. But,t hat's okay. Most people are like. They don't really believe in freedom be it speech or otherwise unless it is with someone they agree with. \This is why while I 100% disagree with her I find this imprisoning her for a 1000 years as being the vile evil nazi action that it actually is.
  9. All the ME countries should accept them. I thought the West/Europe was evil and so anti Muslim so why won't Muslims want to go there en masse? Could you imagine the opposite happening with a bunch of Europeans/Christians ran to the ME - say during WW2 - what kind of interesting stuff would happen there?
  10. "edit: You seem to still think I'm a liberal. I'm a hardcore moderate. I just look liberal because you are so far out there." You aren't a moderate. Stop pretending. Though aren't liberal either. You are SJW. \ Just admit it. You are only pro law when it suits your purposes. Nothing with that. Vast majority of people are hypocritical like that. Unless you are gonna pretend that all those people who helped slaves escape should have been in jail for their illegal actions.
  11. Notice how Brucee continues to ignore his hypocrisy. It confirms what I knew - he only goes 'must follow the law' when it is convienent for him. I have no doubt Bruce would be the first to cry foul if every illegal was rounded up and thrown in prison for breaking the law. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with her (I completely disagree with her) it's about the hypocrisy of her many critics.
  12. Yeah she can be impeached much like the president but that could be costly and lengthy. Of course, last i checked, gov't officials tend to have legal requirements in orer to run/hold office. It's like saying a murderer could keep office simply because they were elected even if they get offended. This is why mayors, DAs, premiers, governors, and the like can all be removed from office even after being elected. Yet somehow we are to believe that this clerk has an iron clad hold on her position? COME ON.
  13. "In America, we have a city council in Denver that advocates shutting down a business such as Chick-fil-A because the CEO once took a public position against gay marriage. In this country, people who are here illegally can march in the streets to protest their station without any genuine fear of being rounded up and expelled. They are celebrated. Moreover, we have cities across this country that ignore immigration laws they don't like and create sanctuaries from law. We have cities that ignore federal drug laws because they find them oppressive. Yet no one finds himself in jail. When Californians approved Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage, a number of officials refused to enforce the law. They were celebrated. I may even agree with the impulse. But not one elected official has been hauled off to jail for any of these stands." This is what the SJW hateful nazi bigots like Bruce need to read to see their hypocrisy in clear cut manner though I'm sure he has ane xcuse. SJWs are fine with holocausts - as long as it is the 'right' target.
  14. "You feel guilty, thats exactly what I wanted." \ feel guilty about what? Youa re the one who is saying it is okay to bully someone simply b/c they have a different opinion than you. LMAO
  15. So, bullying is okay as long as it is against someone you dislike. L0L Typical SJW Nazi. You just don't realize how much you actually have in common with hardcore religious nutbars. You are the exact same person who would happily mass murder/inprison people simply because they don't agree with you on stuff. You are as bad if not worse than this woman 9and as I've said multiple times I 100% disagree with her stance). \People like you just don't get it. You LOATHE freedom. Like nazis, religious wackadoos, and scumbags. That is what it is to be SJW.
  16. But worse story, writing, combat, character system, gameplay, toolset, etc., etc. The one thing they seemed to have got right are the companions. And, oh, DWARVES.
  17. I don't get scared by attempt to bully and threaten me Mr. SJW. It's bullying. Look at the memes attacking her looks. How is that NOT bullying?
  18. ."she deserves this " bullying " \SJW detected. BULLYING IS WRONG UNLESS WE DO IT. R00FLES!
  19. "Chinese are all trained for peace." l0l A culture known for their physical violence prowess and assassins are 'trained for peace'. LMAO I also like how he dehumanizes the Romans. \ I get it. Whitey is evil monster and non whitey are perfect little angels that never knew what violence even was until whitey showed up. BRILLIANT.
  20. Don't remind me. We still suffer because of it. Everything good about this country is stuff we did after our break. All the bad is 100% Europe's including Britain's fault.
  21. I'm never thankful to slavers. Sorry. And, tea and its cousin coffee is/are absolutely disgusting.
  22. Britains are ultra whities. You can make whitey the villain without backlash.
  23. "I'm sure ISIS think they are following the word of God." \ SJW detected. You just compared someone not giving a piece of legal paper to someone to a group who goes around mass murdering and raping. BRILLIANT WORK.
  24. "Well I don't see how she can claim to be a Democrat when same sex marriage became so important to the Democrats in the last few years, Obama even publicly started supporting it" Weak sauce. Like all democrats and all republicans think exactly the same way. COME ON.
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