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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. More importantly.. the West doesn't usually (comparitively speaking) won't murder you for having an unpopular opinion (just fire and completely destroy you otherwise lol). While in coutnries like Russia or Iran, if you speak up, you'll be lucky to survive. Best case scenario you have your money stolen at worst you are murdered.
  2. Volourn

    MLB 2015

    I'm a Blue Jays and Mets fan. Baseball is the only sport I have split loyalties. L0L
  3. But they are planning a bunch of Batman movies with Affleck's Batman... Will people want to watch fake Batman trilogy?
  4. Volourn

    MLB 2015

    I'm a Jays fan but I'm iffy on them right now b/c a) they traded my fave player for an overrated punk (even thoguh he got a timely hit yesterday) and their coach is pure ****.
  5. Wait. I read one of those links. Did they REALLY censor SP? But, SP tends to be liberal leaning. It is usually the right who cries about wanting to censor SP. LMAO More proof that the new age liberal that follows Obama and supports Nazi SJWs really are nazis. HAHAHAHA!
  6. Volourn

    MLB 2015

    All the way to next season!!!
  7. "Nintendo is avoiding the drama and thinking of "western sensibilities". Take one guess where they get all that from." They aren't thinking of western sensibilities. Theya re thinking of an extremly loud minority. Nazi SJWs are a tiny % of the pop. Feminists are also a minority even amongst women and even amongst feminists they can't even make up their mind whether or not skimpy outfits is sexist or not. meanwhile, our new PM in Kanda is being labeled as s'exy', 'hot' and other phrases that if used towards a female politician would draw a lot of righteous anger. LMAO
  8. Why is he manspalinig to women why theya re wrong to be anti feminism? Not surpising though. He probably doesn't read. Probably some idiot on his staff told him a bunch of rapists onlinje said mean things about one woman' so that means all men on the net are evil. How long before he tries to label GG a terrorrist group? LMAO EVIL.
  9. L0L Trudeau isn't about action. He's about words. He'll speak lots but won't accomplish much. I guarabntee you my life with not change one bit with him in power depsite that I'm in his 'demographic'. Just another sexist racist nazi. That is what he is. He does not believe in true equality. He doesn't believe in true human rights. He is just like Harper.
  10. I smell the butthurt.
  11. Or are they 'competent' b/c the game is that easy. L0L
  12. McDonald's is a retaurant. One can whine about quality but it is a restuarant.
  13. Dire wolves use summoning magic now? L0L or did they just call them over with normal howls lol? No warhammer? LMAO How do you have not have hammers. Then again, another bad thing about this game is that it is only available on STEAM. That's GROSS.
  14. The quote still stand. My opinion on AP isn't going to magically change others' opinions on it. Nor do I expected. What does matter is success vs failure and AP is very much a failure.
  15. How could their be a problem that whitey and asiany won the elections? Obviously, the majority o which are hispanicy, are fine with that. It's why they voted them in.
  16. They didn't get a free pass. Just the other aprties were worse at the time. Now people want a change (even though nothing will change). 10 years in charge is enough anyways.
  17. From the looks of it the hispanics have the majority there so if they wanted a hispanic representative.. they would have got one right? Geez. Nazi SJWs will be Nazi SJWs. P.S. I love the line of 'resource and support' dtermine elections? can I have a no **** on that? Uh.. it's a vote so support matters. And, resoruces? COME ON. it is high school. Unless the people runing are doing actual bribes which I doubt I seriously doubt one side has more resources the others. Did a hispanic perosn run/ If so, why didn't the hispanics not vote for them? if not, why didn't they? EVIL.
  18. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ****?!?
  19. More liek giving the game too much credit for thinking it can hold attention that long.
  20. "Who'd you Canada bros vote for?" Nobody. I have a rule that I don't vote for nazis or fearmongers and since all the parties are nazis and fearmongers they did not earn my vote. My votes are my dollars, you have to lie convincingly of your quality of your product/service to steal it from me. Do find it funny that a 'dictator' lost an election. How is that even possible? L0L
  21. Rivers is likely to be known as the 2nd best QB (maybe even 1st) to never win a championship. All stats no wins. The lastd rive illustrates this. Goes all the way down the field. Has 4 tries to get ball into end zone (as a team). EPIC FAIL.
  22. I'll be thankful if it is at least better than POR2. l0l
  23. Watched Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Don't know why but I did. I must be the crzay one to find such a mentally disturbed woman so adorable. L0L
  24. The Dolphins suck and the Bills are still trying to find out what their actual identity is under their new coach. The Jets have been surprising with their record. Who knows if it will last, though.
  25. alum just summed up the majority of his posting history with that vid. \Also, I also love the diversity = we all must have pink hair.
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