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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. AP is BY FAR Obsidian's worst game. PURE CRAP.
  2. The problem with 3 strikes law is that it equalifies heinous crimes like murder to minor 'crimes' like drug possession or some small town crook who stole food or some other such nonsense. On the other hand, it shouldn't take 3 murders for one to lose their freedom permenately. I can understand give the eprson a second chance but a 3rd? Nah. if you kill someone, serve your time, get released, and kill again? NO MERCY.
  3. Is the Denver coach a moran? Witht hat defense you shouldn't be stifling one of the greatest QBs ever and forcing him to play a certain style. Just turn to him, and tell him play the way you want. Call the plays you want. Let him dominate like he always has. Even if he isn't as good as he used to play no doubt he'd be much better if he didn't have to try to learn a whole new way to play at 41 years old. That's INSANE. And, look at that. Manning comes back with a big pass. COME ON YOU PIECE OF CRAP. If Manning continues to give up bad stats it is largely on the head of the scumbag nazi coach.
  4. "AoD, on the other hand, only offers what writers could think of at any given moment. If you see a lone guard, sometimes you can attack him. Other times you can't. Sometimes you can impersonate a member of some group. Other times you can't. Hell, at times, the game doesn't even offer a choice to back out of a situation you could easily back out of" Thats eems anti choice. "I personally think playing a 'goodie two shoes' should be harder than hell in an RPG. It should be braggably hard. However, playing truly evil and murderously should be just as hard. Any successful society should require a happy medium from it members and in fact, broadly speaking, societies in reality do that." That's nonsense. It depends on the society. In RL in the WW most 'goody two shoes' live prettu darn good/easy lives. Of course, in AOD this likely isn't the same since it is obviously 'evil'. Not surprsijng considering who made it.
  5. Largely because of drugs and drug related charges. Yet, people are still dead set at treating steroid users like they are worse than nazis. Make it legal. It is a chocie to use them. And, no, it doesn't make one a better baseball player. Proven by the many athletes who have taken them and still utterly failed to accomplish anything in their chosen sport. For every athlete like Armstrong where it 'works' (nah not really) there are hundreds if not 1000s of athletes including cyclists who couldn't come close to his success. Why? Because he is just that damn good. Steroids or no steroids. PERIOD.
  6. "but Quinn needs to be treated differently and with more empathy." Why? Is she a Special Snwoflake? What warrants her getting special treatment over Sarkesian or TB? Or Bruce? I'd treat you the same way I'd treat TB, those ladies, or some other internet person? I'd feel bad that they got stuck with a horrible illness. I thoguht SJ was about EQUALITY? LMAO Nazi SJWs will be Nazi SJWs. PERIOD.
  7. That hash. Why pick on the big toe? Have a small **** complex?
  8. I like how unabashedly racist towards himself. L0L Such self hatred is hilarious! If white people are so evil he should give all his money away because as a white person he doesn't deserve it. He probably stole it from some minority anyways.
  9. "Guys does this type of behavior really bother you? I mean TB is really only a "minor " Internet celebrity who has his supporters but clearly is also seen as a supporter of GG which means he would be reviled. I would also be saying " I am glad he is dying ' if I was a committed anti-GG. Its just words on the Internet...it means nothing especially in this context" Be honest. If Quinn or Sarkesian posted theyw rre dying and a bunch of piece of crap GGers were posting 'I'm glad she's dying' or 'her dying is karma' or some other such nonsense you'd be scremaing bloody murder and using it as 'proof' of misogny. Comments like that are EVIL. PERIOD. But, I'm not surprised. Nazi SJWs will be Nazi SJWs.
  10. US has many issues but it is still one of the best countries in the world. Not that much of accomplishment when you got Nazi Europe continent around.
  11. "Well for what's its worth we can check now if Volourn still does not buy anything on line :D" L0L I broke that 'rule' years ago.
  12. "Let’s start with the report’s showcase statistic that “73 percent of women have experienced online violence.” Where is the research to back it up? ... the lead author of the UN report, Nihdi Tandon, had her office send me the source. It was the web site of a small volunteer group called HaltABUSE that helps people cope with online threats and stalking. The group reported that, of the 349 people who sought their help in 2010, 73 percent were women and 27 percent were men. (The women’s percentage was lower for more recent years.)" HOLY HELL. Their conclusion doesn't even fit what they were plling. Also, what do theyd efine as 'online' violence. I bet, knowing them, I have 'experience' 'online violence'. L0L And, I share as hell not gonna seek the help of a clear cut SJW nazi cult's help. LMFAO INSANE.
  13. Volourn

    MLB 2015

    So in control they are tied 2-2. LMAO
  14. The CEO doesn't get the point of Playboy? This is ridiculous. Nazi SJWs strike again!
  16. So.. many members of ISIS are superior beings since many of them speak multiple languages. LOGIC.
  17. Wait. They can legally do that? L0L Is this from the bail outs? Because it seems eerily something a nazi regime would do. LMAO
  18. Volourn

    MLB 2015

    He was trying toc ripple him. Attempted murder and assault is what he should face. EVIL.
  19. It is a real job. A real job is when you get paid by someone to do something. 'Real' job. L0L As opposed to what? A 'fake' job? LMAO
  20. I like this idea of x employee wants to be treated better and y employee is mad at x employee because x employee is already doing better than y employee and is jealous and wants to hold them down. Instead of y employee pushing for a better deal and improving their standing they try to drag x employee down to their level. All the while the bllionaire bosses just smile at the carnage. DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Oldest trick in the book. \PATHETIC.
  21. "Another is that there just isn't enough money to go around if everyone in the industry unionizes." \That ius bull. That's what the bigwigs tell you but it is simply a lie. I also find it interesting how people will always go against their inetrests and side with the uber greedy bosses and not the 'little people'. Look at what the companies are demanding. they are demanding the right to STEAL people's money. And, people are saying that is a-ok. EVIL. I'd rather have some voice actor get a few extra thousand than have some big wig at EA get another few million. L0L Not enough money to go around. L0L
  22. The companies' proposals sound EVIL. As for cheering on having no voice acting. ARE YOU SERIOUS? No Irenicus voice actor? GET OUT OF HERE.
  23. "The Sauder School of Business Election Market" I first read this as Saudi. I had a major rant prepared. L0L
  24. "Trust me Volo what you mentioned is one of my REAL pet peeves about anti-Western sentiment that I get confronted with sometimes in my support of the West and there actions People attack, judge and criticize the West and this also comes from Western countries yet end of the day the Western countries offer there citizens the best overall quality of life,economic opportunities and political stability and there ideologies and social structures nee/d to be emulated and replicated. Yet its considered arrogant, " not PC " or somehow inappropriate ...so I just keep quiet and then something like Syria happens and suddenly people like Hurlshot are asking valid questions like " maybe if they had jobs " but what we should be saying is " its because they not like Western countries " Its not hard to understand this or see why the West is dominant in most parts of the world. And its not because the West is " white people " or " Clever than everyone else " ...this is not about racial superiority. The West learnt in the last 300 years the importance of maintaining things like governmental institutions, human rights and the importance of a Democracy ,,,,and the West understands the importance of a free market and how it can be used to drive an economy. The rest of world can and should follow the West...we would have much less issues in the world Yet people seem reluctant on these forums to gogive the West the credit it deserves ....strange ?" Your logic doesn't make sense considering where your loyalty lies. Nazi SJWs LOATHE the US. They much prefer ISIS, China, or Russia.
  25. But... China is awesome... why wouldn't they want to live in CHINA forever? Why would people want to migrate to the US which if you listen to the masses and the know it alls' is the most evil country in the world. I mean... they have guns... That is evil. Seriously, why not migrate to a good pure country like Iran, NK, Russia, etc. But, US? COME ON.
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