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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. 100% agree. The whole thing is a mess and illogical yet (largely to the leads as you point out + the whole wackiness of it) it is entertaining.
  2. "Also, naming the best FO game while having not played 1 or 2 is like naming the best rock band of all time and not having listened to the Beatles, Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, etc. It shows how far IGN has fallen." Actually, it's worst, because at least there is an excuse of there being a bunch of rock groups 9even if you did list the most famous ones). On the other hand, we are talking about just two games - one is 15-20 hours long and another double that. If youa re gonna do a top game in x series list play them all at least. Say, unlike, 'best overall rpg' I can undertsand not playing every RPG out there but this? RIDIKULOUS.
  3. Not really. They lose because their offense is 100% based on Romo - espicially sicne they threw away Murray. yeah, Murray isn't having the best scene but that is b/c the coach there seems to throw things at random in the playbook. At least Murray has played better of late. DAL should have just paid him the couple mil he wanted instead of being greedy.
  4. So... people defending people booing murdered peopel and celebrating their deaths. It is wrong when it happens anywhere be it in the West, or anywhere else. Why defend it? Talka botu debraved. It's REALLY sad too since the West always xcelebrates the death of Westerners.
  5. "And now western people are whining why peoples hate them, why someone want to blow up their building, why someone want to kill them....western peoples live in terror....the terror they create themselves...." So youa re pro mass murder? You are pro mass murder of children. You probably celebrate the Holocaust a holiday. It says a lot that you come into this thread whining about how mean people are yet here you are bragging about how much you enjoy the mruder of innocent men, women, and children. but, hey, you don't see them as people. So that makes it okay. That is EVIL. Look into a monster's face and you'll become the monster. Espicially since in this thread basically nobody has lumped in all Muslims with the extremists. However, youa re definitely part of that extremist group. The hatred and self loathing oozes off you. Most muslims are good people. You are not. Celebrating and bragging about others being murdered. Taht is sick. Then again, you also claimed that Bush lumped in all muslims with the 9/11 perpetrators when he clearly did not. This proves your willful ignorance and hatefulness. btw, You feel Westerners and Jews deserve to be killed because of your hatred. The same thing those who hate Muslims so much want to see all muslims die because all they see is a bunch of (extremist) Muslims mass murdering people. btw, if this is a Muslim vs Western thuing why is that these extremist Muslims who you support also mass murder Muslims. EVIL.
  6. "I assure you none of them have actually publically vocalized what Qistina has been writing." Qistina is a bigot and a hypocrite. She whines about her country/religion being stereotyped yet that is exactly what she is doing. "Why there is so many biased? You can't talk about Jews but you can spout all your filth about Islam and Muslims, call it Freedom of Speech." Huh? Nobody (at least I'm not) trying to stop your freedom of speech. You can spew your hatred and I can laugh at you for your evil. "What happen to the Jews doesn't makes the Jews are good people, even today there are many people who dispute the holocaust even exist in history, because it is overly exaggerated. But these people being shut up. In few days ago a woman in German got jailed because of this." We get. Jews are evil. They're barely human. They deserve to be thrown into fire and burned to a crisp even the children. The non Jewish Germans who tried to help them also deserve to be murdered. Funny enough pretty much NOBODY in this theead ever suggested that people from your country/your religion should be treated that way and we sure ain't gonna blame them for your nazism evilness.
  7. "Nazis are good, German was better under Nazism. They reach high technological advance under the Nazi, the people live happy, no gambling, no prostitution, no alcohol, no usury...a perfect world i say. Those bad things infiltrating Germans are from the Jews. The Jews make banks and practice usury, they own nightclubs and porn industry, they own beer and wines factories, they own gambling spots...the Nazis drove them out to clean German from all those filth. Nazis are devout Catholics, and it is fine by me." HOLY ****! For someone who has spent the entire thread crying about meanies saying mean and sterotyping your country/religion you sure love to it yourself. Look at the mirror you racist bigoted piece of crap. Good thing I'm not a bigot or I'd judge all your countrymen and women based on you. but, I'm not so I still give them the ebenfit of the doubt and preusme theya re good peoples. 'Cause you certainly are not. "When you drunk, you act without you realizing it, you might commit murder, rape, adultery and today even kill people on the road...." Yeah, b/c sober people never do any of those things. COME ON. What kind of weird world do you live in? Supporting nazism, bookburning (and no claiming the British made the rule or that Amerika does it too) is NOT a good defense to me. I critiicze the US too when theydo scumbag stuff. I criticize my country too. I bet, btw, the people who were happy in Germany were not the Jews and their supporters that were murdered and burned to a crisp. But, hey, from your posts, it is clear you have dehumanzied Jews and don't see them as people. EVIL.
  8. "Book banning is not burning. Period." What do they do with the books they ban? Send them to storage/ Throw them in trash? Book banning and book burning (literal or otherwise) is evil. PERIOD. "Nazis are not all bad, they are good in some way." HAHAHAHAHA! "Only American propaganda says they are all bad. Period." \ONLY? It's not Amerika who bans nazism. "American propaganda says everyone are bad except America. Period." That's funny because Amerikan propaganda bashes Amerika and it also praises others countries. What's also funny is that in your ignroance you go on and on about Amerika like that is supposed to perosnally offend me in your trolling even though I'm not even Amerikan. L0L "Read the Bible." Why would I read a book dedicated toa god that mass murders little children and claims they deserve it. No thanks. That is as bad as supporting a book that praises a child molestor. Again, no thanks.
  9. "30 years ago, political Islamism was not on the map. But let's [...] support land theft and ethnic cleansing in Palestine, surely nobody will fight back to protect their rights. I mean, it's not as if anyone would pick up weapons if Arabs would declare an Islamic State in New York, declare race laws and start to put Americans in ghettos." Palestine is a make believe land. That land was stolen from the Jews first. Secondly, the attacks in France have NOTHING to do with the Isreal-Palestine nonsense. Question.. if all this mass murder and bombing and war was about 'protecting muslims' why are muslims the usual targets by these islamic extremists? COME ON WITH YOUR STUPID LOGIC.
  10. Defending book banning/burning in one country by pointing out it happens or happened in other countries does not impress so why waste your time? Book banning/burning is wrong. PERIOD. Only evil nazis support such disgusting policies. PERIOD.
  11. "Yes you make some good points but Volo do you think you would be so openly critical of Islam if you didn't live in Canada ? You seem verrrrrrrrrrry far away from the action " I would not know. I'd probably be a different person if I lived elsewhere. That's a silly 'what if' scenario. "Do you know that Malaysian Constitution was made by British? That is how we gain independence. The Britsih say "you want independent? You must follow Constitution we made", we say "alright!", we gain independence through table talk. If you want to blame, blame the British, we follow the Constitution they made." Did you know I'm not the biggest fan of the Britain. Afterall, they actually were what people accuse the US of- an evil piece of crap nazi country that terrorized innocent people will profit. They are the reason why slavery was ever an issue in the US in the first place for example. The fact that britian made some consittution for you years ago doesn't change the fact that your 'book banning' law NOW is evil to the core. Theyw ere evil to make laws like that and your country is evil keeping it. PERIOD.
  12. People defending these murderous scumbags by whining about how people said mean things about Islam is hilarious. Mean things are worse than blowing and shooting people over your religion. Some ****adoo religious nut in the US goes around verbally harassing people and people want him dead and blame all label the whole religion with the same brush. Same when perfverted priests are caught molesting boys - the whole religion is labeled. But, criticize Islam and you are evil and intolerant. The west bends over backwards to appease Isla. It doesn't works. The moderate Muslims are not the problem. Quite frankly they are irrelevant. It's the extremists but saying stuff like 'what they did was bad but..' is a major red flag for the writer/speaker being a major douchecanoe. There is no buts. PERIOD. As for banning 'hate speech' or books. That is the coward's way. If someone is making actual threats arrest them as that already is a crime I presume. No need to make up bullcrap laws or drag out 'martial law' or some nonsense. It is ridiculous. \No to appeasement. No to nazism. And, no, West 'intervering' is not why these guys do what they do. These extremists kill way more Muslims than Westerners. They hate Muslims more. The facts are in the numbers. Not the feelz. Also, it is also a double standard too. People try to claim that there is anti Western hatred b/c of what the West has done and how much 'hate' the West shows towards Muslims (even thoguh, again, the West treats Muslims better than the ME Muslim countries do) but did you ever stop to think that Westerns who hate Islam do so b/c Islam constantl;y spews their hate speech and murders them en mass in defense of their religion all the while they murder fellow Muslims b/c they worship at a different time of the day? COME ON. It can work both ways.
  13. "My in-laws also tell me that life was good in the Soviet Union so long as you didn't make trouble" Isn't that true everywhere? 'Trouble' is such a vague turn. In some places being homosexual or black or white or Christian or Sunni or Siite or pick whatever is 'making trouble'. In currnt Russia, as long as you don't oppose Putin youa re in a-ok shape. Once you say anything negative about him you are in trouible. Just ask his many former friends who magically became criminals AFTER they opposed him. L0LZ "I heard most of ISIS members are Americans, and white" You are trolling. Also, it is clear that you are a hateful bigot. Then again, a lot of bigotry and hatred comes from ignorance so it ain't surprising.
  14. Setting them up for the SB. <> Just like the last time. L0L But, yeah, that was annoying. Espicially since they had both an INT and a sack lost on the last drive. Not to mention the dropped TD recpetion by Beckham. 5-5. And, we can easily be 9-1. Only game we were flatly outplayed in was PHI but even then we had a great start then lost our way. Make the playoffs then it is ours. We showed today we can play with 'the best' just as I predicted.
  15. So Peyton was injured... if so, why the hell was he playing? Seriously, that team tries its best to sabatoage him. First with the demeaning a near 40 year old QB to change how he plays to having him play when injured (yeah I'm sure he wanted to play) though).
  16. 3vs 3 should be reserved for pond practice hockey not real NHL hockey. What a joke.
  17. "Putin has an 80 % approval rating." L0L Still thinking Russia has legit votes. L0L
  18. "America never have fair deal, no matter Republican or Democrat, though Democrat is more diplomatic, but they always hide a knife behind their smile..." Yet you have the gall to accuse others/Westerns of ignorance, arrogance, and bigotry. Trust me, Muslims are treated better in the West than other religions are treated in Muslim dominated countries. hell, Muslims are treated better in Western countries than they are treated in Muslim countries. That says A LOT. Also, I notice that you ignore when peopel show prove that you are a lair. Twoe xamples are calling Europe a country (that be like calling Afrika a country) when it is a continent and your mistaken belief/lie that former President Bush lumps all Muslims in with extremist Islam in his speeches when he most certainly never did that. Again, from 9/11 on he always stressed the opposite. Someone even shared a video of it.
  19. "Penguins are looking pretty ugly since the Kessel acquisition. " Nonsense. Theya re 10-7 and had a good streak. And, looking much better than his former team. They'll be alright. Leafs not so much. And, the KING continues to kick butt! Keeps this up he'll eaisly win his 2nd vezina and MVP.. though.. if their new backup continues to do well in limited action against easy teams may not. L0L
  20. "You must have a religion to become Malaysian. It doesn't matter what religion, but you must believe in God. It is because when you say you belong to a religion you are bound to that religion morality, culture and way of life, which means you are not deuchbags, yes atheists are deuchbags. If you are Christian, i know you are bound to Christian morality, so it is easier to make business with, i mean i know where you stand. You don't have to be religious, but if there are problems with you we simply refer you to your priests and asking their opinions. If you are an atheist it will be a problem. Malaysia a multicultural country, Malays are only 50% now and Muslims 60%." EVIL. "Your media always makes other countries look bad, your movies too...according to your movies, Japanese love to cut off people head and going kamikaze, then they killed themselves in harakiri...Russian always big grumpy men talking simple broken English and dumb looking...Chinese are weird kinky people and militaristic communists...Vietnams are all bad and savages...Germans always have serious cold face and love to rant...Middle Easterners are dirty bearded angry looking people...and on and on and on...everyone are bad except you" Kidding right? Do you even watch Amerikan/Western movies or media? They go out of their way to make the West/US look bad. And, it is very legal to do so. In fact. Ammerikans and otehrs make TONS of money making the US look bad in film/media. Ignorance and hatred are funny stuff. Also, really love the not so subtle excuses for the poor put upon Muslims. Nobody ever shows such mercy for Christians/Catholics when they get trashed or stereotyped. Look at all the pedophile jokes Catholics ahve to suffer b/c an extreme minority are pigs. But, hey, criticize Muslim and you are labeled evil. LMAO All religion including athiesm is EVIL. It's ALL about power, control, and slavery. 99.9% of people don't know what TRUE freedom is. :( "Since president George W Bush say so..." More ignorance on your part. george W. Bush has NEVER lumped peaceful/passive Muslims with extremists. In fact, his very first post 9/11 speech made sure to clarify the difference. But, hey, you keep talking about media spin it seems you got brainwashed.
  21. Depends on your definition of effective. Is his rule of Russia absolute? Absolute. However, in 2015, if you have set restrictions from other coutnries it means you have failed to a degree since this a modern country world. Russia doesn't exist in a bubble any more than the US or other countries do. Even NK can be argued that their leader would be more effective.. if other countries didn't 'set restrictions' on him and his country but obviously that leadership is 'effective' too since they are undisputably in power.
  22. The problem with Putin's quote is that it comes from a guy who believs that 'if you oppose me you aren't True Russian and must be destroyed' as evidenced by many of his former friends being murdered, inprisoned, and have their millions stolen from him if they 'wrong' him in some way.
  23. "die in US from right-wing terrorism than from Islamic one... " Define 'right wing terrorism'. What exactly does that mean? Right wingers can't even agree what right wing is. We do know what 'islamic' is and quite frankly it is n't a pretty one. Yeah, plenty of good Muslims but know what? Can't worry about the good muslims as they aren't the ones committing mass murderers. It's why nobody discusses the good catholic priests which are the majority. All people discuss are the pedophiles. But, know what? it is PC to bash western 'mainstream' religion but lo and behold you criticize Islam as youa re labeled racist with any sort of criticism even though Islam is NOT a race. There is a certain semi popular comedian-talk show host who has bashed Cathoilics and religion his entire career and the liberals praised him ahrdcore. He made the mistake of pointing out Islam evils and sins and he was absolutely roasted for racism. LMAO When Christian crazis were bombing abortion clinics people didn't back down out of fear or made excuses for them. Now we all hear is excuses. Pathetic. It does a disservice to all the innocent Muslims when someone makes excuses for the warmongering Muslims. "its borders are not porous (regardless of what the anti hispanic immigration republicans might say)," Must explain the millions of illegals that easily sneak into the country.
  24. No. not crazy. EVIL.
  25. "i dont even know who you're referencing? can't be hossa" You knew exactly who i was referencing. I remember those pre Blackhawk conversations on how Hossa was a choker and was 'cursed' to always fail come playoff time. And, that was here. Why deny the truth? LMAO
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