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Everything posted by b0rsuk

  1. It's good to know Accuracy affects interrupt. Guns get -5, -10 to Accuracy.
  2. Paladins start with very high deflection, and get deflection bonuses from faith&conviction. To compensate for this, I'd use a 2-hander. Or even a single weapon with no shield, Edge of Reason is a draining weapon.
  3. That's a total no-brainer. Might as well drop the penalty altogether or replace it with -100 accuracy while trying to catch butterflies. Rangers have a skill Defensive Shooting, which gives +20 Accuracy (plus twenty accuracy) while using a ranged weapon in melee.
  4. Eothas could more easily come back once it is proven that Waidwen's Legacy doesn't start with Waidwen. If Eothas was truly killed, they will have to invent a new god which fills a similar niche. There would be a gaping hole without a goody, cleric-y god.
  5. They kinda are, unless you know what you're doing. Check out my thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76081-learn-penetrating-shot-never-turn-it-off/ Obviously Penetrating Shot is your friend. +5 damage on nearly all enemies is worth the 20% slowdown. Ranger has a high level ability which Stuns enemies on hit if they're engaged by his animal companion. Damage doesn't matter there. Combusting Wound, a cute level2 Wizard spell, deals 5 fire damage to enemies on each hit ! Faster attacks are actually better, so bowmen and monks love this spell. This is the only instance of an ability or spell adding a fixed amount of damage I know. That's good for fast attacks. Marked Prey DOES NOT DO THAT, the tooltip is wrong. The game has a rending hunting bow and rending war bow (-3 DR). Unfortunately, you only get them if you side with the right people. Bows, and even wands are superior for interrupts. I don't think damage matters for interrupts. Just high Perception, enemy concentration and Interrupting Blows talent. DANGER!!! The talent is currently buggy and works against you. Overshooting is a thing. If your arquebus hits for 60 damage, and enemy has 70 endurance, it's a waste to shoot him twice. But if a bow hits for 20, it might be better. I need to do some math about it. Very high damage weapons are unlikely to benefit from Bloody Slaughter talent, because it works on enemies below 25% endurance.
  6. A godlike character is good at healing, but that won't be an option here. Paladins are decent healers, and Kind Wayfarers the best among them because of their talents (AoE heal on Flames of Devotion and on killing an enemy). Note Kind Wayfarers hate Deceptive and Cruel behavior, you get minuses for that. If you go with a paladin, it's best to make him your PC, that way you get higher Faith&Conviction bonuses. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Paladin Chanters have minor area healing (Ancient Memory, Beloved Spirits) The best single-target healing comes from paladins (Shieldbearers especially) and Ciphers I think - Tactical Meld ? If you want to maximize healing from Lay on Hands (paladin), you want high Might and Intelligence. Wait a second ! Druids are great for healing ! You have at least 3 spells which heal in an area, and druids are decent in melee (5 health per level, spells that bootst melee and spiritshift).
  7. I really hope they post changelog earlier than that. I have TWO parties with Interrupting Blows, and that talent doesn't just do nothing. It's WORSE than useless, it reduces your chance to cause an interrupt. I've stopped playing until then.
  8. One of things I like the most about PoE is the isometric view. In DA:O, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Assassin's Creed, Thief4, Dishonored, Skyrim, and just about any AAA game the focus is on haircuts. Here, appearance and angsty character doesn't matter as much. In battle, focus is on tactics, positioning and not flying ketchup. It's refreshing to see something like this again. Also, I don't think character models look bad - the last cRPG game I played was Wasteland 2.
  9. Fan of Flames, Winter Breath are so much better than Boiling Spray ! Boiling Spray is a level4 spell, yes it has 90 degree cone instead of 60, but both level1 spells deal as much damage last time I checked. Winter Wind also knocks back like Boiling Spray. Balance ? Eyestrike (level1 Cipher) is area blindness + daze. No damage, so it perhaps doesn't sound THAT overpowered, but with the way Focus works you can keep it on enemy rangers/priests/wizards for the entire fight. Antipathetic Field attacks Reflex (worst defense on tough monsters) and deals Corrode (the least resisted damage) for 12 seconds. --------------- What are the worst level1 spells ? Vile Thorns - 15-25 damage, sickened vs fortitude, cone targetting 6m. And it's Pierce damage, one of the most commonly resisted. Talons' Reach - 25-40 slashing damage. That's it.
  10. So a party of 2+ moon godlikes is like being struck by lightning out of the blue. Twice. 2+ godlikes in a party --- extreme minmaxing / munchkin.
  11. Touch screens are inherently flawed. You're putting fingers in front of what you're looking at. Not only that, but they're DIRTY. I've heard an idea too smart for people to clone. One obscure mobile device had a touchpad on the OPPOSITE side. Opposite from the screen. It would still display the cursor, so you see what you're aiming at in FPS games, obviously.
  12. You only get interesting endings in Alfred Hitchc ock Presents.
  13. The game may have some initial sales + kickstarter, but 5 years from now it will really matter if the base areas are well done or not. The game will still look good 5 years from now. It has the best from 2D and 3D graphics (not counting inability to rotate camera in combat), a great settings, music etc. We are living in the age of Youtube, "Let's plays", and rediscovering of old classics. GOG is a thing. It's easier than ever to find and replay old classics.
  14. Sound cutting from companion dialogue is likely caused by the fact screen isn't centered on the party on zone transition. As soon as you center on one of your party members, you start hearing them again.
  15. Correction - Careful/Cautious attack doesn't do what I thought it was doing, it's +10 Deflection, I thought +10 Accuracy. ------------- This build is too silly for me to try, but Defensive Shooting gives +20 Accuracy at point blank. There's also Close Shooter for +10% damage.
  16. You should distinguish between plot and setting. I think the plot is rather weak, or at least flawed, while the setting is outstanding and carefully thought out.
  17. I think Eothas is just out of action for a long time, not dead. There is a reason he is called "Scattered God", not Dead God or Destroyed God. Also, Eothas is a god of hope, and redemption. If any god could come back from the dead, it would be Eothas and Berath. The lore is very non-specific as to what actually happened to Eothas. Durance has some speculations on this, but he has some fuzzy theories on Magran as well. Also, for some reason there are still priests of Eothas and you can opt to be one. The cult is still alive, so for all intents and purposes the god exists. Or do you think Eothas priests will be given choice to switch to another god in expansion/sequel ? The candles in the temple are still burning.
  18. According to the wiki (heh), Cat Flurry Attack gives -10 accuracy!!! I still think it's good to build Hiravias into a melee monster. He has good stats for that. Good as a nuking druid, not so much for casting Moonwell etc.
  19. 1. I'd like more information on hit conversion. In what order does it work ? A Hearth Orlan wielding a flail is attacking an enemy already targeted by his ally. Do grazes get converted to hits before Hearth Orlan passive converts those hits to crits ? 2. I read somewhere that some lash effects suppress each other. If I remember correctly, there are three types of lashes. Lashes coming from abilities never suppress each other. On the other hand, lashes coming from the weapon DO. Does this mean that a weapon with +25% against Prone, Flanked, Stunned enchanted with Freezing Lash (+25%) and Beast Slaying only deals +25% damage total anyway ?
  20. It's refreshing to see someone do the Raedric Hold the brute force way. luzarius: What does your Character page says about hits and criticals ? How many hits, criticals ? Wounding Shot is bugged in a couple of ways. 1. Contrary to its description, it doesn't cause raw damage over time !!! Only hobbled effect. 2. Accurate Wounding Shot only adds accuracy to the hobbling effect (vs Fortitude), not the shot 3. It says Hobbled is defended against with Deflection, but if you check combat logs it clearly says Fortitude. 4. Possibly more bugs I learned these by reading bug reports on Technical subforum. If you chose Weapon Focus: Soldier (for Arquebus), you can try Arbalest as well. Arbalest criticals will knock enemies prone. If you don't mind even more slowdown for better power and accuracy, I think Careful Attack adds even more accuracy ? Does it work with both ranged and melee ? Anyway, you still have a lot of accuracy to gain: talents: Weapon Focus: Soldier Marksman skills: +10 accuracy vs targets engaged by your bear Binding Roots (5 per rest, Stuck effect gives -20 to Deflection) misc: Marking (weapons with this ability give +10 accuracy to allies attacking the same target). Give Eder a laser pointer ;-).
  21. The spear you can craft is the best 1-haded weapon in the game for characters with "Weapon Focus: Peasant". There are two companions that start with it, at the very least. You can make it stun on criticals and deal 1.2x damage against stunned enemies. Great for fighting with a single weapon (no shield). You can give it +10 Accuracy to allies attacking the same target, and +4 Accuracy, 1.25 damage if attacking the same target as an ally. Great for a ranger. You can make it drain 20% of endurance; and +10 endurance, 1.25 damage when below 50% endurance. Great for a blooded barbarian. I think the ideal spear for Hiravias is: stun on crit +4 accuracy when attacking the same target as an ally, +1.25 damage Then you enchant it with Superb. Hiravias, as a Hearth Orlan, already gets more criticals when sharing a target with an ally. +4 acc helps him to get more. It's a spear, so +5 accuracy. When wielding this without other weapon against a common enemy, Hiravias gets 5 + 12 + 4 = 21 accuracy bonus, not counting fine/exceptional/superb ! ----------- Note that if you have the "Die, monster!" approach, you also miss out on some loot and quests.
  22. Right, but who looks at names of autosaves? I didn't even know I had a save labeled "endgame" until I read your post. Of course, I knew that an IE-style game with ending slides and all would end with the main quest, so I did everything before jumping in the pit. That said, I think story-wise Pillars is well-suited for an open ending. Act 3 puts a lot of pressure on you, stopping Thaos should be the priority, but instead you do everything but chasing him: insignificant Twin Elms side quests, a bunch of bounties and a whole expedition to a giant dungeon. Uhm, the Master Below has been there for years, isn't it just a tad more important to save thousands of souls about to be sacrificed? I can go on an adventure when more pressing issues are taken care of. Admittedly, doing that would interfere with the ending slides. Good point. So there actually is a reason to finish the main quest first.
  23. I kinda agree, but please note the beginning is very linear. That's the price you pay. I'm a bit angry about the biawac. It reminds me of the spirits and possessed children in Prey. Both appeared in exactly ONE point near the start of the game. Both were there only to make trailers/openings look more dramatic. I hoped for more biawacs.
  24. "4" is closer to how I feel about a game, but then it made me lose several nights' sleep. So I voted "5, it has flaws but I loved it anyway."
  25. This happened to me as well because I disabled all labels. Eventually I ended up as mostly Benevolent/Honest. My opinion is that your actions are much more important than your words, but the game doesn't agree. I'm still not sure how lying in this game works, why people believe or don't believe you. I think as you get higher "deceptive" reputation, you have more skill in lying. But maybe there is occasionally some stat requirement as well, for example Resolve. I'm trying to be (almost) as nasty on my second playthrough as possible. You can push one companion too far in the game and make it leave your party. I think most reactions to your actions come in Twin Elms and the epilogue. Both the fate of settlements, and of your companions is nicely explained. People in Twin Elms appealed to the aspects of my characters (you are honest/benevolent, please help me!). The epilogue provoked me to do things differently on my second run.
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