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Everything posted by b0rsuk

  1. No, no, no. You don't understand. Casters and ranged characters don't deserve the paladin Aura, unless you build a ranged paladin.. Paladin is clearly designed as a close support. It's the A10 of Pillars of Eternity. For emotional support from afar, you have Priest. You could make paladin aura bigger, but that would just make it like other classes, and I don't want that. If you still want bigger auras, Chanters have them. Paladin auras do look bad compared to chanters. Chanters get ridiculous number of abilities and customization potential, just like the other pet class - Cipher. I wouldn't object to having all 3 auras gained automatically at level3 of Paladin, so he always has something to choose from. They are not that powerful that it would make everyone want a paladin. I think Paladin base design is solid, and they have nice abilities. Just not all of them. Buff the remaining ones.
  2. So ? You put the paladin in the middle. Problem solved. Paladin aura is not for cowardly classes who stay back. ------------------------- If you don't mind getting a boring passive character, Righteous Soul boosts your resistance to Charmed, Dominated, Frightened, Terrified, Poisoned and Diseased. Pretty good.
  3. My favorite is dual torches. Once you beat the Sky Dragon, you get two Superb torches ! You can give one Freezing Lash, and another Corrosive Lash.
  4. Humans are better. Accuracy and Damage boost when below 50% ? What's not to like ???
  5. I played Durance's voices and non-quest comments in an audio player. The only thing I can't stand is his attitude towards other party members. He seems happy when other party members are knocked out or die. And he's chilling in the back row saying prayers while they're getting their faces smashed or guts cut open. No basic solidarity from that guy.
  6. I've also seen this in Od Nua level2(?). The one with lots of xaurips, at the top of the blood pit. Xaurip priest was able to cast Pillar of Faith through a wall.
  7. For many characters, it is. You can have successful druids that just nuke. Many abilities are modal or instant. Monk with Torrent's Reach, etc. MMO tank doesn't need duration, just defenders, deflection, careful attack etc. I will tell you how I would exploit your system. It seems damage dealers (Might, Dexterity, Int) will have excellent offensive stats AND saves. The only thing they lack is some endurance/DR. So, a team with 4 DPS characters and 2 heavy buffers (priests, maaybe one druid) should wreck everyone.
  8. Looks very artificial. Stealth as attribute ? Why not make Constitution affect fatigue gain instead of Athletics ? Makes more sense. Vigor increasing duration ? I think I would just go with Might, Dexterity and Intelligence. Great saves, great damage, great area. If you don't get those stats, saves would be really low. Plus, you get all the components of an interrupt build in 3 stats. I would skip Perception on ranged attackers, as well as Resolve. Vigor doesn't look crucial for rangers either.
  9. I don't like this. It makes it so each class has a different damage stat. I'd rather have universal stats. If anything, I'd do: Might for up close attacks (including spells), Perception for ranged attacks (iuncluding spells). But I'm not so sure about this anyway. I like having rangers who are not "DPS", and can deal hurt in melee when approached.
  10. 1. It works both ways. Paladin doesn't need to put points into Resolve, because he has faith&conviction. 2. Priest starts 5 deflection lower than a Paladin and doesn't get Faith&Conviction. You need to cast some spells to break even. Priest's Accuracy is 10 points lower, not counting Zealous Focus which is instant. If you take a priest talent for +10 Accuracy, you are merely breaking even, with a paladin who doesn't have aura. When you build a Fighter as a harmless tank, you're wasting a class with highest natural Accuracy and talents like Armored Grace.
  11. That may very well be true, but for the remaining 10% fights you can just use comsumables. There's one that looks like green stuff in a mortar. +4 focus on hit. That would only have issues if you can't hit the boss at all, and I can only think of one such baddie in the game.
  12. How fast are scepters compared to wands and rods ? As fast a wands ? Between wands and rods ? Faster than wands ?
  13. It not without flaws, but overall very good. I enjoy it more than Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Story/setting isn't as good as Planescape: Torment, and quests/reactivity as Wasteland 2, but those set bars very high. RPGCesspit felt it needed 10451 word review to trash it. They only get so worked up about games they can't stand other people enjoy.
  14. I feel you. Even the most detailed "Attack Speed" thread doesn't mention how fast scepters are exactly. Wands and rods - sure, but not scepters.
  15. It's much easier to bring one overpowered class like Cipher into the line than buff all the others and resolve the ensuing balance nightmare. "Don't nerf classes, just buff everything else" is a populistic idea. If you asked people if everyone should get free gold they would say YES! But it doesn't mean it's a smart idea.
  16. Well, You still have a per rest requirement, your spells are just distributed between grimmoires and you can cast more that 1 of each without switching... which sounds fun on paper, but imo is not that great in practice. Plus given how you can hoard grimmoires now, Per rest would be effectively gone when you assemble enough of them and this would make wizard highly item dependent. Not sure that I like it. Yes, it would switch Wizard from per-rest spells to per-rest grimoires. Grimoire hoarding could be addressed by having Wizard sleep with his grimoires under his pillow. That is, you put grimoires in his quick slots, and rest. Those quick slots are occupied by grimoires until you rest. The system is not without flaws, and the interaction with Deep Pockets would have to be determined, but at least there would be a reason for grimoires, and especially grimoire switching. Currently there is absolutely no point to switching grimoires, and the limit of 4 spells per level (in grimoire) meaningless in practice. I'd prefer almost anything to the current grimoire system of wizards. It does me no harm, but it's so pointless. What if grimoires simply worked passively to increase spell limits ? A normal grimoire is +2 level1 spells, Fine is +1 level2, +1 level3, Exceptional is +1 level3, +1 level4, Superb is +1 level4, +1 level5, +1 level6 ? Or something like that... Basically, they would be similar to rings which add spell level slots.
  17. Sure you can. I was miserable for well over a year before I looked into getting divorced. Sticking with something horrible is all about your hope of things getting good, and very little to do with whether they are. Bad analogy. If you get married, you are married until you make an effort to divorce. When you start playing Pillars of Eternity, you aren't glued to the computer until you finish it. If you feel glued to computer while playing PoE, it's probably not because it sucks. Wizards in full plate with no penalties.
  18. Don't blame the game for your choices. Fighters and monks can do okay by focusing on disabling effects. You can disable enemies and continue to deal damage.
  19. The board game Dungeoneer uses one of the most amusing resource systems I've seen. The game plays like a clone of Talisman with more modular board and rules. Recommended. In Dungeoneer, players race to complete a few objectives. They can play some cards to become more powerful. These cards cost Glory points. No surprise here. In Dungeoneer, players can also cast cards that hurt other players, for example forcing them to fight a monster. But who in his right mind would spend his points, his resource to harm another player ? This is just bad strategy ! Your power doesn't change, another player's power decreases, but YOU lose your resource! So both you and your target suffer, while your remaining opponents are relatively better off. This is a common problem in board games. But wait. Dungeoneer has Glory points and Threat points. As you explore the dungeon, you accumulate both Glory and Threat points. You spend your own Glory points to buy power-ups, like enchantments, weapons, allies etc. Other players spend YOUR Threat points to play harmful effects on YOU. This has funny implications: players can play positive effects for themselves as usual. Players are free to play bad stuff on their opponents, and they lose nothing for doing that ! Additionally, it's not possible to gang up on the runaway leader too much because his threat points are limited. (Everyone gains Threat points faster than Glory, though). ----------------------------------- What does it mean in context of PoE ? There could be a class that spends MONSTERS' resource to play bad stuff ON THEM. Imagine a Paladin that doesn't have his own resource at all. Instead, whenever a monster damages one of party members, that monster gets Revenge points. Paladin can spend those monster's Revenge points to cast stuff like Flames of Devotion on that monster.
  20. 1. The problem is coming up with such an unique and interesting resource! Cipher is glorified rage mechanic. Chanter is even simpler. They're almost cooldown classes. 2. Cipher's focus is close enough for mana. I don't want any more classes that make me count tiny points. There's a reason board games often use small integers and few fields. Because it's easy for HUMANS to calculate in head. It's one of cases where computer can only hide complexity instead of reducing it. Even with computers, it's easier to reason about strategy if you know you can cast two level3 spells and four level2 spells. 3. I think Monk would be more interesting if 1) wounds were tied to health loss, not endurance loss 2) they carried over to next battles until used or healed via resting. ---------------------------- re: MadDemiurg, Jack Vance Correct me if I'm wrong but all wizards in Dying Earth seemed to only have a single copy of each spell memorized per day... ? What if grimoires worked like this: 1. Each grimoire can fit one instance of each spell Slicken, Dazzling Lights, Chill Fog, Miasma of Dullmindness, Necrotic Lance, Fireball.... 2. You can cast as many of these spells as you like, but never repeat a spell in the grimoire. If you want to repeat a spell, you must switch grimoire. Then your list of available spells is reset to that new grimoire. On the other hand, per-rest requirement of spellcasting for wizard is GONE. But each grimoire may only be used once per rest (this means as soon as you switch FROM a grimoire, it can't be used again until you rest). 3. Low level spells should be more easily available than higher level spells. So a grimoire of a level2 wizard might have 3 level1 slots. A grimoire of a level3 wizard might have 4 level1 slots and 1 level2 slot. Each grimoire. This idea is cool, therefore it won't be used in PoE. It is also MORE Vancian than IE games (because only 1 of each spell).
  21. Linear fighters, quadratic wizards. Too bad PoE didn't escape that one (.
  22. I was disappointed you can't play the game with Heodan and/or Callisca. Not because they're terrific companions, but because it felt like my choice mattered. Having to choose between two mutually exclusive companions right at the start (they aren't really, but let's pretend) would be interesting. The hard choices are those where you are giving up something.
  23. In general, the game leans too far towards the view that words are more important than actions.
  24. The only case of fomenting hatred in this forum is Sensuki's thread.
  25. I don't agree all the caster classes are differentiated !! Priest and Druid are identical other than spell sets and base stats. Wizard is also using de facto identical system. Grimoire doesn't change anything. The differences between wizard and priest/druid are marginal: 1. You learn your spells later, because you need to find grimoires for some 2. You may not use more than 4 different spells per level per encounter. Ahahahaha ! Unless you are very strict about not reloading and/or playing Trials of Iron, grimoire limit is not a limit. Without extra magical items, you can only cast 4 spells per level anyway. With magical rings, please, please show me an encounter that needs 5+ different spells of a single level.
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