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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It's definitely quite different for most of the game, and worth playing both sides at least once.
  2. Feel the excitement, the anticipation, the fresh hope......shiver with impatience.... Great stuff...great project....great work. Sometimes dedicated fans are the ones who turn a game into something truly great.
  3. I definitely love Aurora....and the whole team working on this project. That has to be one of my favorite 'cut' dialogue sequences. *drools in anticipation*
  4. She gives you the same stuff (as when you steal it) if you don't steal it.
  5. I really like Atton's face/posture in the 2nd panel of the 2nd scan. He think's he's so smooth........... lol
  6. No it's not...at least it hasn't been for me. Almost every single level-up I've gotten it. I guess my timing of gaining a level in the middle of a fight has been bizarre or something, but it's really raelly annoying.
  7. Y'know, I was trying to find that other thread a couple days ago, couldn't find it on the last several pages so I gave up, cause I'm lazy... So I'll add what I was going to say to this one. .....when you're going to England and your husband quips that you're just going there in order to try and find a Disciple-sound-alike.
  8. Well, I've never actually had Handmaiden - it's possible that may be a forced issue with her. Haven't tried taking a darker road with Mira either - so it may be that only certain NPC's have that Jedi-training story-duality.
  9. Like I said...it's a story diagloue tree option. Atton's the same way. The game will tell you he's a Dark or Light etc. regardless of his actual character-portarit alignment orientation. Doesn't mean a thing. You can't turn Visa's into a Jedi since she's already a Jedi. " You can only change her 'alignment' by influencing her.
  10. I could make a new registered-user group, I think, for artists, that would allow them to have their own album - so all art from one artist would be in that one album - although I'd probably have to manually add people to that group per request. I was trying to avoid the individual-album option in general, because I want people to upload to the categories, not their own albums etc. (edited for clarity)
  11. I think that just depends on the conversation options you pick during their dialogue tree (edit) ie whether you ask them to be Jedi in a light friendly way or a darker/more negative way. And it doesn't mean anything in terms of gameplay, just seems to be there for flavor - to make the dialogue tree you chose make story-sense.
  12. Pardon the interruption but is there anything I could do that would make uploading fanart to my site more appealing to artists? Or is it just that the format doesn't appeal - and if the latter is the case, I may take down that section and just make it screenies/wallpapers.
  13. Yeah, that's it exactly for me....no expectations about #2 at all...just bought it off the shelf, never played a SW game before, etc. so it felt like 'wow, this is cool.' Although the first few hours I had a hard time motivating to continue because it was so different from my usual games. It actually reminded me more of a talky-Tombraider initially, because of the interface perhaps.
  14. For some people it's more a matter of which they played first, IMO. I'm one of them. I bought Kotor1 after playing (and loving) Kotor2 and I just can't get into Kotor1. Sure, admittedly, Kotor1 seems a bit better voice-acting wise and story wise, but there's still plenty of irritations with it - like how I'm in the middle of a big fight and level up and suddenly the game pauses everything to tell me that "this NPC looks distant, maybe you should talk to him/her." ARGH! And Carth so far just seems...whiney - even as a female PC.
  15. Eh? It says Action, not Atton...I don't see any Atton in there...
  16. I had the Mira no-suit one once. Here's my latest - clipping issue. http://crimsonkeep.com/kotor2/albums/userp...kotor2-131a.jpg
  17. Hmm...I guess I took that to just mean that she wasn't a mission of his - she still could have captured by someone else and she 'came to him' because he encountered/saw her in the compound/temple/prison/whatever. But I guess she could have seen him somewhere else, figured out what he was/did, and when she approached him he took her hostage then.
  18. Cross between Mira and Kreia - soft-heartededly illogical/impractical on some things yet also reserved, cranky, and cynical. Actually, I'm closer to a cross between a Vulcan and Romulan, but that's the wrong universe....
  19. Since he did this at the end of the 2nd war (as I understood it) it couldn't be anyone deceased since then? I think it was just a random nobody captured Jedi. But I am, actually, a bit confused as to exactly what her self-sacrifice was. She was captured, tortured, tried to talk to Atton, and he kills her. What's the self-sacrifice part?
  20. Disciple/Bao-Dur/Mira works well too. Really, any combo of them works just fine, as long as you have 1) the needed Skill levels to make things easier and 2) a decent melee fighter or two. Just depends on how you built up the NPC's. Edit - and since I'm usually about lvl 20-25 when get around to Dxun, it's all...well...pretty easy... :D
  21. I've always played female Exile, w/Sentinel as 1st class and I've used Weapons Master, Assassin, and uh, whatever the LS version of Assasin is. It's either a (rather random) bug (to get it or not to get it) or there's something really specific to achieving it that some of us just never 'get'. *shrug
  22. Sorry if it was discussed months ago or something....but is there info somewhere about what priority NPC's use for casting spells (on their own), either in general or based on which AI-behaviour you have them on? For example, with an NPC on Agressive, they rarely use Jedi pwoers at all, with the exception of Lightning, which they'll cast maybe once a fight, particuarly once it's Master level (or maybe it's their chr lvl that determines things). Jedi Support, of course, tends to use more, but still seems to prefer a certain way of casting order. And don't you love it when they cast the buffer spells AFTER a fight is over... " Again, just curious about the game mechanics...
  23. Yeah..there's plenty of ok powers he can use w/armor on. Even when I turn him to Jedi I have him on Agressive/Melee anyway, so he doesn't use powers very often...he's healed my Exile on his own, in battle tho, which was nice of him. But I suppose if you're using him for Jedi Support, that'd work out nicely.
  24. I've had high charimisa (16+), full influence (where they won't get more even if you do the bits where they gain). I've taken a dark side point and then re-gained light points w/the thought that maybe that would re-set something. Nothing. Zilcho. The alignment bar stays one notch below Mastery. I feel deprived. :angry: :D
  25. Yea, I haven't tried as DS yet - after intially playing DS (which was very fun), I've been playing LS ever since, for....er....game play reasons. Yeah, that's it.... It seems odd that you'd be able to get NPC mastery only on DS tho...strange.
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