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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I miss my childhood too...Chutes & Ladders was awesome. But yeah, I feel the same way, for different reasons...the game world just doesn't excite me as much as it used to, since there are very few games that give me that obsessive fun feeling of old.
  2. Superman looks middle-aged and balding in that one.
  3. Star Wars My Fair Lady American Beauty Shawshank Redemption Alien/Aliens (to me they're kinda one big movie...) Das Boat Raise the Red Lantern Evil Dead2 The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Silverado ...I think my 'favorite film' list changes every time I write it...probably because I write them off the top of my head except when I use cut & paste to copy it from elsewhere...
  4. He was trying to force Anakin to make a firm decision for dark/light. I assume if Anakin had sided with Mace instead, Sidious would have suddenly arose, cackled evilly, proclaimed "So be it, Jedi." and wiped the floor with both of them. <_< Hmm....I suppose that could be. It's kind of weak sounding, but still could be. But then, apparently the DS has the ability to alter one's appearance.
  5. People regularly change names for different forums, but this is definitely one of the more alt-happy single places I've ever been to. edit: typos
  6. My mother walked in while I was having sex, once. Not as extreme but when I was a very young kid I was at some 'summer camp', and there was this nature walk trail with a very steep dirt staircase - I illogically decided it would be a fun speed-rush to run down those stairs but discovered I couldn't stop my momentum on my own and had to let a tree at the bottom do it for me; a lot like in the cartoons where my arms flew around the trunk of the tree on impact etc. I did manage to turn my head enough that my face wasn't smushed tho. heh The counsellors picked me up while laughing. :ph34r: edit: speilling mistooks
  7. @Tabulated Rasa - My big problem with MW was that I got extremely bored by the 1/2-3/4 point, resorted to mods and the editor, where I played w/the editor more than I actually played the game...then stopped...I liked the character making/skill building & scenery part, but the story-quests just felt like they dragged/weren't interesting or something..and I don't even mind fed-ex quests all that much... Anyway...if that aspect has been improved, sounds good. Eldar's phrasing of "it's what MW wanted to be" is interesting too. Quite honestly I expected a lot of people here to bash it to tiny pieces...if you guys aren't, then someone like me will probably like it quite a bit, when I finally get around to it.
  8. I make crappy webpages/internet things in the middle of the night. I play games/watch tv/take pictures/read in bed. I pet & collect cats/small pets. You try to let things, both negative or positive, flow in then flow out again, don't dwell. When I dwell, bad things happen.
  9. It's nice to see trees that actually look somewhat like....trees....in a RPG. I'd like to run out and buy it if only for the scenery scoping but too many things in the near future to get potentially sucked big-time into a game.
  10. You really don't need more than 15 Awareness. 20 base Repair and you can make anything at the bench, so don't need more than that. Demolitions...eh...15 is enough for the average player if you don't care about missing a little experience or whatever, 20 if you just like being non-dependant on items. I've never had a problem with disarming any mines at 20. Persuade 15-20, that's the only one that I found to make a big difference in dialogue options showing up. Security 20, I hate not being able to open doors. I ignored Treat Injury completely. As someone above said, there's no need to have them over 20. If you're interested in specific numbers for things like T3's upgrades, the walkthroughs list those I think. I used to know, don't remember - but nothing over 20. And if you're playing a Sentinel, you'll have more points than you'll know what to do with by the end anyway. I pretty much always had everything but TI maxed out at 20...course, I was usually lvl 28-32 at the end game.
  11. The 1st one: 13 in about 5 minutes, the rest would give me a headache and waste too many hours of my time w/out Googling. The 2nd one: 5 and the same
  12. She's not actually super-young I think...but it's still funny. And Tom Cruise is now less popular than Saddam, according to one small poll. :D He's also jumping on furniture again, apparently. They think everything is a massive conspiracy against them. And yes, the basis for their beliefs is very dated.
  13. Unlike Tom Cruise, I don't think that prostrating on the floor now and then in fits of "engram" destroying ecstasy for a temporary "be well" fix is any better than pop psychology.
  14. Definitely too much sugar. :D
  15. You're not the only one. Never found that style appealing, never will.
  16. People are fond of the promise & lure of quick fixes/answers. Hard science doesn't fall into that category, although the drug companies would like to make people believe it to be so.
  17. Realistically, corruption shouldn't show physcially at all, beyond stance or attitude. And if it's enough to turn one's eyes red, you'd think it'd also do something else. That said... Before the 'new' SW movies, a lot of people assumed that Mr Supreme Evil Sidious looked the way he did because of years of DS corruption. And then suddenly, now it's because of having (most likely) voluntarily let his own lightning be reflected back at him so he could truly corrupt Anakin. Yeah, that was kind of disappointing for me. Mr. Lucas always trying to explain/change something...midiclhorians or however-you-spell-it, bah.
  18. I don't hate psychiatry but from my personal experiences I don't exactly believe in it either...at least from the psychological talky treatment point of view. Some of the physical/brain research of recent years has been intriguing tho. There's a big difference between theoretical pop psychology and the more, uh...'hard' science of the brain. I hate Dr. Phil. :D
  19. I've experienced a few things like that, yes, but always from a very random happenstance, ala driving a one-lane mt. cliff road and encountering a speeding truck full of doped up idiots going the other way. I'm very glad you're ok and that the "scratches" are healing/healed. Stuff like that is freaky and defintely leaves an impression on the psyche.
  20. Has anyone here actually read Dianetics? I did years ago...it was actually kind of interesting in a "one man theorizing out of his nose to sell books/prove how gullible people are" kind of way. But Scientology the organized religion - they're horrible. Not because they believe in whatever they want to believe in, but because of the cult like aspect. I've known several people who've been harassed and hounded by Scientology "offices" when they joined and then quit - it borders on the threatening. As to the South Park guy quitting...yeah, I read that a bit ago...hypocrisy at it's finest...that or a good example of organized cult pressure....or both...
  21. Technically speaking, Photoshop > PaintShopPro 7-9 > Gimp, but not in ways that the average end-user is going to really care about, and the total difference is maybe about 10-15%. It's about what you're comfortable/used to using, what interface you like, and fits your budget. heh
  22. I played K2 first...I saw it in the store and I think I thought it was a sequal to a different SW game (ie, one someone had told me about a long time ago) so I bought it. Then when I realized my mistake and found I loved K2, I bought K1. I never got very far tho...I didn't hate K1, I just found it boring. I have no rational reason for it, beyond the fact that I didn't like the blue alien, Carth's, or the Wookie personality so there was nothing to 'hook' me in early on. I did like the travel system tho. And it was definitely harder than K2...not difficult, mind you, just harder than K2...
  23. When it becomes absolutely neccesary to change O/S systems again for games or other software, I'll build another computer to put it on. Until then, I'll stick with WinXP-Pro and Win98. There's no reason to change just as soon as Vista comes out, whenever that may be.
  24. Well, I know it's not...but some people talk about it like it essentially is.
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