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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I buy the all-in-one compilation books. I think I have all the ones mainly pertinent to the Doomsday plotline, and I re-read them fairly often. I'd like to see him in future Superman movie...if they did him right anyway.
  2. "pixies pixies he's our man! We want more stills as fast as you can!"
  3. The Tongue of the Fatman pic, and a few others, would make funny avatars. And....Ron Jeremy?
  4. I also agree that if you're going to turn the grass setting down low, it's better just to turn it off. Those clump of grass popping up everywhere at low setting is really distracting and ugly. But I like having the grass on, I think it looks cool when I run and crouch around in it
  5. Hmm maybe I don't want more production stills.
  6. Doomsday! And yeah, he was. Although so altered by then I think he's his own species. :D
  7. They just list what they think most (US?) folk will recognize, and those two things are it.
  8. Which is why I liked his comic book battles with that giant green guy w/the bone spikes, both on Earth and on whatever red planet that was. It's always much more interesting when the Hero isn't invulnerable. ...I'm bad with names...
  9. I just now noticed that Baley's sig has : (( and : )) on each side. And not to rush art, but I want more production stills. :D
  10. Starman! I love this movie. I still deny I'm a romantic, however.
  11. What I want to know is how do you hit your head on a chandelier when you're shaving.
  12. Re-opened, we'll try it out. Fire those ideas away.
  13. Using an override so I could force choke Di during a DS thingie.
  14. I think all this exposure to funky music on the 'net is brainwashing my personal sense of good taste. *hums Barbie Girl* Couple brief ones: Somewhat longer & popular: Coolest dog in the world
  15. Adam Sandler. Watched SupermanII again, myself. It's still as fun as ever.
  16. I haven't seen Roger Ebert write a negative review quite like he did for Superman Returns in a long time. He's often accused lately for being too soft but not here. He did give it a C, but...heh.. I liked this quote - which is one of my issues with Superman as a character even tho I love the early movies & some of the comics: Perhaps they need a new weakness for Superman.
  17. I can't imagine how long that would've taken to make. Pretty cool.
  18. I can't believe those are the real lyrics/that's a real song. That's hysterical.
  19. I suppose that makes sense. :D
  20. I agree heartily with that sentiment, but not sure I find the video very funny.
  21. It'd still be nice to see in a game. I understand it'd probably be too time-extensive or something to implement like I'd wish, even if it was planned from the start.
  22. Does it come out different when you go to all this bother to decompress vs. just playing it via Miles and recording it with the recorder of your choice? I mean, I record, and it sounds the same as when I play the original in Miles. Maybe my ears don't notice something?
  23. I would like to be able to choose from a few different height scales, so I can have a short character who isn't a stocky dwarf model.
  24. I agree, I don't think it'll be anything major. But sometimes even small changes can alter something fairly noticably. Most likely tho, it'll just be a new skin slapped on a monster or two... Since I like (some) action-RPG's, I'm still looking forward to being able to see it myself...and also, what SteveThaiBinh said.
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