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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Two is better than one...at least for me. Mostly, I just like the way it looks better...
  2. Don't think I have a dream car, but I also am fond of those Porsches. I also like the 1957 Chevy Corvette. For that matter, I like a lot of older sports cars.
  3. A banana. Wish I had some ice cream to go with it.
  4. I actually have that cat one on file. :">
  5. I'm more for having my patience be rewarded with an active, great 2nd half and ending that makes you realize all the foreshadowing/direction had a good purpose and pulls together to astound. Tho if you're talking about a quick 5 minute 'shocker/action' opening scene, I enjoy those.
  6. Any specific things about the position that you want suggestions on? That might help people think of responses which may be of interest to you.
  7. Holy crow, that brought back memories. I did a quick scan of my post listings and here's what I discovered about myself: I said I'd refuse to touch WoW, but then bought it anyway (I blame a friend of mine...) I use double-hard returns a lot I still wear the same beat up tennis shoes. I use quotation marks for emphasis way too often. Although I think I have cut back on that bad habit a little, lately.
  8. Mmm...pizza. I'm about to go make a chicken sandwich.
  9. If that's true then it's opposite of the '78 film, which would be bad, imo. I don't mind a slow beginning to help set the backstory or characters etc. but having it be the other way around is no good...well, I'll try to see this film during the day next week.
  10. While I'd also like some new animations, I'm sensing a bit o' spam...
  11. Fair enough question. It's a grey area thing; very specific topic vs. general open discussion. So let's keep it on-topic, please.
  12. Anyway, back @ TrueN, I haven't seen the movie, just a few really long previews. I don't like Sandler much; it doesn't look that different than his usual, probably won't see it.
  13. Heh, it's for internet relay chat. Old habits die hard.
  14. If I Recall Correctly
  15. IIRC 'Click' is about a guy who discovers a remote control that lets him control/stop/turn back time or something.
  16. I followed a link seen in youtube upload and at last, a site with some of the old commercials. not much from the 70's but many from 80's 90's. The Radio Shack Color Computer III! http://www.retrojunk.com/details_commercial/1424/ Centipede for Atari 2600 http://www.retrojunk.com/details_commercial/1181/
  17. What exactly do you mean by 100%? RPG's tend to be made so you can't do 'everything' in one single run-through, from side-quests, having to choose who you focus on NPC-wise, DS/LS, etc. Tho I think in Kotor2 you could do a large majority if you plan it out well, but that takes foreknowledge. If you missed some quests from not doing them 'in time' then they're out of reach (except maybe via the save game editor, not sure). I think the quest log is supposed to take them off but it doesn't. I remember some contention about a couple other quests like that. They're just side-quests tho, not important to the main plot or anything. P.S. Welcome to the forums.
  18. Trying to watch Syriana. So far it's 40 minutes of quick back and forth 2 minute life slices of half a dozen people and I'm falling asleep. I was looking forward to this one so it's a little disappointing. Maybe I'm not in the mood or something. It does have some good 'spot the actor' moments. "Bashir!"
  19. Old 'feed the cat' cartoon from Sesame Street (there's 3 total of these, all pretty funny)
  20. I always forget Windows Media Player is for music. The only time WMP crosses my mind is when I go to sites that tell me 'you can't view this video, go download WMP version #...' :D Always used that old WinAmp. I've been aquiring more MP3's lately tho, so I appreciate the mini-review & comparisons.
  21. I'm pretty sick of salads at the moment; caved in and went out for a big greasy burger. My stomach is happy.
  22. That's the first thing hubby noticed after we aquired DSL and then cable. We have an expensive hardware firewall, not only for potential personal ID theft but hubby works from home a lot, and so it's kind of a must-have precaution. I used to think a firewall wasn't very important depending on how you use the net and all that...I don't anymore. They won't neccesarily protect you from your own foolishness or 100%, but I'm glad it's there.
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