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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I didn't even know the Gummi Bears had a cartoon...they were just a snack..
  2. Depends on the cat. But yeah, I know what you mean. I still think they're cuter the first year tho. Something about the rambunctious, goofy kittenish energy and eyes.
  3. Warner Brothers cartoons. Flintstones/Jetsons Tom & Jerry Underdog Scooby-Doo (before Scrappy) Space Ghost Star Trek animated series (Spock and his pet...) Rocky & Bullwinkle Transformers for a little while Superfriends/Justice League or something (Wonder Twins...) Speed Racer occasionally Um...that's all I can think of offhand. Tho I'm familiar with some others I didn't watch them that much.
  4. Poor broken legged kitty. At least he was rescued by kind hearted cat-lovers. Looks exactly like the first cat I aquired after moving in with hubby. Sadly, she died a year or two ago. They're so cute the first year. Memories.
  5. Snow is pretty to look at, but I'm glad I don't live in it.
  6. Take a macro picture of a quarter, I'd be curious.
  7. Even I found that hysterical. Rude...but hysterical. :D
  8. I'm environmentally concerned but meh...as has been said, it's everyone's fault, not just 'big business' or whatnot. Maybe if California spent more money on mass transit that fits the local lifestyles and car-dependant spread-out city layouts, people might actually use them. But that would cost too much to rehaul city designs and create fleets/systems, easier to sue. I can understand the motivation behind this frivilous suit but it's not the way to go about it. They may as well sue every individual who ever bought a car.
  9. Apparently even one of the co-founders may be disatisfied with the results of Wiki. He's creating an off-shoot called the "Citizendium" which will not allow annoymous, non-logged in alterations. Supposedly it will demand real names as usernames, as well, although exactly how they'll try to enforce that they give no mention. http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/53137.html Of course, it remains to be seen whether something of this sort would actually take off on the internet - the 'general masses' of the internet users never like restrictions.
  10. What the pink bunny said. I discovered the program a long time ago when PrintScreen refused to take normal pictures of DungeonKeeper1. I use it instead of FRAPS for stills, most of the time. I'm still using version 3.64...I need to upgrade it sometime.
  11. I'm not sure what meta's pictures are supposed to represent/show us. :ph34r: Canon and Nikon are pretty big consumer rivals - at least in the high-end digiSLR market. Many like one over the other almost exclusively. If I was rich right now, I'd so buy the Canon 16.7-megapixel EOS-1Ds Mark II. Sigh.
  12. 2nd season of Rescue Me. From the first season impressions, I thought it would be funny, along with all the psycho-drama. I was wrong. Oh, it was a bit amusing here and there. But mostly not. And AoD/Bruce Campbell rocks.
  13. Definitely the first film. Tho the first year of trick or treating with all the free candy was pretty cool too.
  14. I don't think everyone who has dual-core has problems with Kotor2, although as I recall, the most complaints I've seen on this forum had to do with laptop duals. Whether what you're specifically buying is worth the money overall (not just for Kotor2)...well, hard to say. If it's a Dell, probably not. hahah
  15. P4's are fine for Kotor2. But yeah, the integrated video card and the dual cpu's are probably bottlenecking you somehow in this game. I don't know how to fix it to make it run better tho.
  16. Fifty quatloos that bodiless brains would be enThralling.
  17. Hehe, I like that ninja one. My current pic is of a sunset-silhouetted cowboy on horseback.
  18. That's pretty awesome. I don't think I'd have much use for it, but on the cool scale, that's a 10. :D
  19. This is the side of science that I like. I wonder about the feeling heat part mentioned in the blurb when you enlarge the photo...ie, does it produce enough sensation for her to notice then pull away from a heat source, or is it more of a technical 'heat feeling' at this point. Great thing tho...
  20. I think the size of the sensor is more important than jpg vs RAW in terms of the original picture quality. Smaller sensor, lesser quality. RAW's advantage has to do more with the much greater ability to fine-tune picture/WB settings after the picture has been shot than picture quality. If you set a custom white balance (assuming that's possible on your camera) to get a consistent color, medium/large jpg's are fine for the original shot. Most consumer digicms today do what...around 2000+ or so resolution jpgs? That's more than enough for most folks.
  21. Oh, on that page, click on the actual name, not the red shop button, to get the review. It's a little confusing.
  22. I like Canon's. In that price range, the Canon Powershot. http://www.steves-digicams.com/best_cameras.html (scroll down to "4 Megapixel" and "Entry Level") I'd like to add that megapixels here is not the main thing to be looking at. All that pretty much means is that you can have images at larger resolutions. 4megapixels is really all you need on consumer digicams. Edit: In the price range, brand isn't that big a deal anymore - pick one that feels comfortable in your hand and where the controls and their locations feel ok to you. In terms of the jpg compression thing - I kinda doubt it'll be too big a deal for most of the things you might use it for, as long as the image resolution is high enough. Just always keep the original and work from a copy or crop, if that makes sense, thus preserving the original jpg's quality every time you edit it.
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