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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The only way I've seen games use is when they show only a bit of dialogue in a box at a time, and you have to click 'more' to see more. Problem is, that doesn't work with real-time spoken dialogue very well, as it loses the flow/continuity. I suppose you could have the vocal sounds and the written verbage pause at the same time, then continue when you press 'more', but unfortunately the average gamer would probably find that more distasteful than not being able to read at first glance. I can understand the frustration tho. My husband is a very slow reader (he's a bit dyslexic or something similar) and that's one reason certain types of games (and subtitled movies, heheh) do not appeal to him.
  2. I tended not to use him much after the first time I tried him. Tho I have sent him to Dxun once or twice.
  3. I tried using my own picture for a while...but it just didn't stick. I think over 15 years I've told my surname to five people, on-line. :ph34r:
  4. Odd that both you and your friend with different systems are getting the exact same thing in the exact same spot. Did you both install (ahem) from the same disc? Perhaps there was something wrong with the disc and/or some graphic files corrupted/didn't install? And @ MasterJediConsular - one can never have too much RAM. :D
  5. I'll give the 'entertaining saber battles' to RotS too - and to the Maul bits. Decades of special effects improvements helps there. But I still laugh uncontrollably during the Sidious/Yoda frisbee-tossing fight in the council meeting hall.
  6. Yeah...a lot of it's hair but she can't bend in the middle to clean anymore, lol. She's one of those kitties where you don't realize exactly how large she's become until she lies down - then she looks like a rotund harpy seal.
  7. That's what my parents told me.
  8. Alas, I'm often more organized in my dreams these days than I am in reality. :cool: On topic, not of me, but a bridge we use to get across to the other side of the bay. While the bridge is kind of cool for being so low to the waterline and being able to see lots of sailboats on summer days sometimes, the picture itself is not very interesting...plus, my fat cat being...well, fat.
  9. I still like alphabetical...except, I don't bother with going so far as to care whether or not King is before Koontz. As long as I know 'in this area/on this shelf", I'm happy. Tho, in terms of game discs...ones I play now and then get tossed in one of three stacks/racks on a shelf and ancient/unloved ones are in storage binders in closet.
  10. Do not try to define the Yoda; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. There is no Yoda. ^_^
  11. This isn't a who's the strongest topic...stay on track, please.
  12. I've been playing w/ge cards ever since VooDoo went defunct, and have had very few serious problems. It's always interesting to observe how people with the same vid. cards can have no problems or tons of problems, and how the card often is blamed. One has to remember that pc's aren't made of video cards (or RAM) alone. There's a gazillion other software/hardware combination factors that can cause errors when cobbled together.
  13. The RAM issue could also be contributing to your game-freezing. I hope you're going to buy another stick or two of RAM along with the vid card; the one without the other probably won't make much performance difference, especially with Oblivion. If it's one or the other I'd buy the RAM first. I don't know about the voltage question, but depending on the card you're looking at, you might want to check your power supply. Some of the newer/beefier AGP cards may not install/work if that's not big enough (500W, say). I had that problem when I bought the 7800GS. heh
  14. Ok, I have to be sentimental and post my dad's mouth-drawn art. The first two are a couple of the family Xmas cards he draws every year, the last is a self-portrait from many years ago.
  15. It's been interesting re-playing this game, because with today's video cards, this game looks a lot better than I remember. Except of course for the low-polygon "pointy brassiere & blocky features" and bad draw-distance...
  16. Moving van engaged... And..the giant space worm from ESB. heheh
  17. The Summoner appears to be have fallen to the DarkSide by default. ...they're all like that in this game. Must not be enough sun.
  18. This frequent question/discussion can be further pursued here.
  19. Are you wondering what kind of card type your board supports? That's usually easy to figure out just by looking at the slots on the board. They're different sizes/placements for the different types and often also seperated by color. For example: From this spec page it would appear you have an AGP slot.
  20. No, not by themselves...it just achieves the same thing as having high positive influence...ie, it opens up the Jedi conversations.
  21. So I watched it...and it does seem to me that it wasn't neccesarily 'overnight'. The guy painted the paintings months ago, for example. The regnerative gal could've had faster than normal healing for a long time and thought nothing of it until it became even more speedy and she had an injury recently, perhaps. Certainly an intriguing show premise, but the first show is all set-up without much real story, so hard to judge.
  22. geforce2MX wasn't a good card even for it's day tho it will run older games fair enough. It's one of those things where you won't realize how clunky a card it is until you get something better, but Kroney's assesment is pretty accurate. That said, the 'steam' in Kotor2 can give at least minor lag problems to many even with better cards. If the ini file trick didn't help, there's not much to be done about it beyond avoiding standing near them/run by them as fast as possible. PS - as to getting a new card - there's some threads in Skeeters Junkyard forum that talk about that issue.
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