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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. *looks out the window* - it's been rainy a lot. I like rain. Maybe I should go for an umbrella walk out in it. *turns on a game modded to rain all the time with some rain and wind video as background noise, instead* ...real life doesn't have (legally accessible) loot around every corner. Also, it's cold out there.
  2. Well I seem to have somehow glitched my way into having two drones. One is the game's normal limit. I suspect if I "deactivated" one, to try to change unit mods on it for example, it wouldn't let me place it back again and that would be the end of the glitch. It's very handy having even MORE traveling storage space tho, so I will not be deactivating either one. Although, two of them "getting in your way" is twice as annoying at times...
  3. First two episodes (out of eight) of The Silent Sea/Netflix. Beyond my fangirlness of Gong Yoo, a lot of other stellar S. Korean cast as well. I remember the female lead from the series Stranger (and some movies), she can be very good. I'm watching with Korean audio/eng. subtitles but there is English dubbing. I tried it for a few minutes - it's not the worst but I think the other audio aspects changes quality subtly with the dub (not as good), plus I couldn't handle the American English voice coming from Gong Yoo's face haha. But if you're not used to actors voices already it might be all right. Anyway ... it's sci-fi but in seemingly the more drama/mystery/conspiracy vein, and more chr. oriented vs. action. The visuals are mostly nice and because it's space/space station, it's a good showcase for the blacks/contrast of the OLED. The pacing and dialogue is on the slower more sedate side, where I wish the camera would linger a tad less long on some bits, although a creeping sense of dread is done pretty well. So far, it doesn't suck, but it's not particularly compelling either. One ... plot-has-to-happen trope? ... aspect I didn't like right off the bat was that scenario of ppl only caring about whether air is breathable and not whether they should care about biological air contaminants so they're quickly running around without any masks/suits on etc. when they could have left them on. I bet that's going to bite them in the butt at some point, or I'll eat my dirty socks. Edit: started ep. 3 and yup, lol.
  4. ^ I guess I did see Army of the Dead, which had one of those barely-there theater releases just to say it did. I also saw Space Sweepers but I think that was only a streaming release (in the US and many other places I think) so I wasn't counting it. It's getting where you can't tell what's a "movie" in terms of year-end tallies anymore. I saw some terrible straight to Netflix Xmas/romance movie too, does that count? I just had a thought tho ... since I'm not seeing all these "big" movies anymore, in another 8-10 years I can start a "Grumpy Old Woman Who Hates Most Movies, Movie Reaction" YouTube channel and watch all these popular films that kids will ask me why I've never seen yet.
  5. I would first have to remember what movies I watched. ...but according to Box Office Mojo's "domestic" box office list for 2021, the only films I saw that were released in 2021 were: Tenet - VoD, but I didn't finish because I couldn't understand/hear half the dialogue Nobody - VoD. Liked it a lot. So I guess it wins by default. If I saw any other movies that weren't straight-to-DVDstreaming I don't remember.
  6. ^ For some reason I read that last line as "the horse and the dogs waiting at the gate" and which led to "that sure is a tiny horse." A lovely looking house/garden. =========== I created/added a few more boxes to the pile in the living room as well as other small things like fans, lamps, mini-shelves that can be taken up this weekend. Thus I can now tell myself I have done something "productive" ... and go back to playing 7 Days to Die.
  7. ^ I'm always at least a bit curious about a Cumberbatch movie. Then I saw Sam Raimi was directing. Curious immediately went to "interested". At least a little bit.
  8. I have a new drone pet. I shall name it ... HumVee. Mostly it's for carrying more stuff and it has a light, but it can heal you a bit in a fashion if you want it to. Occasionally gets in your way visually but eh, as a major stuff-picker-upper, I like it. I don't use the vehicles (they also have more inventory space, but you can't take those into a dungeon) but I'll use this little guy.
  9. On a non "LC is a phone/tech idiot" note: --new interior doors (the original ones were made of hollow cardboard I swear) and some minor home fixes should be done today --but the bits o' cheap carpet we want done won't be installed until mid-Jan., unless someone else cancels. Everyone is too busy apparently. Which doesn't help my packing motivation. Good thing I already did all that cleaning/tossing a year or so ago. I don't think I have all that much "stuff" anymore. At least not in terms of packing. With hubby's van, the fact we don't have a set rush-date to be out of the first house plus more than one round trip is not too bad, not sure we even need a moving truck.
  10. Alan Tudyk is awesome. I saw freebie minutes or 1st episode (I forget) back when but I don't have/get anything that streams it so I haven't seen the rest. That show/role seemed perfect for him.
  11. So I had hubby call my phone and asked him to answer it. He took my phone and made this long swiping motion over it and it worked. I was all ...I swear I never "swiped" to answer it before. One of those many phone updates must have made it mandatory or something. ...I'm old and tapping a button looking circle just makes sense to me, swiping over a "button" never crossed my mind. Stupid touchscreens.
  12. I met a boar that was apparently the reincarnation of Moses.
  13. My Android A51 phone annoys me in two ways: --on a full charge it loses maybe 70% of that in less than 18 hours when it's off/standby. I don't let anything run in background, close anything before powering off/stand by, I've uninstalled everything it will let me uninstall, etc. I finally had to put it in that ultra power saving mode which means you have no background pic, most phone features, and access to only eight apps at a time (4 mandatory, you get to pick/exchange the other 4). Then it lasts for 2-3 days. eg, all he O/S and stupid fancy apps they insist you need suck up power like no tomorrow. --Lately I cannot seem to answer the phone. Hubby calls me, the little menu opens, I madly touch what looks like the right button to answer, then madly touch every inch of the screen and nothing. So I have to keep calling him back. I don't understand it at all. It wasn't like that at first. Edit: this started before I put it in ultra-power saving so pretty sure it's not related to that either - and the touchscreen is fine, if I browse the web/use the camera etc. it responds just fine
  14. Still just waiting for the Gong Yoo (and other ensemble cast) netflix show. Tried a fantasy film that I thought was going to be some kind of Chinese or other action fantasy (Yin Yang Master?) but suddenly there were lots of Rocket looking and other animated walks-on-two-legs animal based creatures everywhere alongside human wizards. A little too weird for me. Turned it off. If you looked at my "personalized" Netflix recommends categories, you'd think they were an all S. Korean/East Asian streaming service. Oh, and the occasional 1980's show for nostalgia's sake. Knight Rider ftw!
  15. Small YouTuber makes a viral video so maybe it appeared in all your YT recommendation lists already. I have never been a big sealife, seafood, shellfish fan (alive or as food). But watching this I felt like cheering the lobster on. Satisfying watch, for some reason. He got a lucky break and instead of becoming dinner he's a well taken care of pet. Go Leon!
  16. Here is your regularly scheduled tagline ... "Bah humbug." ...but yeah, no plans. That's just how hubby and I roll. 25 years ago there were family xmas dinners but eh not for years and we probably wouldn't go even there were.
  17. I think Jim Carrey was playing a chr. named Jim Carrey since teenage years, to cope with a lot of "stuff" and it all came to a head a period of a time ago. eg, depression and stress-pressure coping tactics. It gave us a (sometimes) very funny man but ... sometimes such comes to bite you in the butt eventually, even if temporarily. Of course, that's all my personal conjecture and I could be full of it. Not like I know the man.
  18. The best thing about winter - even "sea-level California winter" - is that your GPU temp while playing video games stays below 60C all the time without any effort. Assuming one hasn't jacked up house-heating ofc. Anyway ... it's a crisp cool morning, hubby should be driving home this afternoon and I am currently puttering about in 7 Days to Die, generate map after map, just because I can/it passes the time. Oh and it's more fun than doing something productive, like ... cleaning or packing.
  19. 32GB is no longer excessive ... I need moah RAM.
  20. I bet if we quote for a project like that it'd be more like $40k. I mean yeah, depends what company you're talking to etc but still... People try to rip us off all the time because we're from the SFBay Area/Peninsula, therefore we must be billionaires. There was this Sacramento chimney inspector, and he said ours was not safe (too many flue cracks, smoke would back up into the house). He said he could fix it directly or via putting in an insert sleeve for $30,000 or so. Hubby lul'd.
  21. Some of his points have been a point for ages, but I do agree with the concept that tv streaming "killing" DVD sales - which used to be a way for films to make up costs after theater release results - could be a major factor re: budget risk taking from studios. Among other things, ofc.
  22. Hubby's left for the other house and I'm not going (nothing for me to do up there now, atm, since I'm not a handyman type, so I'd just be sitting around bored). So that means I'll be alone for a few days. PARTY! ...or more likely, just fluffing around like usual and feeling a little lonely at night. Days are fine but nights w/out hubby's snores are weird. Maybe I'll order some fave comfort foods that hubby doesn't like.
  23. 7 Days to Die's alpha20 is out in "experimental" release. So I've been mucking about with that a little bit. The new map generator is much faster and they changed the way the maps are formed - plus you have more options when creating - but generating one sucks of system RAM like no tomorrow. The 10k sized map (9-10 min. to generate) ends up crashing the game half the time for me. 6k and 8k work fine but I have to exit the game after its made and restart to load/play it or it'll crash because the 20gb+ ram isn't initially released and trying to load the game on top. I'll stick to 6k maps (3.5 minutes to generate). I feel bad for anyone with less than 32ram, although maybe they'll improve that aspect later. Anyway, the new buildings are awesome, the way they do roads is much better/improved and a lot of textures have improved. So graphically it's a bit nicer looking, performance has increased a fair bit despite that. That all said ... despite numerous gameplay changes, it's still the same basic game and I still play it the same basic way. It's just...prettier. Although, at least they made food very slightly harder to keep up in the first early days of a save because they changed farming a lot.
  24. Is it weird when you want to be warm-ish but hate the overall house to be warm and just want constant spot heating like heating pads on your feet/lap? ...older I get the more I mentally dislike "cold" but I also still can't stand feeling like my face is too warm/I'm breathing heated air. Like when ppl run a car heater at high blast the whole way, or ppl who have the house air-forced heater jacked to 80F constantly where when you stand up you feel like the top half of the house is awash with hot air. It's not so hot you're sweating or anything but the face/air ... can't take it. My face has to be "cold." But the rest of me wants to be "comfy/mildly warm/don't need extra clothes."
  25. I keep meaning to try watching that Netflix modern-western with Benedict Cumberbatch in it ... Power of the Dog or something like that ... that's getting general rave reviews for some reason, but then I just keep watching soap opera melodrama kdrama's instead. Also, after Breaking Bad and Fargo series, I have a difficult time watching Jessie Plemons. Because of those roles, his face just instantly annoys me.
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