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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yeah, I try not to judge. We all have moments in our lives, just most of us aren't in the public eye when it happens. >.> Not a huge fan of C. Rock the entertainer but I did admire his keeping cool and how he kept on going with the show. Although mostly right this second I feel a little weird having randomly seen this clip (I thought it was a joke at first) and then falling into the trap of being curious enough to spend time googling for a few minutes. Haha. Back to ignoring the net.
  2. More Google says Will's past year has been full of ... weirdness. Mid-life crisis perhaps.
  3. I didn't even know the Oscars were on, but for some reason a video of that showed up in my YT feed some minutes ago. Using Google-fu, it would appear Jada has hair loss issues (hence her haircut) and thus C Rock's joke could be seen as not cool. But Wil's reaction was ... well. Whatever. Hollywood. I guess Wheaton has become strange? I used to like his blog way way way back, before it moved a few times. He seemed like an all right dude. I've seen some of his low budget films and he's a terrible actor, sorry, but that old blog was interesting to read anyway. Haven't paid attention to him in a long time tho.
  4. I think that's what people mean when they talk about "sunk cost fallacy" re: TV series, like Lost, or The Walking Dead. I sort of understand that one too, but I've never done it. Loved Supernatural for 7 seasons, started to find it "eh" after season 8-9, and then stopped entirely. Stopped Walking Dead too. Same with Game of Thrones and many others. I guess my hope-o-meter isn't large enough, haha. I also tried watching Sharknado because of all the 'net hype about how bad it's funny it was, but I didn't make it past 10-15 minutes before I basically FFWD'd to the credits then turned it off.
  5. As much as most of you seem to dislike the new Treks, I also am one who doesn't understand why y'all seem to keep on watching them. Is it a "watching a train wreck" type thing, so to speak? ...I remember watching that first episode of Picard ssn1 when they put it up for free on the web to promote it. I immediately decided that outside of simply enjoying seeing Patrick Stewart again it wasn't going to be for me and haven't bothered even looking up clips for it, let alone subbing to Paramount (or whoever it is that owns it, I forget offhand, pfft). I didn't hate that first episode but .. eh, didn't care either. ...I mean, I can watch a lot of "bad" TV sometimes if bored enough so maybe I can understand it a little bit, but...just like with anything (new) Star Wars, I've lost all interest in anything (new) Star Trek. It's not just whether the writing is good or logical etc per se ... a lot of creative/writing/thematic trends in tv/film is just not what I look for (or I became bored of already), in general. Another sign of becoming your parents, right.
  6. Know what I like about Diablo3 on PS4? That you can play with "yourself" by running the game three times with different "user accounts" on the same single device. So I can take my main chr. on account 1 and drag 1-3 other characters behind me to increase difficulty and drop rates, as well as easy in-game access to tons of mule chrs. on those other user accounts. Make as many user accounts as you want for endless and well organized mule accounts etc. The only other time I remember being able to do similar with a PC game was Borderlands 1, where I was able to alt-tab out of that game and click/start a 2nd running copy (on same PC) to then join/mule/drag a chr. around etc. I'm sure there were other PC games you could do that too but I didn't play (or just don't remember) them. Do PC games still let you do that sort of thing anymore, or has all the digital, online/account and drm measures = never...outside of maybe some indie games here and there? At any rate, I finally got past Greater Rift 70 last week and can get Primal Ancient items now. My main Necro is at Paragon Level 809. I don't use any "meta build" so my damage is still pretty low for the last difficulty (T16) but T15 is now pretty easy. Chance for Primals is all I wanted. The chance is really low, but I have gotten a few.
  7. When circumstances keep you mostly off and not looking at the world wide web, reminding you that for the past several years, you are generally more positive and cheerful then. EDIT we keep waffling on which house, still, but yet we are having a lot of fun doing "stuff" in tne meantime.
  8. Not just when gas prices go up, but every little thing is this style. Or in other words, why I dont watch local/daily news tv anymore.
  9. It's not a cat, but common lizards are cute too. It was under yard debris we were cleaning up. Took 15 minutes warming up before it wanted to move out of my hand and climbed all over my shirt. It was almost pure black-looking initially then slowly turned color. I love creatures/animals/insects/whatever. Well, except mosquitos/fleas/simlar, and those mean and ornery paper wasps/yellow jackets.
  10. ...on the PS4 version of Diablo3, I'm still having a fair bit of fun again grinding rifts and the Adventure quests a couple hours a day. I still need to get past Rift70. Nothing like Diablo's for mindless passing of time occasionally. That's about all I have time for tho...probably be another month or two before I feel like I can spend more devoted time on screenshot obsession checking out other/PC games again.
  11. I'm so used to using the PS4 netflix app and getting actual "4k" resolution/higher bitrate video that I forgot using Firefox they limit you to 720/lower bitrates. I think with Chrome it might go up to 1080 but ...you can tell the quality difference hugely on a larger TV. I've heard it's a combo of drm (since web browsers have less control over/it's super easy to record higher quality copies) and bandwidth saving. Annoying. ...anyway, watching the 3rd season of Two Sentence Horror Stories. Seems as decent as the first two seasons and I still like the 20 min. format. The 2nd episode Plant Life had me totally thinking Little Shop of Horrors but then it went in a different direction... @Keyrock I was really excited for Brisco back then too. I liked the first episode or two ok but then I think I never really watched the rest, or only caught bits and pieces of it years later on YT. I think the humor fell slightly flat for me and/or too many other things in my life at the time, but I don't really remember. I'll always love Bruce tho.
  12. I'm used to the other house. It's more rational to live there (if only because it wouldn't rent for nearly as much...) and it's certainly more likely that we will end up doing so. But ...each time we've returned down here for a couple days, my mental mood immediately lifts upwards and I'm more "awake" again. The Bay Area Peninsula will always be "home." ...on the flip side ... Sac, house (more room/yard, they are very active kitties) means I could get some variation of these "grizzled black" chausie cats - I would like one of the 25-30lb ones, please. I would take it for walks around the block.
  13. I would like to see that new "The Batman" movie sooner than later, because Pattison and good "pro" and customer reactions, but I'm not sure I can convince hubby to go to the theater for the first time in years to do so. >.>
  14. Change title to Me in a Room Without All My Stuff and Bored Out of my Mind... I love this YTubers cat. Reminds me a bit of the one I had as a kid.
  15. Not sure which app you're using, but on my PS4 and Samsun/android tablet, (and webbrowser), they both have one of those "continue watching" category lines, often inserted under your Watchlist line, but it can vary in placement depending on Netflix's mood. So anything I click on and watch 10-20 minutes of usually gets socked into there. If you finish the entire thing (as in, credits roll on a last episode" with no episodes considered unfinished) it tends to auto-remove from that line, or you can manually "remove from row" before then, if you want. Although I notice it's slightly more annoying to do it in the browser vs. the apps.. Have never used a smart-TV app tho, so dunno how different they are.
  16. Would you like some park to go with those deer. ...12-15 minutes walking to the park entrance, then you can walk around some short, flat trails near the river. These guys were obviously used to human walkers and I could get a few yards close before they'd look up and stare at me then sllowwwly start to saunter away a bit. It's almost all oak trees tho and by the time we left my skin/scalp (even under light clothes) was feeling all crawly-itchy with a little bit of tiny circular bump hiving here and there. Sigh. There's a reason I stay huddled indoors 90% of the time these days ... besides my asocial nature, I mean. Need more room filter units...old lady in a bubble...
  17. Rewatched Silverado the other day. Still one of my favorite ... light Western/Adventure? ... films. Just a fun little movie. And so many great folks in it. Even John Cleese in a small role as a sheriff. "Today, my jurisdiction, ends here....pick up my hat." ... I still laugh every time.
  18. Re: Netflix watchlist Is there still any way to order your watchlist the way you want? Used to be in a browser there was an actual list and you could shuffle them around. Now it appears it's just the image blocks and you cannot anymore, thus you're at the mercy of the random order netflix likes to do. I swear they shuffle things around periodically - it's not even alphabetical or "last one watchlisted first/on top" order. Just all over the place. Drives me nuts.
  19. "Home" for a couple days. Already used to the house up there, to a point, but I still like it much better down here. Also, I missed my desktop. That laptop I own is some cheap $300ish thing from maybe six years ago, it's like emergency use only. Hubby's feeling a little less stressed but we're still very undecided where we're going to live. We'll probably just get sick of driving back and forth in a few weeks, splitting our time, and make some random decision. Pfft.
  20. Since I dont have my desktop pc, been goofing off a tad with Diablo3 on ps4. Noticed current season has the Diable pet as reward, but to get it you have to finish all goals on Season. Which as solo I would never do. Would it be possible... sure, if I had the full 3 months and played every day. As is...oh well, guess I shall remain miniDiablo petless. just let me optionally buy one for 10-15 bucks. Its cosmetic. We dont all want to grind forever and ever for cute pets. pfffffft. yes im lazy now.
  21. The issue is I can hear hubbys every word if he is having a phone meeting, plus gaming or tv noise is too loud even if door shut even at lowish volumes. At least for my tastes. We replaced the cheap hollow doors already. I dont expect silence but its way too loud for our lifestyle, especially me being a nightowl. House walls are typical usa drywall and wall thickness but no wall insulation which is common in houses from 50s and 60s. Previous houses were concrete floors, this one is wood foundation. carpet in bedrooms hallway, wood and linoleum tiles in living areas. I grew up with wood foundations so I know theyre louder but this whole house is echoy feeling. I became too used to being able to be loudish and barely being able to hear it. >.>
  22. Well if we choose to stay here, would have to tear down the drywall in a couple bedrooms, insert wall insulation and use that "soundproofing" drywall (it's denser/heavier or something) and see if that makes enough difference. Has anyone done something like that, does it really make much of a difference? Stuff like those foam wall squares ppl tack on walls wouldn't work, I see them as hard to clean dust collectors. >.> My allergies have also been very bad up here for whatever reasons, not fond of that. Also, would you like coyotes with your golf course? Neighbor asked if we had cats because (outdoor) cats around here supposedly don't last long with coyotes around.
  23. We have noticed up here in the Sacramento area suburbs, a lot more people not wearing masks, vs. the Peninsula where it's been rare to see anyone without one. All the stores/places have the "face covers must be worn" signs but people ignoring them, including, at times, the workers. Kind of depends on the area tho. The "richer" areas you see most people complying, the less nice/more run down blocks/shopping areas, much less. Don't know the area enough to know what other social lines patterns to the mask compliance there might be vs. just the obvious seeming economic ones.
  24. I meant to post this a while ago but ... hubby bought some mini 3d printer and he's been messing with it again. Seems to be a higher quality thing, needs less fiddling. Mostly tho I just think it's cute, being so small. Put some googly eyes and booties on it and it could be a pet. He brought it up here with us as something to do but hasn't messed with it yet. So far the best thing about this house (outside of more living space) is still the yard. Could definitely see us hobbiting up here. Hubby's still over-stressed tho. Doesn't even want me taking a walk around the housing blocks out the door, by myself, even at daytime - which is definitely psychologically unreasonable. Doesn't seem any worse to me than the area around the Peninsula house. From my side tho, the Peninsula is still home (I grew up around there after all) and this area still isn't. Not sure how much I like it up here re: wandering around, driving, shopping etc. So mixed feelings. I'm not safety stressed tho. >.> A park/schoolyard nearby has weekend farmers mart and we got some food-truck food there. That was nice.
  25. Doom at Your Service, via Viki I like kdramas that have a fantasy flair. Not the dragons and castles type of fantasy but the mysterious god beings in human world type fantasy. So this seemed up my alley. It's gloomy and dark but also darkly funny. The scene editing feels a little janky at times tho. It's been interesting to note that kdramas as a whole seem to getting darker and less quirkily "wholesome" or light fairy tale in tone, style...not that there isn't still the fluff and silliness, but much like in the US media, the overall mood landscape has altered I think.
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