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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Not a helpful post: I still have that 45 spindle around somewhere. I used to use it a lot and I never had any damage issues with it. I'm pretty certain in the US, even cheap turntables, as long as they had the tall pole vs. just a knub, would "stack" two or maybe three LP's - the one I had could, I remember putting two on a time and the top one dropping down. Edit: this was on a cheap turntable+radio combo unit type thingie. The only reason for the 45-spindle - outside of stacking - was because of the different hole size/so you didn't have to use those individual plastic hole-fillers in the 45.
  2. Strangely, sometimes I still sorta miss it. Not the anthem/varied images. But snorting awake to that tone. Or static snow.
  3. Hubby: "well, with that tree gone, there will be more sun on this side of the yard than before, anyway." Me: "I believe you were wrong, dear." (edit the phone lens makes it look smaller - when I look out the kitchen window it fills the whole view on that side) ...hubby says our current city is actively encouraging this type of thing since there is not enough "affordable" housing. So now I'm wondering if we should do the same in a couple years. Then we could rent the house for $4000+ and the extra "apartment" for $2500. Heck, take up the whole yard and build three and we can be rent lords with only one tiny housing lot! Maybe you could make them two story and charge $3200 for each one. Sure it'd cost a lot but then we'll be filthy rich old-fart slum lords! Pffft.
  4. Y'all are so "exotic" with all your foods. This afternoon I just had this lowly soup - chicken bone broth+sausage and ham bits+spinach. And my wasa crackers w/yogurt on top. ...also, for the life of me I can't take a good picture of food. The color and lighting always comes out terrible. Makes you appreciate pro food pics.
  5. ...when you suddenly realize that the "complete DLC" reward items you're supposed to have, have never actually appeared in your main save file like they're supposed to, meaning you have to load save/replay the loathed "kill boss while riding the back of a snowmobile, before you reach the end of the snowmobile ride" (basically a different kind of timer) end-boss fight of that DLC again and hope they'll appear then. ...and I know I finished it because the two bonus "arena-like combat mode" thingies are unlocked/available. And have Ansel screens of the cutscene after. But I didn't get the "you won story part" score/certificate apparently, not sure why. *scratches head* ...god I hate that boss fight. Better work this time.
  6. Ridiculous/silly but fun costumes are one reason I don't clamor for true photo-realism in games. My low-level FFXV game is almost ready to move onto Chapt 2. At this point I always start by staying in Chapt 1 (so there is no enemy dropship factor to contend with) and train up the bro's Technique skills. Gotta have Overwhelm and especially Sagefire maxed out and if you do it "naturally" it takes forever and ever. MsCrimson don't play that way ... at least with a game she's already played half a dozen times and just wants to romp through again. Also, spam fishing and camping to get those bro skills up to unlock stuff. Using that mod to increase enemy levels and their damage a bit. I love that mod.
  7. Nothing special ... it's just to say that even after 4+ years, FFXV can still impress visually in many ways/moments. Sure, much of the "world" is empty, but for some reason it's still fun/relaxing to just romp around in. I guess that's how I felt about Death Stranding, too, environmentally.
  8. Considered buying Guardians of the Galaxy but then I thought about how many games I've bought recently where I hardly play them. ...think I'll go back to my lvl-30 party playthru of FFXV, making Ignis run everywhere in his speedo, instead. I could use the laughs. Plus I don't have to learn any new game rules. ...he could use to gain a little weight tho. Just a little.
  9. Nah....it's more like...don't buy Early Access until it's been in Early Access for at least one or two years and you can see whether or not: 1 - the dev has continued to update regularly over that period (not just one or two tiny patch updates) 2 - the dev has actually made progress/added content during that period 3 - the game is in a playable enough state (not just "the first chapter") where even if it's never technically finished, if you actually like the game, you'll still have gotten your $20 or whatever gameplay time out of it.
  10. Hey now, I don't live in a cave ... it's a homey hobbit-dwelling. Get it right. ...but yeah. I'd guess the more average would be people wanting to upgrade after 5-8 years for maybe $300 to $600 at most, gpu-wise. ...I still wait 3-4 years (or more) but my top price tolerance (and desire for current top end when I do buy) is just a lot higher than average these days then it used to be, is all.
  11. I expect inflation, and I expect inflation of tech goods to be higher than "everyday" type goods. But to me that shouldn't be more than $100-$150 per generation cycle for top-tier gpu's. So MSRP for an EVGA 4080ti being $1600-$1700 instead of the $1400-$1500 I paid for the 2080ti might be marginally acceptable, to me, especially since I'd guess that'd be the last "4k" card I need to buy until it broke. $3000, however, is a big fat no. Not that I think any of those prices are "reasonable", mind. And lower-mid tiers should definitely be way way lower then top tiers or they're going to price most gamers out of PC gaming. I mean, are they're expecting average gamer (which is decidedly not me, far as budget goes anyway) to upgrade every two years for crazy prices? Not happening.
  12. The rumors re: power usage of the 40xx series - that 850w PSU might not be overkill anymore. Maybe I should get a 1000w one. I wonder, if it takes 1 to 1.5 years before we see it ... will we be able to buy one or will the situation be exactly like now? I was able to skip 30xx series but I bet I'm going to want the 4080...but I sure don't want to pay $3000 for it.
  13. Months later I find myself slightly ... and I do mean slightly ... more interested in trying this thing. Because more and more I'm less interested in desk-chair sitting. It'd be easier to use one of these while sitting on a porch. Then there's wondering how much Valve will actually continue to develop it - eg, a 9"/1080p/OLED version someday. vs buying the first version. Depends how successful they deem it I suppose. Although I have to wonder if using one of these for any extended duration/periods would just give me a neck crick.
  14. Ended up watching the rest of Hellbound since it's only 6 episodes. The first three episodes alternate between interesting to a little dull to really annoying (especially this one "internet influencer" type character that was given way too much screen time). The last three episodes were much better/more compelling. The two halves are almost feel like two different seasons - with separate cliffhangers/climaxes and there's a big time skip involved - and while it kept up the weird basic premise, the chrs and story elements were better in the 2nd half. Except one of the main antagonists in the first half, that actor did a great job. A sequel is obviously expected. So....another mixed bag.
  15. 7am and a giant destructo-truck in front of the neighbors started up, to grind/chip up that tree they chopped down yesterday. It is very loud. ...could've waited until 8am at least.
  16. Cowboy Bebop, episode 1 - (remember, I only saw maybe 1 episode of the anime ages ago) ... well, Cho is good/adorable. the set/cgi mostly looks pretty good, and ... that's about it for me. The major action bits, it's weird because they seem like they would be at least viscerally engaging but there's something a little off about them, that sort of ruins any kinetic energy flow. Image composition, frame pacing, actor motion/editing, I'm not sure. Overall, can't say whether it's good or bad vs. anime, but it's all a little too "noir" with some choppy paced editing choices and that "Netflix original" vibe that doesn't suit me that much. It's not terrible tho. Apparently Hellbound, a religious/belief (?) horror/kdrama, also is now available so I switched to that. Despite the "monsters" being stupid looking vs., well, hellish or horrifying, so far it's more my style. I can say that it's no Squid Game, however, so don't expect that level. ...will probably go back to Black.
  17. Black - another k-drama (sci-fi/fantasy/thriller/melodrama/a little romance) I've had listed for ages. Probably watched half the first episode way back when but ofc remember nothing so started over. Basic premise is personifications of Grim Reapers/culture, a woman who sees "shadows" next to ppl and thus knows they'll die, a specific Reaper in human form to do a task, and a two decades old crime mystery. A lot of the episodes are over an hour, some close to 90minutes, which isn't typical. The first episode is so full of setup that it's rather confusing. You're just all "what/who/where." It's interesting and maybe even compelling, but it's all over the place. 2nd episode some dark/wacky humor comes into play and while you're still left in the dark for some reason it starts to make more sense and you're becoming hopeful that all these threads are going to come into play at some point. 3rd episode, extra melodrama and backstory comes into play 4th episode I'm fairly well invested and starting to make guesses about how those threads are going to connect and whether it'll be good or disappoint. ...but now I have to take a break from Black to try Cowboy Bebop.
  18. ---today neighbors fully chopping down the semi-large/bushy tree near the fence to build their in-law suite. I wasn't feeling in too huge a hurry to be truly moved into the new house (since this time we have luxury of not being rushed) but suddenly I would like to speed up the process. Sadly end of Dec. still seems like the earliest. ---slouching in bed trying to find TV to watch (usually failing), napping, on repeat ---also, all the traveling back and forth has been bad for my eating habits/routine/"willpower". Gained a couple pounds. Too much chocolate and meat sticks. Pffft. Winter blahs in full-effect.
  19. After taking a break from it for a bit, turned Sword and Fairy 7 on last night. Following the main quest (finding/rescuing people or something), I was immediately assailed with ... a stealth section. The kind where you have to sneak by guards and if you're detected, you fail. I hate that kind of thing. But the game was kind enough to at least re-load me forward if I'd passed each section, so didn't have to start from the very start each time. And it wasn't too long, so tolerable. Then I reached the next area and ... a freaking timer started. It's a fairly long timer and likely game will be forgiving about it, but that's not the point. L-stick steer-slide down a mountain, minor QTE's, short stealth...I can tolerate it if it''s not frequent. But I hate timers. *game off* Edit: more and more it feels more like an adventure game vs. an RPG, and where I don't feel like I'm playing so much as I'm being guided on a leash with no personal agency, so to speak.
  20. It wasn't on Netflix in the US...I might've actually tried to watch at least one episode if it had been. Although from the sound of it, I missed nothing. Kind of like how I watched that first "free" episode of Picard and knew right away I wouldn't care about the rest. Any continuing adventures of the ST franchise is pretty much dead to me.
  21. I've seen pics occasionally where their face can look ok, especially ones with smaller than average ears, but yeah...they are like giant hairless newborn rats otherwise. Not really my thing. I have become rather picky about cats/what I'd want in one these days tho. So it could take a long time of checking humane societies or no-kill shelters etc. I like getting ones that are 8mo. or older so you can tell more what you're getting adult-wise.
  22. Different topic: ...different house. Bored with games and other things. Maybe it's time for ... another cat. ...but, but, the hair.
  23. The past couple years, I've been refunding video games more and more often, and I'm one of those lazy/oddball folks who almost never returns/refunds anything.
  24. ^ I don't really care one way or another re: legal future of bitcoin/mining, and I certainly don't mind anyone making some extra bucks with it while it's available, but it does make me wonder a bit how long it'll be around, is all. People debate the longevity or usefulness of bitcoin etc. and to me it just doesn't seem like something sustainable long term. But what do I know, as usual.
  25. Dunno if this has been mentioned at some point before, and it's not really my type of game (per usual) but seems like something some around here might be interested in. Of course this is Alpha so who knows if it'll end up being actually good or not. That said, I do like the aesthetic/art of it ... dark, creepy, weird.
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