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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Real-time combat, party-based, 3D/modernish (not top-down/isometric/IWD style), not-overly-cartoonish action/rpg's? ...one reason I've been trying more East-Asian games is because of the above. But there's not a ton of them (on Steam anyway) that at least have English subtitles. >.> Single character combat/no party banter and party side stories apparently (usually) bores me and I feel like 90% of Western/US games have gone that route/or it's always been that way maybe.
  2. Hometown Cha Cha Cha ended up being sort of a mixed bag. Some elements I liked a lot, some I didn't care/neutral on. By the end there were some side stories I liked more than the actual main lead romance factor (this trio of elderly ladies, for example, would have liked a lot more with them instead). Altho one side story had too much emphasis. The main couple had ok chemistry/were cute I suppose (and dimples galore!) but something about the writing was off/not-likeable so it just had little emotional impact by the end. Would've been better without the brief "danger" conflict moments too.
  3. ^ Most people I've seen who post about more casually using a single card to mine, talk about $100-$350 a month or so made (lower is likely, I assume, because they're not actually mining 24/7). Which if you're buying such a card in the first place, why not I guess. At least in 4-10 months you've maybe paid for the card, right. ...haven't some countries banned mining at this point? I feel like I read that somewhere. *pause* ... oh, it's mostly that they want to ban Bitcoin itself (China, others), although an anti-mining regulation movement seems to be getting a foothold because "environmental/inefficient energy consumption ratio reasons."
  4. Noticed one of the k-drama's I had watch-listed was completed/all episodes, so I could finally try to binge watch it. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - I was interested in it because of the lead actress, Shin Min-a, who I'd seen in another kdrama long time ago. She is adorable/great (and has the cutest dimples). I think it's a slice of life/drama/romance. Couple episodes in, it's mellow/sweet/charming, occasionally funny, the typical life-changes/smaller town type k-drama stuff. So far, so good! Might not sleep much tonight.
  5. I need to try making artichokes like this. I've always just cooked them with no embellishment and ate them with a little mayo-based dipping sauce. Also, watching this lady, like for many others, is kinda like watching/listening to my grandma. She is/was precious (she passed some years ago at age 98). Her grandson did the filming.
  6. Yeah...they used to let you choose by genre categories but at least via console-app that doesn't seem to be an actual option anymore - just "Movies" and "TV" or whatever it is. You can sorta get around it by typing in well known genres (or actor names) in the search bar - like the other night I typed "wuxia" and it did come up with a fair number of such titles - although it probably didn't list 100% all of them. I think the genre tags (action, anime, drama, romance) are still in there, just not in a click-choice format. They rely too much on that personalized algorithm stuff now. Edit: looks like if you type romance, the category Romance shows up in the list for you to click on, vs. only seeing titles with romance in the title. EditEdit: for anime they have: Anime, Anime Series, Japanese Anime, Romance Anime, Anime Moves, Action Anime, Animation, Japanese Anime Series, Animated Movies and ... Animal Kingdom.
  7. ...took some bags full of minor "stuffs" and my mom's old couch and spent yesterday at the new house. Apparently I'm not so old that I can't still lift/carry one end of a couch. *flexes arms* ...they left a fridge (it'll go in the garage, I like ours better), washer/dryer, and hey look, free silverware and lots o' other mom-era kitchen helpers! ...hubby puttering around current house with an ever increasing list of "small things to do before we could rent it." (new garage doors, replacing some roof seals/gutter work and other such things). Hubby: "I'm going to remove that old/useless roof satellite TV dish from the roof." Me: "So if I hear a giant thud ..." Hubby: "Just ignore it." Me: "You realize I was talking about your old-man rear-end, not the dish." Hubby: "Just ignore it." Me: "Okie dokie."
  8. Why I rarely watch films/tv etc. anymore ... 1:50-2:10 - so totally me. Totally.
  9. Hubby drives with no shoes or flip flops a lot, because of his large feet I guess. He'll put shoes on before leaving the car etc. As a kid I certainly went barefoot/flip flops a lot. As an adult ... I can't stand dirty feet that leave dirty footprints everywhere and I have to rinse off every time I want to sit in bed or anything of that nature. Or when I had them - cat hair feet. So I'm the weirdo that may be stark naked around the house but still wearing socks (slippers in most of the house, but kick them off in bedroom doorway or chairs). I probably have 5 dozen pairs of socks.
  10. Dear sock makers - you already wrap them in adhesive paper circles, so could ya please stop tightly piercing the stacks with those tiny plastic things that get caught in the threads when you're trying to freaking remove them, fraying/weakening half the socks? Thanks.
  11. Sword and Fairy 7 Ok, reached the point where I seem to have all four party members (that sounds familiar....). Bottom line: for $30 (maybe it's an "A" or "AA" game vs. "AAA"?) it's entertaining in some ways, great cinematics, a pleasant enough world and some great art, but combat and party AI is weak. Not a bad game for the price and probably its lower dev. budget - but one does have to not mind or ignore quite a few shortcomings. Tales of Arise is/was much better of a game overall. --The game/art is beautiful in many ways and I think that's its main high point. The gameplay/dungeons are heavily scripted/linear (expected), although there is some free-roam exploration - and the plot is kinda interesting. Gods and demons, multiple realms type of conflict stuff. --occasional "only this chr. can do this task" stuff, small simple puzzles occasionally, the rare QTE moment, so far one annoying "slide down a mountain forever and try not to crash into anything and die" section. --I like that there are "spirits" (pets) where you can gather/get more of them as they go along. They have different ability focuses/attacks. And ofc, they're cute. --combat is serviceable, but kinda boring - even if a boss is whomping my butt, it's ... boring. Big fights often alternate between player-combat and long cutscenes, disrupting flow - the cutscenes feel more fun than the actual combat. For someone like me this is fine but if you're wanting "awesome player combat", likely won't get it here. --the party AI is poor, not even average. It's that type where party members do not really follow you, they just teleport periodically when you're not looking to stay close. Meaning they hover, get stuck, are slow to catch up. Enemies seem to target whoever is leader (you) all the time, I'm not sure aggro is a mechanic. No settings to alter AI priorities. I suspect if you desired, you could defeat all bosses by having leader run/dodge in circles while the others very slowly whittle it away, since it'll obsess over chasing you. Sometimes the other take zero damage the whole time....
  12. Forget the goody-two-shoes main characters, can I play as this woman, please? ...just love some of the art in the game. Gameplay itself is ... average/mediocre.
  13. I'm sure there were many reasons pushed for it but the one that I remember hearing about a lot was energy conservation/war + energy crisis in the 70's. I'm not sure how effective it would be for that purpose in reality, even back when coal was a primary home heating source and candles the primary lighting. Personally I wish they'd just get rid of it at this point.
  14. Yup, I like running around in this game. And at least combat is same-map, not loaded-in encounters. Also, seems a good game for future GPU/RTX performance testing. Not sure how linear it is yet - has small side quests and it guides you forward a lot - you can roam a bit, find things, but it's not hugely expansive early on. Being very plot/scene heavy I'd guess fairly linear.
  15. Sword and Fairy 7: Oh, a mage-warrior pretty-boi - +1 (he's not the main character, will be one of your party tho) Some nice looking/cinematic in-game cutscenes - +1 (movies seem to be the typical 1080 or 1440 resolution and thus fuzzier on 4k tv) To Ray Trace and lose lots of FPS (depending how much quality you're willing to lose) or... ...to not Ray Trace and have lots of 4k FPS (still looks great w/out RT, but I notice RT in an overall effect a bit more here than in Cyberpunk. It's still subtle most of the time tho, like the whiter cape, cave lighting, hair, surface reflections) But dang, some stuff/scenes in the game are absolutely eye-catching/gorgeous. All during the brief prologue/tutorial I kept stopping to gaze around and around. Ground textures/other here and there are sometimes iffy but the overall impression is poppin'. Combat, seeming player party structure ... reminds me a tad of Tales of Arise, really. Nothing uncommon lept out, in other words.
  16. A little game called Dig 2 is the current GoG freebie through tomorrow morning: https://www.gog.com/game/steamworld_dig_2 Although if you prefer Steam, it's free there too. https://store.steampowered.com/app/571310/SteamWorld_Dig_2/ I may grab it and check it out. Not typically into 2D/platformers at all but it looks kinda cute/fun.
  17. Well, so it is "true" open world then. Hm. As one of the few around here who actually likes open world (if it's an interesting open world, unlike ... Skyrim ... pfft), that puts my interest meter up higher. I'd still need a combat cheat tho, since I have no desire to feel some sense of achievement re: tough battles. Also ... save on exit. Not fond of that when something can be played offline/single-player, but I've put up with it for 7 Days to Die for years so it's manageable. Assuming ... it can be played in Offline mode. If one has to have a net connection all the time, even for SP, then no.
  18. "I should be productive with stuff like packing, cleaning etc. today." ...sticks some DVD's in a box ...watches some YouTube ...naps ...game, food, TV, snuggles etc "Tomorrow."
  19. There was/is another Ghostbusters movie? . . . Well, at least it has Paul Rudd.
  20. Any update? Is she doing all right? I am not familiar with that word, I'll have to Google it later.
  21. From what I can see/tell, it's basically just the original Tiny Tina (BL2) DLC - I mean literally that exact DLC - tweaked so you can play it without having to have BL2 attached to it. With new "chest types", some cut and pasted quests from other BL2 stuff into it, and costume heads from other BL2 DLC, that kind of stuff. Maybe a max level for it too. They want to charge $10 for it on Steam from the start and after a week or two same on Epic. This is pretty ridiculous, imo. Should be free if you own BL2 on Steam, although ofc, from the sound of it, there is zero reason to buy it if you own BL2/all its DLC in the first place.
  22. For me Dexter quickly became the James Remar/Harry Morgan show. Not that I didn't enjoy those first five or six seasons as a whole - just sayin'.
  23. Per usual I don't really have any technical/moral objection or something like that. I'm just lazy and really don't feel like "having" to get one every six months, just like I rarely go for anything medical/dental unless there's an actual problem already in progress. If I'm considered too high risk, I'd rather never leave the house (which I already am 90-95% there anyway) and if I was single I probably would.
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