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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Re: save points - I kind of like the way Titan Quest uses 'resurrection fountains' - basically fairly frequent and re-activateable save points that dictate where you'll show up in the game next time you fire it up. I rather like it and it's fairly flexible. If you give up on a big battle for the day, you close the game, come back the next day and just have to retravel a small portion of an area to get back to the boss again. In other words, it's not frustrating to the more casual player but not as convienent as 'I can save/restart the game anywhere anytime.' I don't know if it's a method that could be adapted to the more tradtional RPG, tho. PS - I like TQ's system despite being an addicted 'save at anytime' type of player.
  2. Leonardo still looks like he's under 20, to me - but his intense gaze and brows sometimes carries his believability through - to a point. Matt Damon, imo, doesn't have those intense peepers and thus falls flat, no matter how old they manage to make him look. He's too plain vanilla. Great for Good Will Hunting/dramas - not for being a super-spy/action dude. So I think it's less about looks/age - there are some pretty youthful "bad guys" etc in real history, after all - as it is about a certain type of charisma and projecting it on-screen. Matt doesn't have it. Neither does George Clooney.
  3. Deja Vu on cable HD on-demand. Not at all what the TV ads had me expecting. Here I thought it'd be kind of like "Denzel the recent psychic" running around seeing flashes and whatnot. But no ... instead it's a riddiculous tech-babble time wormhole sort of thing. It didn't completely suck, and Denzel is always nice on the eyes, but I'd say ... mmm ... 5.5/10.
  4. A big mug of oolang tea, before I take a shower and head out to aquire some real caffeine.
  5. Actually, I kind of agree on the RTS's. Although in my limited experience it's usually because the AI "cheats" and comes at you in 10 minutes with full armies while you're still carrying a hoe. The surprise and overwhelm factor. FPS - do you think the actual combats are easier than RPG's? I mean, I've always had terrible aim & reaction speed, so I figure my problem with those is mostly that ... thus hard for me to judge. Although, I did think Doom3 wasn't as difficult as I was expecting. Doom and DoomII, those final few crazy battles were killers for me. FPS do seem to have changed their combat tactics somewhat, these days.
  6. I've been using this one as a tiled background desktop, because ... well, because I love Puss n Boots. I have yet to find it in a bigger size ... not that I've looked really hard.
  7. I've never found RPG's all that difficult (on 'normal' difficulty, assuming it had different difficulties) combat wise, except for a few of the boss/act end type battles. Not that I mean they were "sooo easy", either - but it's more about patience and persistance than difficulty - I rarely feel like "omg, this is so hard/impossible." FPS give me that sensation a lot more, since they're more based on hand-eye, which I suck at. I've always personally liked combat possiblities where you're not really supposed to 'defeat' a monster at the chr. lvl you first encounter them, but if you're determined, you can try, and might be able to win. Like, in one of the Might & Magics where you could try and defeat the dragon in the cave on the 'starter training' island. Pretty darn hard - and required some tricksy behaviour - but wildly fun when you managed it. :D
  8. After Might and Magic7, I kept waiting for the sequel that would save that series, but alas it never came ... It didn't 'save' the series in terms of popularity/sales, but I personally was very glad for Caesar4, since while Pharoah and Emperor and all those were ok, I didn't like they direction they going with them. But I think I'm in the minority there.
  9. I agree. I don't think it looks that bad, really. The backgrounds and other visuals are fine - it's just the faces ... kind of like in games ... that pop out as being unealistic. But since they all kind of have a similar style to them (elongated triangular), I'd say it was on purpose. It's a lot better looking to me than most popular anime, anyway. If the plots are interesting, I might watch it for a little while.
  10. I dunno, it feels to me like some of the things you quote are a bit misleading without the context of the rest of what is said. ie, after this: comes this: I don't see anything immediately alarming about the article itself, personally.
  11. I'll point you to this other long post that had a lot to say about "meeting minimum requirements" re: Kotor2's graphic engine and integrated video. You can decide for yourself whether it may apply to your particular situation or not.
  12. Liberty Vader was my fave too - although his mask as a house wasn't bad either.
  13. Paladins and their typical skills don't fit my playstyle, and I become annoyed trying to get through a game with them. But they are useful. And still playing Titan Quest when I have a moment.
  14. On Golden Pond. That brought some memories back.
  15. Actually, I kind of miss the days of no-graphic smilies. They weren't quite as visually disruptive to the text. Um...most of the time. Occasionally I would go overboard with the : ) everywhere. But modern smilies are just too cute.
  16. I went through the same thing with books. I used to have tons and tons of books, from fiction to reference, soft cover, hardcover, autographed, photography, etc. Then I got tired of all the space they require (not to mention moving them) and sold or tossed everything I didn't actually use or re-read at least once a year. I should do it with games too, but they take up almost no space/weight and thus I just toss them in binder sleeves and forget about them, until a thread like this comes up.
  17. They went into the garbage bin shrieking in protest, but I shut my ears to it.
  18. Well, I don't have 300+ - maybe around/close to 100 in binders/on the shelf that I can name, and another 30-50 I've bought and tossed so don't remember. All PC, no consoles. And I'm not sure I have anything to comment on them, beyond the fact that I haven't actually played many of 'em all the way to the very end. lc_games.txt
  19. Despite liking many of the title choices on the list, that's something that annoys me as well - even if some of them are good/influential games.
  20. I'm out of Club Original Snack Sticks, which is depressing. But a 3-day weekend is always cool - although we aren't likely to go anywhere, since everyone else in the US also thinks it's cool, and every park/attraction/road for miles is always stuffed to the gills with frolicking summer people.
  21. Oh, no, I didn't make it. It's just one of those I've found on various 'smilie collection' sites and squirrled away on my hard drive. I have no idea who made it.
  22. Ah. So that's the 'difference' in making them available, then; not content, but permissions. He should have a contest?
  23. Shame on you! Where do you think you are, ? Also, how did you do that? Good one, Meta.
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