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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Seen this a while ago. IMO pretty sad, but, hey, it's her life.
  2. That's pretty much all I remember happening. No answers - they're just not there.
  3. I haven't been able to get a much better score - some friends have done about 1.5 million. I actually do the worst during the segment that makes you type one letter at a time. My typing often seems to be from 'repetitous auto-finger memory' rather than a solid memorization of 'where the keys are' so things that aren't real words make me stumble. I used to be a better typist, but ... meh. Plus my fingers have a hard time stretching for things like the p - it makes the index finger fall off it's own letter, that sort of thing. *mumble* And meta, I think the most commonly used vowels/letters are indeed on the (edit: left) side of keyboards. Interesting. The history of the modern keyboard arrangement might be an interesting read; I'll have to do some Googling.
  4. Fun little waste of time someone posted elsewhere. Requires flash. http://www.jonmiles.co.uk/fingerjig.php I managed 851,765 on the first try, I'll be interested to see if I can make it higher. Words that are instantly recognizable to you are much faster to type, and for me, the left hand is much better at finding letters on a keyboard than the right - despite my being right-handed. Wonder what the explanation for that might be ...
  5. I drove around; I took pictures. I posted on the internets. Now I'm deciding what to have for dinner. Chicken rice soup w/jalepeno's, or teriyaki beef sandwich? Or ... I'm alone for two evenings ... I could have a pizza all to myself for once. I could even have tomatoes on it! Important stuff, y'know.
  6. Maybe it should be called "Escapism Addiction: subcategory: technology", and include TV, games, internet chat, etc. :D
  7. I think that would sort of fall under being addicted to adrenaline, or some other chemical substance produced by the brain or other organ during heightened physical activity/risk. Not really sure tho. If you have something like that, tho, it's likely you'd be at risk of addiction to any activity that produced enough of it for you. So having 'adrenaline addiction' or somesuch, I could see that as a medical label. Just not 'game/climbing/running' addiction.'
  8. People have died parachuting, rock climbing, and mountain climbing, too ... I've yet to see anyone label those activities as a 'medical addiction' tho.
  9. There's physical addiction and then there's psychological ones. And sometimes a mixture of the two. There's also the concept of perhaps being addicted to ... adrenaline? something like that? ... and maybe that's why some get addicted to risk (gambling) or other things (games). It's not the activity itself, specifically, if you know what I mean - thus I think it's a bit silly to start labeling all activities people may use to cope with their psychological stress/addictive 'personalities' etc. as being addictive of themselves. Some people watch 6 hours of TV a day - come home from work, plop on the couch, drink beer, watch TV, go to bed. Should that be a 'medical addiction?' But to answer the more lighthearted question - just about every game I've liked has been a short-term "addiction." I'm obsessive by nature, whether it's a game I want to play, a garden I want to plant, or a trilogy of books I want to read. Long term-addictions - games or otherwise - not so much. I burn out on things too fast.
  10. Overlord (just for fun) Spore And now maybe SimCity Societies. I'm not sure yet. I was never into the SimCitiy games, but since Tilted Mill is making Societies, I wonder if I might like this one more. A lot of controversy over it all, tho, I gather.
  11. My sister would always stifle her sneezes...but she still made this little squeaky noise. Me, I just let it rip. When you're allergic to almost everything, you get used to it ... no point in holding it in.
  12. The first season was mostly pretty dull. The other seasons get steadily better overall. I think I might be in the minority, but I like it better than Deep Space9 or Voyager. I think the show would've done better audience wise if the whole ST thing hadn't been completely over-saturated and overblown by Paramount, so no one cared much, by that point.
  13. The only two battles I remember having a really hard time with in Kotor2 was Atton's bar fight and those mercenary guys that you encounter not too long after you first get Bao. They were bunched together, I was a Kotor nub, and they wiped the floor with me the first time and I tried to just charge into them. But on subsequent tries and game replays, they weren't hard at all. Everyone else, including bosses, were generally not very difficult. Unless you count trying to use Remote to actually attack those monsters near the end game, just to see if you could do it. So in terms of 'top foes' - for Kotor2 I'd have to say there weren't any that really stood out, at least combat wise. But story-wise, I like Sion.
  14. "Wonder Twin Powers, activate!!" ... it is amazing when you look back at what one watched as a kid, sometimes ... And Tale wins sig of the week.
  15. The 2-part episode of Enterprise where they went back to the Evil Empire alternate universe was really funny. Especially when they all started wearing the original series uniforms.
  16. My first impression was "monkey!" Sometimes they improve on the old, but more often ... not. :/
  17. I thought that was the key point, too, Steve. This sounds pretty ludicrous, from what I can tell, in my book.
  18. I think one of the things that I found potentially attractive about this game was the concept of people uploading the worlds/aliens they create (or something?), that other people can download and add to their own game, making the game universe ever expanding/unpredictable. At least, if I understood things right.
  19. Yeah, 2 years definitely sounds like a ground-up re-working. I don't mind if a game takes many years to create - Blizzard does that all the time - but seems like they did too much marketing too early, if that makes sense. Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20.
  20. I'd rather it be bug free as possible, also - or having refined gameplay rather than rushed, if that makes sense - but another 2 years ... I wonder if they bit off more than they could chew in some area of the game that they thought they could make happen but is now giving them headaches, or something.
  21. Hubby came home w/Ghost Rider. Not familiar with the comic, but have to agree, the character is pretty fun, tho the movie as a whole isn't that great. A good 'popcorn'/talk-to-the-screen kind of movie, imo. And Sam Elliot is always cool.
  22. For some reason, I was expecting to see those tiny 'pet' cats you can buy, somewhere in the picture ....
  23. I usually drew them away from Kreia - I seem to recall there was a way to seperate them somewhat by attracting their attention then running towards the outer edges of that circle/cliff walls. I don't remember exactly how I did all that, tho. :/ Energy shields are good - usually by then I had a lot of the highest absorb ones, and they helped a lot.
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