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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Pretty much sums them up for me, too. Used to go to the local one here all the time, but don't anymore. I usually go to BestBuy or Fry's (giant warehouse home/electronic/computer store). I don't buy off the internet unless it's the only way a game is sold.
  2. Ah ... Ms Easton. That reminds me of that awesomely cheesy music show Solid Gold, which I watched constantly for a few years and have fond memories of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwzLQ-ekGt8 The best SG dance-cheese came from the initial non-series episode special. And of course since this is a thread about Easten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZEoqjdrcIs(morning train/solid gold) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMZJ2TJbRGc (could have been w/me/solid gold)
  3. Even if it's not quite like beta vs. vhs in some techy way, I'm glad we didn't buy a hd-dvd player and buy a bunch of hd-dvd's. And I'll still wait before buying a blu-ray ... until, like, you can't buy "regular" DVD players/DVD's anymore.
  4. Maybe I'm not understanding, but if the reason the blood is "too thick" is because of iron, I'm not sure alcohol is something to use. Too much iron in blood can potentially damage the liver, and I think alcohol might actually increase the odds of liver damage or would make it worse if you have that problem, so it's something to be generally avoided. You'd need to lower the iron, of course, and hopefully that would thin the blood as a result? Too much vitamin C might be something to avoid, for example, since it supposedly increases iron absorbtion. And according to wiki, "Increasing intake of substances that inhibit iron absorption, such as high-tannin tea, calcium, and foods containing oxalic and phytic acids (these must be consumed at the same time as the iron-containing foods in order to be effective)" might help. Environmental causes can cause high blood readings sometimes, I think, too - not just hereditary links - so perhaps something has changed there to cause the higher readings this time around? I knew someone who's dad had a problem with retaining too much iron - I don't think it was haemochromatosis but I'm not sure, it was so long ago. All I remember is the man also had a non-clotting issue and that he looked like he had a great tan (when he didn't have one) and he had to stick a needle in his stomach (or thereabouts) to periodically withdraw the iron (or blood?). If you actually have haemochromatosis, I believe the blood-taking is still considered a treatment. It all depends on the actual reason for the high iron count/thick blood, tho, of course.
  5. Legolas, while entertaining, wasn't much better defined as a character in the movies than Gimli, I'd agree. He was the semi-straightman to Gimli's laughtrack. But ensemble cast films can't give everyone depth - there's just not enough time. It's more possible in TV shows that last for seasons.
  6. Don't you hate it when that happens.
  7. Gimli's treatment farking annoyed me as well, even tho I also admittedly laughed when I was supposed to. I still find Elijah Wood's performance the most cringe-inducing thing about the films. Gah. I didn't find Aragorn whiny, however. Brooding, maybe. Firmly in the McKellan camp, too.
  8. But I disagree that post-apoc world has to be grey and colorless. Humans like color - I suspect they'd find a way to inject into the environment in some way or another. Movies/media have used the same post-apoc like setting for years - it wouldn't hurt to stretch the imagination and think of something different. But then it "wouldn't be fallout." I'm not saying there should be crtoony rainbows, white unicorns and purple cotton trees everywhere ... but a red sweater worn in a rocky desert under even the darkest, stormiest skies will still be red. There could at least be some overgrowing green foliage all about these ruined towns to break up the monotony...
  9. Awww.....I'm just spoiled by Bokishi's Screenshots
  10. He did do very well, all things considered, with LotR - very entertaining movies that were more than just "decnt movies based on a book", if you know what I mean. I can't really imagine anyone else doing any better, so I'd view this as a hopeful thing. But I didn't like King Kong much ...
  11. :D I don't think I quite see that, but it's kinda cool that someone saw something different in the image. Also makes me wonder what I could do with a sandal ....
  12. I see your point and sometimes it's a very valid one. But I disagree that post-apoc world has to be grey and colorless. Humans like color - I suspect they'd find a way to inject into the environment in some way or another. Movies/media have used the same post-apoc like setting for years - it wouldn't hurt to stretch the imagination and think of something different.
  13. Wrong. Although I don't love him in a big romantic way...and I initially found him irritating...but he grew on me and eventually my Kotor2 group would always consist of Atton and Disciple.
  14. Likely it's my old graphics system, but it looks a bit jaggedy. Otherwise nice tho. I wish I could play at resolutions like that.
  15. Re: the original posted pictures - I'm getting pretty tired of the somber grey/metal grey/brown/blue grey etc. post-apoc colors in games, myself. At least carried to the extremes a lot of games seem to do. Plus yeah, I don't think they look that impressive art-wise. Not terrible or anything, but nothing special, certainly. In the 'gets the job done' vein mostly.
  16. For 80's music people, a satire from the film Music & Lyrics, w/Hugh Grant (who does his own singing). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0A7dtdc-nU
  17. The past few days been trying to capture images within moving water drops. Coming to the realization that it requires: one, more patience/luck than I typically have, and two, a multiple flash-unit rig that I don't have. But it passes the time and is fun to try. Edit: And now I've cleaned out 3MB of old pic attachments from the forum. *file cleaning mode*
  18. 310 to Yuma. Great performances, so-so modern Western.
  19. If people really chased after me, I'd go look up a few movie actors ...
  20. My main problem with steep hills and clutches was the roll-back as you let the clutch out and try to get the (wimpy late 70's/early 80's auto) acceleration going at the same time etc. Every time I went to SF, there was always someone right on my arse and I sweated either rolling back into their bumper or killing the engine or shooting forward with a huge jolting jerk, spilling my drink, hahaha. It's not that bad in reality, but I find the psychological aspect irritating. My '98 Legacy came with some feature that helps prevent the roll-back, so it's not as much of a factor anymore.
  21. Harry Potter #5. Almost hated it the first viewing ... then after Googling Potter plot references and watching it a 2nd time, it became mildly tolerable. Nice dark atmosphere and camerawork, and a fun 'evil' character in that headmistress, but otherwise rather boring. And if you haven't read the books, it's not a good movie. The other 4, at least, allowed the non-reader to still have a fair entertaining time, in terms of a film series on it's own, with the 4th being the best one, imo.
  22. Learned on a stick too ... only one of my cars was an automatic. My current is a stick shift, mostly because that's all they had on the lot the day I wanted to buy. There used to be a slightly more noticable difference gas milage-wise between stick and automatics in the 70's but by now it's so neglible it's no reason to use one or the other. I was always of the opinon that even back then, if you drove like a lead-foot race car driver, it wouldn't have been much difference. :D I like stick shifts - for one thing, it keeps my driver-attention from wandering so much. For another, there's just something more "exciting" about driving curving roads while shifting up and down. But yeah, if you do a lot of stop-and-go driving, or live in someplace like, say, San Francisco with all the intersections on steep hills, they're a pain in the arse.
  23. The only things you need to think about are memory capacity and write transfer speed of the card, if you have a choice. Otherwise there's no working difference between the different SD cards ... except how easily you can misplace a card that tiny. I've read that if your devices are really old, they might not recognize the larger capacity (above 2GB) SDHC cards, but it probably doesn't effect majority of people these days, and it doesn't sound like that's one of your options anyway.
  24. I cooked a lot of food today. We've had some cold mornings (for coastal California, that is) - so coupled with my early-to-bed/early-rising habits of late, I've also been trying to take some neat photographs of the early morning frost on plants. A few each morning. Perfect round dew drops frozen on grassblades and such. But nothing truly special has come from it yet. :D
  25. I assume by that you mean antibiotic soaps and cleasners and such, not prescription antibiotics some folks actually need to combat certain problems. My family has always been big on avoiding those type of soaps. They're completely unneccesary ... as are a lot of the antibiotic prescriptions people go home with. Doctors need to learn to not cave in to patients who demand they 'do something' to make them feel better when there's nothing to be done, if you know what I mean. Or at least, if they're concerned/irritated by such patients, prescribe more placebos instead of the real stuff. I'm not sure we could stop resistant strains from coming along - only delay it. But we need those delays to give us more time to come up with periodic new solutions/treatments.
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