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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=LKeyJ1XRsVY Guy called slasherthrasher videotapes his TV screen to make game videos - the appeal isn't about his gaming so much, but rather his commentary/vocal reactions as he plays. Tis really funny/charming. The video is part1 of 3, of him trying to 'get to the car' in HalfLife2. All three of the videos are pretty fun to watch, imo.
  2. Doom3 again, because it's one of the few shooters I have and it's fun on the big TV. Yes I'm addicted to playing games on the big screen now.
  3. 28 Weeks Later. First scene/5-10 minutes were cool. The rest of the 1st hour was ok but spent a long time setting up characters and such. The last hour I spent fast-fowarding for several seconds about every 5 minutes.
  4. Mostly for Bok I guess ... hubby was playing and I tried to take another TR on the TV pic. Best I could do w/the lighting and no tripod. :/
  5. Saw the Mist. I'd give it a B-- (B double minus, haha) ... or 2.75 stars out of 5, maybe ... a decent, but not nearly one of the best, King adapatations. I absolutely hated the very ending, however. They should've closed the film maybe 2 minutes earlier than they did, because those last 2 minutes destroyed the entire potential 'horrific drama' impact for me. Anyway, beyond the ending and some sluggish 'non-action' sections, it was certainly better than one might expect. "Ollie" was cool, the nutty doomsayer chewed scenery amusingly, and the suspense parts were entertaining enough, even if the monsters looked a bit cheesy. Maybe they were supposed to look a bit cheesy ... w/the ending, I'm not sure. A couple of the action sequences were even very close to what I envisioned when I read the written story, and that was cool on a personal level, too.
  6. Definitely sounds like an irritating problem for those who have it. I tried a quick Google on variations of 'vista router problem' and it seems you're not alone ... although most of the neworking issues seem more related to slow or randomly dropped connections rather than inability to connect entirely. From what little I can gleen via cursory glances: According to some advice, if you use a static IP with Vista, you MUST provide a DNS address or it will not connect to the internet. Since I don't own Vista, I can't confirm whether this is true or not, but maybe something to check/try if you haven't already? Don't know how old your Verizon router is, but firewall-equipped routers - or older routers in general - may have problems. Sometimes you just have to get another router/hardware. (p.s. - I know that article is a bit old, but mid-late-2007 articles/posts/complaints led me to the article, so I assume it's still problematic). Contacting Verizon seems like a good thing - although they may just shuttle you over to Microsoft.
  7. I think it's not just eye-candy, although that's a large part of it - shorter development times, more time spent on graphics/engines, less time for everything else. But it also feels, to me, like a slow move away from what some might call 'hardcore/core' gaming ... a trend towards wanting to make games more accessable to a general/wide audience, if that makes sense. Not just to 'young children', either - but older people who might want simpler/shorter etc. games because of other reasons - time, motivation, whatever. Trying to make one game fit all - or at least as many as possible.
  8. I don't anymore, but before the internet was 'all the rage' and filled with multimedia doohickeys, I used IRC a lot. It is a fun extenstion of forums. Maybe if I have time/feel motivated to install mIRC again I'll try popping in sometime. No promises tho.
  9. Stab in the dark: did you try a different driver for your router/network card?
  10. The guy standing behind her doesn't look very happy.
  11. One can find a body to be 'fine' but not find the face to be 'fine', and I think the latter was the point of The Architect. And ... it's not a movie, but I watched the Shrek The Halls the other night, the 30 minute Xmas special thingie. It was predictable and (to me) largely boringly gooshy, but the bit where Puss n Boots told his version of Nightmare Before Xmas and becomes distracted by the puffball of his Santa hat was hysterical. Hubby and I were in stitches.
  12. Ah ... ok. I asked because I've seen some packaged boxes labeled as "Xbox360Live" and some as just "Xbox360". Perhaps the Live version comes with a cable included etc. and the other doesn't? I didn't notice. I did notice, however, that the "Halo3" version (here, at least) doesn't actually come with the game included. I had look at the fine print on the side of the box to realize that. $50 more for a green case, then. No thanks. heh
  13. I somehow doubt Mother Teresa would've agreed with you. I understand the emotional sentiment behind your statement, but there are plenty of examples of individuals/couples with no children who care about/sacrifice/do more for the future of all than some folks with 10 children. I even know some personally.
  14. That would be me, as well. I look at reviews sometimes, certainly, but since ANY review is only ONE person's opinion, I place much more importance on blogs/word of mouth/forums etc. for a well-rounded consensus than on 5-10 people from review sites. However, I think firing a writer only because of ad pressure to write a review to pander to advertisers would certainly be bogus. No clue if that was actually so in this case ... I don't care enough about the case to research it ... I'm only saying that I'm against the notion in principle.
  15. Just so I'm clear ... if you don't buy an Xbox that says "Xbox360Live", you don't have access to "Live" - yes? We have no need/desire for Live ...
  16. For some people it might be ... like a couple w/different work hours and a very, very tiny living space.... :D I won't not-buy something based purely on noise levels, but I do find extra-noisy appliances very distracting if/when I'm trying to concentrate on something. Maybe it depends on how sensitive the hearing is. Mine's pretty acute. But I can always use headphones? Thanks...that's the kind of description I was looking for.
  17. So they're really noisy, eh? Hmm ... I won't like that much. But oh well. Is there anyway to explain what you guys mean by 'combat is better than Kotor?' In what way? Just the fact it's harder? Or something else, ie, style or interface?
  18. Well, these reponses are definitely making me feel more comfortable with the idea of spending $350+ on a console, perhaps around Xmas. Hopefully it'll make my spouse more comfy, as well. Then the question becomes ... should I get the basic white one or the Halo3 green one? Haha!
  19. I didn't have a ratfink father, but I did have an odd family dynamic w/a lot of conflict - much older siblings + disabled father + extreme lack of common interests. The latter meaning large doses of either the "nothing to say" or "you need to change/get a life" syndromes. I understand the 'family thing' - I have fond memories of early holiday seasons as a kid. But I didn't retain enough of such moments to make me want it as an adult, I guess. Speaking of childhood memories - one of my favorite recalls is the tradition my family had of creating a Christmas "tree" out of tumbleweed. My brother/sister and I would run around these local empty land-lots, chasing down big, round, dried out tumbleweed sections ... we'd take three and stack them up kind of like a snowman, spray it with white fleck 'snow' paint, and decorate it. They were actually very nice looking. Plus, the old-style electric-metal train-on-big-wooden-board rounded it out - we'd put the 'tree' in the middle of that. Turn on the train, watch it go round and 'choo choo' - I loved that trainset.
  20. I have a feeling of moral responsbility in the sense of, say, taking care of anyone who's sick or in great need, but family in the traditional, warm and fuzzy gatherings and "close family bonds/family is forever" concept is not what I'm really about. My mother used to ask me if I thought my lack of 'family' bonding was because I was adopted ... and to this day I have no idea. Perhaps. You can't choose your family, and thus I don't generally feel an emotional predisposition to be warm and fuzzy/close etc simply because we share the same name. Once an older youth/adult, there has to be a basis/enduring foundation for that kind of closeness, just like with any other long term close friend.
  21. All right, since someone else bumped that other thread, making me notice it ... Seems to indicate there was some tweaking done w/the systems later. I'll do some research on how to figure out what you're getting, which should help. I'm always leery of stores during the holidays, with their giant displays of on-sale consoles to entice holiday shoppers ... And Musopticon?, I understand that sentiment re: Apple ... I have the same issue with Microsoft. Not the PC ... just Microsoft. I keep hoping Vista will be another hole in their armor to allow Linux and Mac to grow a bigger market share. Actually, it's already happening a little. Competition and options good. Oh and I forgot to mention that my entire family are largely Apple people ... I've been the lone, adamant PC user and it's kind of a pain, sometimes. Huuby likes Linux for some stuff ... I've never been able to get into them as-is.
  22. I see Apple prejudice is still strongly in force in many corners ... heheh ... believe me, I was one of them for years ... and so is my hubby. I don't know if it's the right solution for me yet ... but I seriously am tired of the PC routine. I'm not a coding geek, I'm getting too "old" and don't have enough free time to spend farking around w/all the PC stuff anymore. If not a Mac, I may give up computers almost altogether before long. But thanks for the info on the xbox. :D
  23. Because I like graphics, video, and photography and am tired of drivers, patches, conflicts, spending hours on the web looking for "the best free/cheap software that usually ends up needing more drivers or doesn't suit my needs" routine ... besides, with Mac's current OS, at least you have the option of running Windows OS and software as well. Plus their monitors rock. Take off the games from my computer and there isn't all that many things I really need the PC for, that Mac can't do just as well. Xbox360 - I still see a lot of websites with people complaining about the hardware failures up to current day. I don't know if the xbox you buy right this minute is 'fixed' or not, tho.
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